SKIP CUSS Aerobics MW •* 35pm UH •! 35pm MW 6 3‘.; m UH 0 35pm Got 220 GnrX 352 Ger 220 Gf'rX 352 IVII t Iusm’s l»c*f>iii lilt- urrk «»f (klolui c oiiiiniK for «i^lil wrrks, and arr non i rrdil. ( all (»H<» 41 I ' or (»Hf» 412 I lor dr!ails. uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS Muking Hint" fun! < |j" fc. I0l|,r»tifl| DUCK CLASS Water Aerobics Ger Pool Ger Pool Ger Pool MW 7 30i m UH 7 30pm Ger Pool Ger Pool I\ 11 i l.issts lu^iii llit \u*rk «»l (Ktolui lonlinut \\ it ks. and ait mm 11 it lit I all <>K(> 41 I} oi W(iiine«i I 4i l» Ki vi-lt4h*Mi < KI : 4 I M. I Ml,MU M Hi y.i-ll 4l»«*n ( M < «> I Ml * Ml,Ml. \\< I -ill Hi iStsIlirtHMI Ikl •* ’ll iMm *(hii lift j Making fitness fun! CUTTING CUSS Dance Swing lov liui Hi-g Latin M M <) U) Hpm 8 ‘l H) (,cr\ B50\ 150 All classes begin the week of October ‘t i ontirtue for eight weeks, and are non t reclit. ( all 411.1 or f4W» 4121 for details uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS Making fitness fun! ( lass Ketpstr.itinn- 10 t (.rrlmipT lurlv Ki'^islrjliun: (K 1. 2 4. 1: 10 t 10pm S I i ion: ()« I "» (>, 1 tO l: tOpm, SI » l atr Registration: ()pm, $lb Sports J I’holo U\ Hill Hu mis L Ori'fion si/'rci/ Krlrmrni s rln trily ini; 4't-yurtl st rumblr iihrn Tony llur^uin Liter tumhlril iiivi/c f/ir \ri/nn,i Jt) It // tinil ill il.n Inr the Dm As ( ontinut’d from ** yards ,iiiiI .in electrify ing run of i > yards In red shirt frrshman I.iiIIi.h k \galu helemeni Aftet i ( iisann sm k stopped llif nest Arizona dint'. Ilic Ihnks (unshod (he game's snoring, driving 1!0 \.irds in six pirns for ,i 41! yard \1> ( al Inin field goal Aftei e.ii h team wasted a possession, (lie Or egon defense was given the same kind of test it was given Iasi week against Stanford t ins time, the Itni ks got a passing grade Arizona began what it hoped would he a game winning drive on the (tregon 4 J the Wildnals began with a shovel pass from Veal to freshman running hai k Michael Hates foi a gain ot ' I ullbat k Mario Hampton then i arried for short saidage setting up a thud and two at the (tregon 14 rhen things tame unraveled foi the Wild l .Its With 1-7 remaining in the game. Ariz.ona i ailed timeout 111 dlsi liss its pi,|\ selet tion Aftei I lie timeout the i old used Wildl ats w ore flagged for of game I ai ed svith third and long, Voal went hat k to pass tint was sacked hs Oregon defensive end \ndre \\ illiams lor a loss ol a sards On a last gasp plas Veal attempted a keeper for ,i gain ot 1 Oregon took user on dossils and mii nut Ihi1 i lock Ini the w m I In' l.ii I the lliu ks were able In pull mil Ihf win despite ,i less than impressive perlnr m.itu t- by Musgrave was nut Inst on Brooks riiat v as had as Bill has pl.ivud in a long hiiii Hrnnks said ‘Thank (iud hr (Musgrave) had a had da\ and vvr won.” ('usano's interception highlighted an out standing d.n tin* the senini nose tackle ( usaiio registered 14 tackles including two tackles I'm loss and one ;]uarlerl)d( k s,n k In gn with his in ten eplinll "Without a doubt that was ('usano's best game of the ve.n Brooks said. He had a majm nilluence in controlling the inside running game and also gut out onto the perimeter some (lusanu said that the loss to Stanford gave him and his teammates motivation going into the \i izuna game “I took it personally last week when we Inst that game (insane s.iid "I wanted to make amends for myself and I think the lest of the de tense did as well We played well today he said of the Duck defense "We really took the game from them I ins was the best defensive performance I i an re member sim e I've been here " And il was e\ai tly as good as it had to he Buy one get one free! Buy one green foliage plant for $1.00 or more, and get an other plant of equal or lesser value, free with coupon! Oiler good thru Oct 29 1989 j One coupon per person owners U of O alums £ugm's flower Home THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 E. 13th at Patterson • 485-3655 GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 3 s m 31492 E 13th li Jv 686-2458 f * MUNKRUND * GREAT f OR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5CVIDE0 ^«S«T GAMES aovission *i so STM STRHT RU«UC MARKET EUGENE •S*3 1464 K THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShovtrr on campus am\ .* i;) • • ' 4 ( i jw UptH'll by » Got X352 Gef 220 Gor 220 Gi’iX 352 MW 7 35pm UH 7 35pm UH h .(' UH 8 36pm