"/•ires tin the Water is a tree perlormam i‘ <>l \.iti\i (allure th.it will unite the stages (it the l-.MI U ednesihn . Oi l. 4 at H p ni. • Mask,in Hallrniini Cultural Forum plans free cultural showing By David Bates tru ore C ontributor K\»*r wonder where tin1 killer whale t ame from? The store behind it's origin .it least according to Native Alaskan legend, is tilled with deceit, revenge, murder and guilt It m.iv not be scientifically act urate, but it s entertaining, and volt < an see it performed next Wednesday night in the l\Ml! ballroom "beet Shagoon Origin of the killer Whale" is gist one ol three short plays to be present ed bv the Nan kahidi Theater, a Native Alaskan performing group whose Kugene appear .nice is being sponsored by the KMl' (iultural forum Two other plays. (lunakadeit I hi1 Sim Minister .mil Neil Ktivell Stones.’ will also lie presented, 1 It s definitely a unti|iie art form, ai i oritiiig to IAH ( til tural Forum Performing Arts (loordinator Michael Dieli, who hesitated to I iimp.ire the pertnr malice style with more conlem |H)rar\ lorms ot theater It s visually appealing and pretty gripping stull The Nan kahidi Theater is known for its vivid present.! tions ol am lent I lingil oral lit erature a tradition ot storytell ing that originated hundreds ot years ago with the Native American people ot Southeast Alaska I'he company has lour pet Turn to ( ulture, Page 14 o Dili ill 5T J U 1Y1 i 5 J‘ DU BC'l L 1990 Program information meeting and slides Friday, September 2') HMl! Walnut Room 12 (H) 1:30 p.m. Students unable to attend this meeting should contact Professor Nlaradel dale in Pl’I’M, 102 Hendricks Hall or call 0X(> 3K15 ITALIAN KITCHEN I Specializing in: f HOMEMADE PIZZA AND ITALIAN FOOD WE DELIVER CANNELONI MS AT BAl l S CALZONI SPAGHETTI Mon Thurs 11:30 10:00 Fri & Sat 12:00 11:00 Sun 4:00 10 00 MANICOTTI l ASA( .NA SANDWK Hf S RAVIOl I Net to Hi.n k f or*1'.! tavern Tuesday Night All the Spaghetti and Garlic Bread You Can Eat S3.25 484-0996 2673 Willamette MONEY TALKS $6.00 per hour plus bo nus. Call 686 3016 if inter SCANNING GRAPHICS SCANNING AND OCR TEXT RECOGNITION FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS hf&h oualitv cost elective f as’ S'C1 A1 N' N1 ERS FRANKLIN PARK PLA/A 5120 FRANKLIN BlVD EUGENE 747 4589 HI K DISC HOODOO GURUS Magnum Cum Louder features; Come Anytime Hallucination Another World K( \ KK OKI)S | PER DISC EURYTHMICS WE TOO ARE ONE i DON'T ASK ME WHY ■ WE TWO ARE ONE ■ ■ ANGEL ■ 4JUST* COMPACT DISC WORLD'S FALL BLOW-OUT SALE!! EVERY DISC IN THE STORF IS ON SALE!! \| )v !() o n I OMI IS AM) SM( )P AI I It.I SI S HIM SILK IIOS ()l ( ()MPA( I Disc s OVIK O.IHHlDIM s IN slot'k K(K K KM’ I Oik HI I is. t 1ASSK M |A// MU \(.l ( OI MKVSI )t NDIKAt ks DON'T MISS THESE SAVINGS (,Kf A l IIMi !<) Ml IlD YOU* < D I IKK VK> NPIC l\l OKDIKS \HI \l V\ \NS Will ()Mf I* ' < * I 2100 W. nth'' A< ross from Waremart ~ 683*6902 Mon-Sat 10-8 Sun 12-"» 1088 (’I K l)|S( fortu SURPRISE ATTACK w Inc!ud«» 'WALKIN SHOES', PHANTOM RIDER' cmd 'GUILTY' \\U KIC ORDS n88 1*1 R l)|S( KOOL MOE DEE Knowledge Is King teatu'es: They Wint Money A.1! Niulit Iona I Co fo Work