Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner Jazz & Blues, Records, CD's, Cassettes Gift Certificates! Special Orders Gladly! In the f ifthpoarl Shops FUtIi & PtA«l • EuqiM 686-8742 UO-Bookstore OFF THE WALL ACTION ALARM CLOCKS Toss and the alarm turns off! BASEBALL • GOLF BALL • SOCCER BALL • BASKETBALL Crazy 8s to perform live at W.O.W. Hall tonight Ml'SIC h'rida \ Sept 2't ( r.i/\ Hs will t»' plaving .il the WOW Hall at 10 p m tonight i n kets arc Sfi in advanc e and $7 on tlic 1 K 18th Ave Reserved-seat tic kets are priced from $5.50 to SIT at). with student discounts .it Si and ST I n hets ma\ l« pun based in advance through the I lull (lenler Box ()lfii e . >r at Beall (Concert I lall on com ert night. Thursday . (hi > Totty, Kleanor Kooseveit \t la is the title ot a Terra \ov,i Theatre production tonight at the Springfield I ligh Sc hool Auditorium at ft p m Tickets for this performance are lor students and seniors, and Si for others for more informa tion. call 747-OHli7. VISt'AI, ARTS Skullptures is the I it If ol t lie EMU Gallery's current install ment by artist Dennis ()'(ion nor. The exhibit runs through Oct. 5. Wildflower Photography e\ hihit is currently at the Natural History Museum, ItiHO P. 1 >th Ave and w ill run through Or.I l!tl. The Museum of Natural History is open to the publii free of charge from noon to i p in Wednesday thorugh Sun day MlSCKI.LANEOl'S l-'riil,i\ Sept 2‘t Ancestral Voices is the title a a segment of a PUS television se ries entitled "Moyers The Power of the Word." which will feature University's Direr tor of ( Teative Writing Progiaui Garrett kaoru Hongo. A^OH-AAO Owners Preventive Maintenance Special Alpine Import ' /Service \x T he VOLVO Spec i.ilisls FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE 4 < yl. iru lodes oil & tilter I (Mated at 12th >. Main in Springfield ( all 726-1 HUH for appointment Ml U< IKK (.1 \K\MIH) \m> Selling (Quality l sed VOl V( )S 747 44(H) Campus 1225 Alder 345 2434 Market Place West 3131 W. 11th 342 7827 Look For Our Coupons in Duck Bucks!