The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide Crazy 8s will play in Eugene tonight By Darla |a< kson I n< ore C ontritautor I! llit! seriousness .mil tedium ut college classes have> begun to build up. perhaps .1 (lose oi tile ( i.l/A It s would help \'o. (!ru/.\ It's aren't some new hallucinogenic drug or opiate The\ are a sei en mem her band who hail trom Port land and are famous lor their boisterous. energetic stage shows The group will perform tonight at 10 p m m the \V( )V\ Hall . located at the corner ot Kiglith Avenue and Lincoln Avenue The last time the band ap peared in Kugene, in bebruarv of last year, they recorded a live album during a com ert held in the Krb Memorial Union This time the Ura/.y H s art* promoting their tilth altnim called riogapotlamus World Ihe group has also recentl\ re leased a n.dionallv distributed \ idet) for the song I he ke\ Met nose ot the band s dis tint I sound. Ihev are hard to e in am parlu ular musii al i ategorv W lien group started out in I PHI. I lieu s|\ |e leaned toward ska wlm h is an intense version ol reggae musii Now however, (!ra/\ H's musii is de si rilled as a i ombinatiun ol Lit m rhvthm.s funk. K&H and reg gae The hand has been compared to groups sui h as (lingo Hoingo. l'H40 and Madness Hut what distinguishes the sound of the (irazv H's seems to be its brass set lion I he unique horn solos that add to their par ty band sound undoubtedly was ,i fa< tor w hen Kolling I miltrw l*holi the l.ra/\ Ms is a popular haml that has placed the tiuftene 1 iri uit main times before. The) will he at the It'Oll llall. located at the corner id fi^hth Avenue and Lincoln Street, tonight lor a performance that will hevin at 111 p in. Stone mnga/ine n,lined (!niz\ It's one ot the nine new ti.mds to vv.iti li in l'lHfi Despite Hie (wind's nation.d recognition and ini teasing popillaritv. the Crazv It's have vet to lie signed hv a nui|or re ( ord i oinpanv The\ have re corded eac li of llieir five al bums on their own re< ord la hel i ailed Red Knin While lh<' li.iml is ijudc proud then inusii is dilfi iiilt tu peg into .in\ one style, the uniipie sound has probabk hindered them from being signed In .1 major record ( 0111 pain ai cording to WOV\ Mali I’uhlii it\ Duel tor Mike Walker The group's sound. Walker said. isn't as easilv pigeon holed as most groups are Their music is i I'rv distinc I I hr high-energy. extremely damnable sound ot the Hra/y It s have iniuit' them