, University Lane County selected for model program to employ local youth By Andrew Nat hison Emerald Contributor Uneducated. untrained. un employed and under 25. They .ire unenviable cirt uni stances but a (at I of life for peo pie in many communities A new program si bed tiled to be gin by July 1. 1 ‘Mill will give bane County youth struggling with sui h burdens a t ham e to improve their situation A $111,000 grant awarded to booking Class Youth and I ami lv Services. Im of btigene will lie used to plan a model youth program called bane Metro Youth Servit e ( orps fin gene Springfield is one of 2 t sites selected from a field of a2 to partii ipate in the national demonstration prnjei I bane Metro 'tooth Servile Corps will provide paid work experience for bane (.utility youth, ages 15 to 2 1 who are out of si hool and have little or no work experience I he grant allows I'.ugene Springfield to remain in competition for .nidi tional start up funding of the vouth corps program Members of the youth corps will he required to work toward completing their high si hool or equivalent v requirements, if they have not done so already They also may receive tei hni cal training They will work on service projects of important e to the community stu h as lions mg rehabilitation, i itv (wautifi i at ion and new i onstrut t ion The gr.int was aw.irded b\ I’ublii Private Ventures an or gani/.ation that sponsors joint ventures between puhlii and private agencies Public Private Ventures is funded by public and private sources looking (ilass Youth and family Services Ini provides a \.irifty ol human services to children, yitilth and families including counseling, employ men!. adolesi ent resident i.il treatment, i risis intervention and shelter care programs It primarily serves l.nne County U hat y\ e rei eiy ed yyas a planning grant said ( dieri Brnkavt. director of develop menl .it hooking Class The grant was to take ns one step further, planning an urban youth ser\ u e eorps Hrokaw stressed the sigmti i nine of the prtijet I her arise ot the widespread loopeiation he tween puhlii and private agen i ies w ithin l ane (siuntv We've worked very closely with the local puhlu agent ies the i itv government the county government KWKB (1 u gene Water and l.lei Irit Bo.mil and others Brokaw said The idea tor the youth set vii e i orps is that young people i mil.I he pul to yyoik doing jobs that they would lie paid foi They would be doing column lorn to Youth, Page h DIM SUM Evary Sunday Evary Sunday, 11 a.m.- X 3 p.m. S Dim Sum Lunch Special Gado $275 donesia $3! \M) K)k DINNHt Indonesian salad 50 Kuay-Teow \| \\N (IIIII KI HOK I s $^55 CHINA BLUE Restaurant l pslairs. Next to I o! () HookMore 879 K. 13th • 343-2832 WELCOME TO EUGENE We Carry Quality • Patagonia • North Face • Royal Robbins • Woolrich • Sierra Designs • Vuarnet I Nike • Tiger • Reebok patagonia Remember to ask for your 10% Student Discount MCKENZIE 79 W. BROADWAY Mon Sal 9 30-6 Sun 11 5 VALLEY RIVER CENTER (Reg Center Hours) T M f Ml All! A HA/llilON PlALIS f.M.oANU t H INC, . » ' III) AM NlJ HIRE you CAN on TO iHf M All ON T M f HU ■ f m i f VALID u Of O STUDfNl i 0 I A H U '» I'ASS f A M t I OH T M l T I II M Nl » I N S t U O ( NT INCIDENTAL r f l s PROVlOf D IN C OCI'f NATION WITH ASSOCIATED STUOfNTS N i V I H !!»<•» i »U i. I N LTD Lansltansit District i■ trm \ 'aant d NftSDt What, \ou think ssc’ve gut routes to the moon ’ Come on' You’re a college student Yuu figure it out " >151 Cont r rltblr 130 M.P.H. Tanning Machine In with (his ad \ imI s v%crk SunShower Tanning I ptl