Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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f I Ir photn
\ i mntl nl 125.(10(1 is cx/icr trd At this war's Fugrnr ( rlrht Atiim. whit h bruins hul.n Anil inns
through Sunday
Eugene Celebration starts today
Food, entertainment till weekend
By ( atherine Hawley
Emerald Reporter
The seventh annual Hugene
(adehratinn. a three-das extrav
<1)4 an/.a expei ted to draw a
c roud of llifi.OOO. gets under
was today
(lelobration-goers c an e<il
drink and make mens .it events
ranging from bed races to ele
phant rides More serious
sports enthusiasts c .in skate
board, bic v< le. jet ski or run in
competitions throughout the
I'or those who prefer a slower
pac e, the Fane Counts lateral's
Cuild is featuring a poetrs
leading bs Madeline I tehees in
the I lull ( antler Soreng Theater
1 1 aigene (lentre. oi the Mas
Ill' s Art Show in the I lull ( en
tei Lobby
Over live dozen bands will
provide free entertainment on
five stages, the Filth Avenue
Stage at ( )ak Street oftri -. a jazz
festival Fridas and Saturday
Another stage is 'll lingerie U .1
ter .mil Klectrii Board’s open
house 50(1 K fourth Ave
I rid.11 St}[)lt‘mbrr J‘>
Before the key Hank Opening
Ceremonies kirk things oft at li
p in at the Righth Avenue
Stage lood booths will open at
12 p 111 and tile Northwest
S.iddlehred Association lall
Classii and futurity Show will
begin al the lame (Inuntv Fair
grounds al 1 It)
The opening ( eremonies v\ ill
teature Mayor left Millet the
I'niversity Man lung Hand and
Inspirational Sounds, a gospel
1 lion Ihousands ot biodegrad
able balloons, origin.illy si bed
tiled to be released into the an
udl remain northbound due to
environmental and safety i on
1 crus
The following’ is a partial list
mg ol the line ( oik erts offered
H -I 1 p m ( hulls Salgtldo and
the Stilettos with special sur
prise guest on the Highlit and
U illamelte stage
.iih! 'i |> in Ktnuttee .uni Af
finit\ on tin- Hull f’lii/H St.ige
'I ill p m I'uli (!ha\i-z .mil
Ins (!i>r<in.nii>s. Hitm |a/z on
the I itth \\ enile Stage
Satunlii\ Sept .III
About ITS finals bands and
man lung entries will wind
Turn to Celebration, Page 4
He died to
take away your sins*
Not your mind*
You don’t have to stop thinking when you walk into
Cascade Presbyterian. There are good reasons to believe
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M.v, t \ ' tn? *«•« ,ii Saturday Market
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T(<>' Of*--.' n I *11<» .» cl i‘* , 'it1 M • »?J ly !bf • J? * • !.», • • ■ , ' ' )
e*.wn im i > m a* mn by Ifu- Ot^vJ Da> . I 'Hff.it ! f ■ • • . •• i« ?h«
Uf-i>ff'»!?i of tuyiMH?. OfHijvin
t f y. r I I if i i!.! M." ■ I' I : • „r • ! I • • ‘ • f | F f A I *' •
The fcmeraid is pnvait? ptopvfly The unlawful removal < 1 o%" of p .»$*•» s «•. pn”.
<*culat>i.d by law
M.inaging f ditor
i iJilon.il { ditor
Graphics Editor
E neon* { ditor
\ til I Of
Newi> 1 ililof
Supplement*. 1 ditor
Night t tlilof
Christophs Blair
Tracy Sumner
J.»< y non
Thofiivi’; ProwtsM
A »%OCl4t« f ditor*.
Community M Student Government Activities Him I
Higher E ducationAdmimatiatlon It " F e.itur«%
Reporters i »»• ) . . . ! *'• A
( *slor, (Gatherum M.iAii-y fStephu.Mie Mothm 5 ' mis Joseph l «iyn<* t<ik**fish i. m
Sive$mt1 A tic *3 Thornton
Photographers > ■ »' <
Advertising Sale-. M t H* ; n i >• i
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Production a ■ • ■ e i > . .
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M* .on, A i M . ■ -1"■ 1 •«■ P ia • A i M•11• 11,<- ► .i.i• i• ■ | ii. r1..t,*• * !.■.I
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