Oregon's senior lender, has heen tailhai k Derek l.oville. seen here eluding a Washington de- and his team will enjoy an excellent Pacific 111 season. I he Ducks play host to a stilled by tough delenses so far this season, bit is ronfident he tough Arizona squad Saturday. Loville ( notiniirri from Pagt“ 2B downs m three names, h.is thrown lor 2d5.7 yards per name and is off to Ills best start ■is a I )in k Senior split end Terrv Obee has einht catc lies for a 21 r) av erage and two si ores while |ii mor flanker Tony llargam is off to a fast start with nine nat( lies for an 18 0 average and two touchdowns "We've been passing the ball well, so we really haven't had to relv or depend on our run ning game.'' l.oville said A glance at last year's stalls tus compared with this sea sons is all it takes to under stand (list how much of an ini pai I all of the above factors are having on l.oville s game l-ast year, Orville had 100 yard games against sis teams, in i ludmg l ong Hear ii State |lr)-t|, Washington State |lll| San Diego State (120). Oregon State 1117), and Hawaii (I U) Idaho State was the unlucky recipient of Orville's 21r> -yard game, the third la st rushing el fort in Oregon history The se nior tailhai k has managed just 7-1 yards against California. 4H yards at Iowa, and It against Stanford this year The hig game and long gain have elud ed Ixiville to this point, hut he said he still has his hopes up “I haven't let it get me down." Orville said "I haven't let it upset my overall game Eventually (the hig gain) is go cSr/cfei Qornor East Wing, Oakway Center. Coburg Rd 686 6721 • 10 6 M F. 10-5 Sat Hundreds of Woman’s Formats and Party Dresses. Most under $100.00. Bring in this ad and receive $10.00 off on a dress! Over 100 wedding gowns in stock Free head piece with most wedding gowns ($75.00 value). With Bride’s Corner complete wedding service, we can do everything for the bride but get her a groom! having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified mg to come The loss of Iterrv might also has a hig impat t on l.oville s running game The two hat ks are good friends and had turned into a lethal duo < timing out of the I () bat kfieltl I feel like I'm missing a part of myself when laitin is not out there." I.m die said "It has at fet ted me a little hit because it added some pressure It s really hard to lose a running mate, but we've got a gootl runner in I tontlre Bausley l-OVill«* still has his goals lor the season, and he said lie is confident he tan accomplish them "I wanted to better mvselt triim last year." he said. "That 1.200 yards last year 1 wanted to boost up to 1 .500 I just want to better myself I can't be satis lied with myself Team goals .ire also impor tant in l.oville's mind "As a team, it has always been a goal lor us to make it to a bowl game." he said "We haven't been to a bowl game in a long lime And the time is now The Duik tailback said he does not believe a change of running styles i an solve bis rushing woes "I might have to put my shoulder down a little bit more." he said "I think I'll be able to do that because I've added some strength and some si/e I'm not going to change anything " l.oville again stressed th.it lie has no beef with his offensive line and with the job they are doing "They're trying hard, and that's all I can ask." he said. "I won't give up on them if they won't give tip on me." As for this Saturday's contest against the Arizona Wildcats, l.oville gives them plenty of re spec! "Arizona has always been a tough defense and they're lough to exploit," he said Karand=WiTikcre»ro] R J,^ ^ -tK-* W Salon 1st Visit % OFF All Services* Eugene’s Premier Hairstylists for over 15 Years. He (are About You and Show It! Let us show you we're the best! Consultations FREE always. 342-1751 1611 Oak Street *1 o| () Kault\ \ Student ID Card Required (ioul Through > o > [— t/> in x z n > 33 m 2 > m c 33 33 X o -I o o X > 33 X -< INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED COLOR SPECIALISTS Looking for work? z_ cirri r Pf pi f ( RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 686-4381 300 Erfc Memorial Union •TYPE SETTIMG«PASTE-UP» LAYOUT *DESIGN*CONSULT A TION