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Octutvr Osborne pays Beavers respect, but ask after Saturday's game i.lN('OI.N Neb (A!*) When .ill else fails Nebraska i oa< h I uni ()sborne lias taken lu score i omparisnns to Irv to get fans of liis third ranked (lornhiiskers to believe tin1 next opponent has the upper hand nr at least an even c ham e on game dn\ Oregon-State M i nines to Lincoln Saturday to meet the ( ornhuskers I n in Memorial Stadi um Oregon State - unhides a JO-Hi sea son opening win against Stanford The Heavers then lost to Washington State 11 I and scored late to edge Boise State 17 111 last Satlirdav Meanwhile Nebraska had .1 sluggish start in wins over Northern Illinois I4H-17I and l tail (4_’ (III then pounded Minnesota 411 0 last Satin dav on the road Now this week having placed a pretty good ball game we certainly hope people don’t come to believe the', te got it made ( Hbnrne said of Ills players I am peisonallv a little bit anxious to see how W e respond Not to be sidetracked by odds in his favor (Nebraska is a JH point favor lies ( hborne said the Heavers should keep the (aimhllskers interest at a peak "They’ve played some very good football and played some that wasn't so good Osborne said Against Stanford, they played I think a pretty good team and beat them It wasn't any fluke l liev did it In doing a lot of blitzing They put .1 lot of pressure on Stanford s quarterback made some big pi.ns and of course Stanford was able to beat Oregon last week And I think Ore Kon has a good team Oregon Iowa badl\ and were undefeated going into that game I don't lie lieve that b\ that comparison you'd sav Oregon State is a bad team Oregon State lost decisively to Washington State the following week, but Osborne said Wash mgton State also was a good team "and most of the problems in that game revolved around the kii king game lie said two blinked punts, one rei men'll for a tom hdow n and the other to set up a s< me led to Oregon Slate's undoing ! ast week against Boise State, thev got a prettv good lead. Boise came back and tied them, anil then they went right down tile held and si oreil ;n the .ast two or three minutes m the game ' Osborne said of the Heavers ' 'Boise is not well-known Thev're probably not a great team but thev didn't look too bad Oregon State was probably a little flat Osborne in bis i7 years as Nebraska bead ( iiac h has learned over the years that Hat is now opponents generally are when they come to play m Lincoln. I doubt if we'll get the same kind of effort this week that Oregon State gave Boise Slate ' be said People tend to understand when they play us they ye got a job and they i mile in here with a certain amount of intensity that they wouldn't have may be in some other games Kansas retires frosh number, honors former All-American I.M'I After onl\ three games. Kansas is re tiling tile nmnlier ut freshman linebacker Wes Sw inlord Swintord a walk on who plaveh eight man high si hoot footliall in Morrison. Oklii is the team's se< olid leading tackier Hut that's not the reason Ills No -1H will he retired during halftime ot Saturdav s home game against ( Iklahoma The i eiemom will honor dale Navels who wore the uumlxir as .in All A meric an running hark at Kansas in the e.iriv ttttiOs Savers who went on to star lor the Chicago Hears is a mem her ot the college and pro football Halls ol fame Nw'inford wore No in lor three games before sw iti lung to No >H last week at Hav loi tree 1 oillv wore it three weeks and thevre going to retire it r Sw inford said I must he do ing something right "Keallv, it's a privilege It will probably mean a lot more to me later in life because 1 was the last one to wear it ' I Auburn coach lAit Dye has long referred to Ills ItM'ii 1 annual lateseuson stretch against Flor ida Ceorgia and Alabama as Amen Cornet be i ause like the famous holes at the Masters i hampionships .ire often won 01 lost there But this rear Dve savs the fourth ranked Ti gers must i toss Burma Road before tfie\ get to "Amen t ioi nei rbi Army built the road during World War II to reopen supplr lines cut bv the japanese Ihe lias applied the term to Auburn s next five games, a rugged stretch that includes Tennessee, ken tui kr. I .St Florida State and Mississippi State "Normally I would sar it we survive Amen Corner, we would be a Top l ive team " Dye said "But I can t sav that this r ear Iks ause we've got to travel the Burma Road before we get to Amen (lorner Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of the first football telecast On Sept. 30. 1939. a local station televised the W’aynesburg-Fordham game to several thou sand viewers in New York City "We were trying not to tall over the cables .mil look bad s.iid Michael "Mo" Scarry. .1 U avnesbiirg player who later coached with the Washington Redskins and Miami Dolphins "in those days, we figured 'What's TV?"' Radio legend Hill Stern did the plav-bv-plav and .1 young broadcaster named Mel Allen did pregame interviews l-'ordham which was then a national power, beat Waynesburg (4-7 Hut Scar ry still has loud memories ot the game. "When you see the way TV is today and what it means to college and pro football, it’s sort ol mi e to s,iy we were part of the first I'\ game he said I've been in five Super Howls, but it's one ot the thrills ot my career Southern (adifornia used to he known .is "Tailbai k t Now (tklahnma State can make the same claim It started ith rr\ Miller in tint late 1‘l7()s .eiii < on! • Krnest Anderson Thurman I honias and Hairs Sanders \;ow t lerahl Hudson is carrv itig cot :e tradition in Stillw ater. The junior i veraging ' 13 yards per game third besi n the country even (hough the Cowbovs have nst their lirst three games Hud son an loi areer high 157 vards against Texas Tech iast week Right now i ni not worried about mv num bers he said I'm worried about getting a win Vit tims of Hurra ane lingo are going to get a helping ham! from ( ollege football fans Five Atlantic: Coast Conference schools will collet t ( aimed goods at their home games on Sat urday The food will he shipped to areas hard hit by Hugo. In addition to games at Duke. North Carolina. North Carolina State. Wake Forest and Virginia, canned goods also will lx* collected at The Cita del-South Carolina State contest in Columbia. S C The game was moved from Charleston be cause The Citadel's stadium was severely dam aged by the hurricane. • Typesetting • Paste-Up/Layout ^5 LETTER PERFECT % Design/Consultation PMT's/T ransparencies 300 Erb Memorial Union, MMM1