Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1989, Supplement, Page 4B, Image 23

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    Ducks, though favorites, face tough Saturday
Injuries to be a factor against Arizona
By Trat y Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
Asmm lated I’ress newsrooms
■ill along tlir West Coast had to
ho lilli'il with grins and think
Irs earlier this week when over
thr wiri' i ante this little gem
Oregon was favored by -t 1 2
points over 17th ranked Arizo
na in this Saturday's I’ai ifii III
football till
Kvnn Dm k head t orn h Kn h
Hrooks couldn't believe it
"I'm sIkm ked to lie honest
with you. " Hrooks told report
ers at his weekly press confer
oil! e Wednesday
It's not that the Dili ks M in
confereni e play and 2 1 over
.ill aren't capable of heating
tin? VYildi .its They an* quite i a
pable. .ill tilings lining equal
Then-in lies the problem All
things .ire not equal, especially
this week
Oregon is nursing a myriad
of injuries and the list of
wounded Webfools seems to In
growing almost daily
first center Scot Boatright,
then fullback I .atin Berry went
down with knee injuries in the
Iowa game a AA l> laugher at
Iowa's kinnick Stadium Berry
will he out at least two mon
weeks. Boatright indefinitely
The Stanford Disaster left
lint-hacker Mark Kearns, wide
rt-ceiver |oe Keit/ug and safety
Kory Dairy holihling and ques
lionahle for Saturday’s game
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Tight t'liii Joe Meerten .md
fullback Brandon lumper arc
Iwith early scratches for Satur
day Meerten is out indefinitely
with a rib injury Jumper is fin
ished for the year following
knee surgery
If all that weren't enough,
starting outside linebacker
Itjarne Jensen will lie out. may
lie for the season, due to a knee
injury sustained in Tuesday's
practic e
The Ducks are a hanged up
team I he Wildcats, on the oth
er hand, are healthy and full of
confidence after a big 20 17
l*ai 10 over a tough Washing
ton I lusky team
The heart says "Ducks ." hut
the head says "Wilde ats" hy
a touchdown
llie only lienefit Oregon
State will receive from Satur
day's appointment with third
ranked Nebraska is a big time
payday Reportedly, the OSD
athletic department w ill receive
$ (00 000 lor the game
No football team reaps ans
other benefit from the type of
whipping the (iomhuskers will
ail minister Salunlay
I he Heavers' win over Stan
ford was a fluke Period The
edition of C )St football
mas lie one of the worst in
memory Sc hcduliug tins Kami'
u as a mistake
Nebraska In IS (it will, in all
likelihood, tie worse)
Any predic turn on Arizona
State's contest with Missouri
should be prefac ed with If the
Sun Devils recover from shell
The ASH defense (suc h .is it
was) was riddled to the tune of
741 total yards last Saturday In
Houston That inc ludes a mind
boggling 026 yards passing
Tor the record. Houston
drilled the Devils 16-7 It
should have been worse Hous
ton showed a little c hards to
Vc V* it*
_Pac-10 Football—
W ashing ton st
()r«*gon St
Arizona St
( aliforma
C onf Overall
TOO i 1-0
1 00 4-0-0
1 14) 2-1-0
110 2-1-0
1 2-0 1 20
0-00 2 lO
0 0-0 2 10
0 00 12-0
0-10 2 10
010 120
—Saturday’s Games—
US( at Washington St (AB( )
Arizona at ()regon (PN)
( aliiorma at UC IA
( olorado at Washington
Missouri at Arizona State
San |osr State at Stanford
()regon State at Nebraska
ASH, surrendering seven turn
overs and an astounding 2:tt>
yards in penalties.
Because the game will be in
Sun Devil Stadium and because
the Tigers are just a lower divi
sion Big it team, the Sun Devils
will rebound and pull out the
w in b\ a touchdown
In what iiiiiv be the Pac-10
game of the week. Southern
California travels to Pullman.
Washington to meet Washing
ton State's si oring nun bine
HSH still boasts the confer
erne's best defense. USD still
can't stop anybody and the Tro
ian offense has come of age un
der the leadership of freshman
quarterback Todd Marinovich
A titi It) \\ in over Utah State
and a -12 I rout of Ohio State
Inis to have Marinovich and the
rest of the Trojans feeling confi
dent After .1 season opening
loss to Illinois, the Trojans
have bei ome everything the
"experts" thought they would
This could be an interesting
game vsith SC's defense hold
ing the Cougars down enough
for a 14 point win
UCLA has struggled to a 1-1!
start this season Is there life af
ter Troy Aikman?
The Bruins' only win came
against Western Athletic Con
ference1 also-ran San Diego
Stall- and thi-y needed a late
score to avoid the upset
UCLA did play Dig-10 pow
erhouse Michigan tough before
losing 24-23 on a last-second
(sound familiar?) |.D. Carlson
field goal, so there is hope in
The Bruins entertain Califor
nia this Saturday for a game
UCI.A must win. Cal lost badl\
its first two times out. 35-19 to
the Ducks and 31-3 to Miami.
Fla. before pulling out a 20-14
win over Big-10 doormat Wis
With or without Aikman,
UCLA is no Wisconsin.
UCLA by 14
The heartbreaker with Un
pretentious singular mascot,
the Stanford Cardinal, play
host this Saturday to the Spar
tans of San )ose State
Stanford should be confident
after its shocking win over Ore
gon Despite its loss to Oregon
State. Stanford, we're told, is
not that had
San lose is no slouch, either
It boasts Johnny Johnson, one
of the best all-purpose backs in
the nation.
This is the hardest call of the
week, hut Stanford should win
by a field goal.
I . one of the most intriguing
r atch ups of the week in any
conference. Washington wel
comes Hig-H power Colorado
to Husky Stadium in Seattle
The sixth-ranked Buffaloes sul
fered a tremendous loss in
quarterback Sal Aunese. who
died of c ancer this week It will
lie interesting to see how (If > re
sponds emotionally
Colorado is still loaded often
sively and will challenge Ne
braska for the Big-H title this
Washington is coming off a
tough 20-17 loss to Arizona last
Saturday. The Huskies will be
smarting from that and what
they must consider a lack ol pie
and early-season respect.
In short, the Dawgs probably
feel they have something to
prove Not this week, though
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• ■ >:■ ifj i>d -.p’tMcj i . d*-'.
by individual bo!«*’ A correct response is credited each time the favored team wev.
- ' Od I ; f
• at individual S overatt record These predictions are intended for entertainment
{• ‘ i Kr.i”' ■ i'v
Arizona Missouri OSU Colorado USC SJS Cal
al al at at at at at
I Sumner UA ♦ 7 ASU ♦ 7 Neb ♦ 35 CU ♦ 7 USC ♦ 7 Stan ♦ 3 UCIA+U
0 Peters UO ♦ I ASU *2 Neb ♦ 34 CU ♦ 4 USC *10 Stan ♦ 6 UCLA * 16
A Conklin UO ♦ 4 ASU « 4 Neb ♦ 45 CU+10 USC ♦ t Stan ♦ 6 UCLA ♦ 14
C Sivesmd UO ♦ 3 ASU ♦ 4 Neb* 14 CU*3 WSU + S Stan ♦ 7 UCIA *7
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