Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1989, Supplement, Page 3B, Image 22

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    Intensity; dedication give Farwell
edge to fulfill personal promise
By Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
Uv keeping .1 promise to himself. |oe farwell
has plavi‘(i iiis vv.iv into a starting role for Ore
gon s football team
"In high si bool I was one of those guys who
waited around and said I'd do it all my serum
year." said the relishirl freshman from I os Caltos.
( bi11f
"When I got here I promised myself that I
was 111st going to do it, or at least try." Farwell
said "I wasn't going to let what happened in
high school happen here
That kind of dedication, as well as natural
talent, has Farwell starting at weak inside line
backer for the J 1 I)ui ks
Inside linebacker coach, Hill [‘arrow, praises
Harwell's work etbu "lie’s ver\ intense and
studies the game very well." Tarrovv said
"He's very dedicated and very committed
You're never going to get better unless you're
committed to something," Tarrovv said "One of
bis biggest assets is his commitment
Despite scholarship offers from California.
San Diego State and Washington State, larwell
bad no trouble choosing Oregon.
"California was kind of leading me on since I
wasn’t their number one guy," I'arwell said
"Thev really only wanted me if their number one
guv went somewhere else Oregon told me I'd he
their number one guv from the start
farwell spent his lirst season as a Dm k simu
biting opposing defenses going against the tirsl
team offense in practice lie said redshirt year
was invaluable
"Redshirting last year helped a lot." farwell
said "Kvery clav we went against the number one
offense and I had to work on mv reads and get my
reads down. It was a good opportunity because I
got a i banco to see what the bigger, stronger of
fensive linemen in the Pat 10 were like
Tarrovv and the other coaches noticed Har
well's plav at practice Iasi tail and liked what
they saw
"We watc h the scout-work anti evaluate it.''
Tarrow said "He was .ill over the field then
"He was very dedicated during the oft-sea
son and would come in sometimes two or three
nights a week and watch films." he added "He's
a good student of the game I had my suspet ts be
fore spring drills that he could help us
Since assuming the starting role in spring
practice. Far we II has proved himself in three
games tor Oregon this season
Harwell is tied lor fourth on the team with 2d
tackles, despite registering 107 plays on defense
the lowest among all starters In the season open
ing win over California. Harwell had 1 1 tar kies
Tarrow saw inexperience as a possible pro!)
lem for Harwell 'let Harwell's play, and the help
of another inside linebacker, senior Mark Kearns,
have eased the growing pains of learning the
complexities of the 14 defense
Mark Kearns still (alls us tin* pups because
some of us are so young,” Harwell said "You
just have to learn it. remember it and throw it in
your personal slot k pile
"Playing alongside Mark helps a ton. he
added. "He's a big play guy and if 1 blow a play
No. /»/ /<)«• Harwell ha* none from retlshirt to
starter in one year. Both Harwell anil his
i oat hes see a hrinht future lor the freshman.
he'll always (,ome through He always lets me
kimu what coverage we're in .mil what I have to
do If I'm nervous he'll help out
harvvell's size is ,i com ern for both him and
larrow At ti loot J. Jilt pounds harwell is proha
1)1 V one of the smallest linehai kers in the I’ai It)
"I need to get binder and a little stronger."
harwell said It would he nice to he hinder ami
gam JO pounds I know the coaches would like
me to he bigger. hut I think that will come with
time and lifting (weights)
")oe needs to put on another 1 5 pounds,"
added larrow. who sa\s harwell actually weighs
205 pounds "He'll he in pretty good shape if lie
could get up to 2 1tiorJI7 because right now he
gels heat up pretty good in there
"He doesn't take guys on. but kind of slips
around them with Ins quickness." harrow said
"He's very quit k. like a snake darting around
harwell and the rest of the defense will he
put to the test Saturday when Arizona the top
rushing team in the conference last year, comes
to Autzen Stadium with its wishbone offense
spearheaded hs quarterbai k Ronald Veal
Veal .mil the Wildi ats have already used the
wishbone to defeat Oklahoma and Washington
this year
"Everyone has to play their roles and there
can't lie any breakdowns." larwtdl said "We
have to stop the (live, then the quarterback and
the pitch
harwell has fulfilled Ins high school promise
to himself If he can maintain the promise he has
show n in Ins young ( areer over the next three
years, he could he one ot the best linebackers to
ever play for the Ducks
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