Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1989, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 21

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    DIM ()\ I R (>I OH\I ! K U I 11 K s \| U
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Loville ignoring lack of yardage,
sure about finding 'the big gain'
H\ C .1111 Sivcsind
I iruT.ild Sports Reporter
I niversit v of (Iregon running
Iwk k Derei l-oville tt.is flying
high utter lin- i 'liiii simm >>! As i
lumor. l-nville rushed inr 1.202
yards bet otning tin* Ducks all
imti' rushing i«*.n;<*r with 2 i i”
Till' 1‘tfi'l siMsi in Wits Dili In
look forvvaril to
Tiii'ii tin1 games Began
l.uvilii' has run tur a total ol
152 vanis in tiiri'i' games,
width is less than tin- yardage
in rambled foi 11 ■) in the
Din ks' o|m*iiit last year .ig.nnsl
Lung Be.n li Stale
When .1 players totals <ii|i
like that, questions Begin to i ir
'We've |ilsl liei'li pla\ lllg a
11>1 ul strung (ielensi's l.uville
said We haven't Been gelling
people bloc ked
l.uville is the lusl person In
admit that the offensive line
i annul lie Blamed for his lai k ol
"I The offensive line) are
working their Butts off to gel us
a running game established
lie said
Another reason for tin* snnioi
till!(>■•< k's low totals is Ins reptl
tation Last visit’s performance
woke foams up and Loville be
( ami- a player lor defenses to
kev on
"That is tho i use m part
explained offensive backs
(.oat.It Ciarv t ampin'll Hut
we've i hanged our offense tilts
year Were emphasizing the
lullh.ii k position a lot mole
The i hange 111 offense ina\ fie
hav ing the most effect on
l.oville s game Being a lailbat k
in the Dm ks new offensive
si heme, l.oville stalls farther in
tile Imc kfield
' Idle tailbai k is set a little hit
deeper and blot ks have to be
sustained longer ( ampbell
The new offensive setup for
I’hoto b\ Murk \ Irn
\ It bough Oregon running buck Derek Loville has yet to break
the Wt)-yard barrier this season, he is confident about the
i bam es ol his team and himself.
the Durks li<is not heep ,i total
failure The lullbacks. as the
plan intended, have gained
good vantage
Senior Latin Berry rushed for
1H1 yards Before a knee injury
against Iowa sidelined the lull
hark Dondre Bausley, Berry's
replacement. rushed for a re
spis table 90 yards The two
fullbacks have caught a cum
bined total of 19 passes
The new offensive setup
along with opposing delenses
keying on Loville. has opened
up the Ducks' air attac k
Junior quarterback Kill Mus
grave has thrown eight tout h
Turn to Loville, Page 10B
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EDITOR: Tracy Sumner
Conklin, Cam Sivesind
COPY EDITOR: Christopher
PRODUCTION: Sandi Daller,
Yvette Gill, Elisa Lichtman,
Angela Muniz, Michele Ross,
Ingrid White, Mark Ylen _sv
Cover photo by:
Andy Cripe
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