EXPRESS YOURSELF AT LAA DEE DAtl Wc added exciting almost new (,ill designer clothes • [)onn,i D< .1/ .nhsts ur/r i*mr Fashion with an Ethnic Flairl \ New tihrr < lothiny; in ru h colors l.ibrn s and styles to coordinate with hoik ways culuuw collevtion of s»arv*-s Ix’lts and jewelry 7f,2 I I }th Avc next U ■ ttie 1 xi elsu >r 34 I 8f>67 t ilth st I’uhlii Miirkei ili iwnst.nrs 68 3 2204 *> FOLKWAYS IMPORTS I D'miNG jfWUOv S >Oi* AR’ tW AROUND •<( WOW.D I Cuts ( »minwd from Piino 1 Br.ind --.11(1 (lie I 'ntversily nerds In get llir message mil that higher edui ation is an im purl,ml priority Id the academit and eronomit health of the stale I he most important thing | legislators) ( mild dll Is to < re ale ail rm troitmenl that allrai Is and retains the liesi among Ore gun students hei ause those stu dents will stay in state and will ( rilltrihlilr lo the stale he said \l l’NI administrators ( ul liai k the number ol non-ad nutted students taking classes and eliminated some lei lure sei lions, whu li lias many stu dents and community members upset said Roger Kdgillgloil. I ’St ’ interim president Tti make up fur the l.« k of state funds the t'niversitv will step up its efforts to attract pri vate donations and grants Brand said However, even an int rease in outside revenue will not fill the gap ( reated hv the ( til in stale funding, tie s.iid We lia\e until the middle of the next dt‘( ado to solve the problem or not Brand said II we don't start soon and he gin to in.ike progress it w ill lie too late More than a third ol the tat till\ is expet ted to retire within the next III years and the I ’ni versitx needs to have adequate funding to recruit and retain top professors to till vacant ies. Ill' Salll Keen r mbs on enrollment have not red in ml class sizes or thf workloads ot already over worked l.u ulty. which has prompted I'M ' to hire Hi addi tional stall members Kdgington said At ONI where enrollment mi Teased In tHO to 401) stu dents and the la< ult\ is being del leased by six to eight posi lions the results of budget i uts .ire being felt mainU In proles sors. Npanier said. "We've got to find a wav to bring enrollment under con trol " Npanier said. "We realh don't enough fat ultv to teai h the wav we would like to teai h students ' Disarmament group meets Sunday Ml l.I IN'CS Student (iampaign lor Disar mament will hold ,i general in lire's! inri'lm^ and a politic k Suil at J p ill at 2rillK Kmer .dd St Attendee's should bruin themsedves and a lood dish __Et als_ MISCKI.I.ANKOIS Studying in (ifrmany n«xt year is tin* topii nl .1 slidt* nri nil.ilmn ulmul tlie* University's \ rar nr ipiartrr in (a-miany pro r.iin The sessions w ill hr Ill'll! Iii Studio U n( tlx* Instructional Media (lenter .it tile following limits toda\ ti to .1 nt . to to, 11 to. 12: to p.m , 1 to and 7 .10 I'or additional informa tion i onliii t I lidmut Plant at (iHli 40.ri‘l llillrhto.s/i llnslunui servo rs will begin tonight at 7 .it the kuinonia ( enter at 14th Ave nue and Kincaid Street The servo e will feature speaker Ruth Anne Human on nurtur mg a new vision lor the Days ol Awe Saturday services lor Kosh Ilashana are Irom 10 a in to 1 p m . followed Isv a pi< nil and lash Ik hin at the Millrace at 2 1 "> ll will conclude at 1:15 w ilh .1 service. Big BBQ Bash will be held tonight .it ic to .il the Newman ( enter Music . food and drink u ill he provided, l or more in I.irination. call .143-702 1 and ask for Jim or Theresa The l diversity l iterary Soci ety presents Bennett Huffman and I.idia Yukman reading from their work tonight at 8 in the KMl’ Forum Room Does your organization have a meeting, lecture or some thing else going on? If so. take advantage of the free Oregon Huh I'.nuT.ild Ft ,ds column UO-Bookstore Typewritten only, please. brother WP-490 Word 0a Processor A • Cargo Si men t • '■!.'•• / ‘ • f>4K internal memory WAS 899 95 \j\^ 499.95 U ' brother 360 Correctronic • Spell check • 12k • ■ irat( ' WAS 499 95 Canon ES-20 Typewriter • Spell check • 6KB men ry • Indent • Centering • Underlining \|U^ 299.95 WAS 349 95 Vie** 249.95 brother 340 Electronic Typewriter • Spell check • 4K storage \ • Indent - • Centering • Underlining WAS 319 95 Vi*»> 229.95 SHARP DA-3140 Typewriter • Spell check • Auto correct • Separate display WAS 399.95 299.95 CANON ES-10 Typewriter • Corfection capable • Quiet operation • Indent • Centering • Underlining WAS 309 95 vw» 219.95 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT