Timber may get federal reprieve WASHINGTON (AT) Northwest lawmakers said Thursday night they were near agreement with other congres sional negotiators on legisla lion to give the Northwest tim her industry a temporary re prieve in the battle over the spotted owl "It's gone beyond the 50-SO stage." Kep l,es AuGoin. H Ore . said when the meeting ended But he warned that tin less those who threatened a House floor fight over the old growth issue back down, any compromise would !ir m |eop a rdy "We’ve got some promising com epls hut loops have to lie closed on all of them Aut loin added "We have a broad outline hut there < an still he dillit ulties in the details,' said Kep Norm Du ks. I) Wash lawmakers were scare hing for .1 wav to ensure Northwest mills ol .1 stead\ supph of tim her from the region's old growth forests over the next year while the 1' S l-’isli and Celebration Continued from P.im1 4 Take Beltline to Springfield. 42nd Street exit, and turn left 12-5 p.m. Hike race will start and finish at Second Avenue and High Street 12 p.m. Bed races on Kighth Avenue between Willamette and Park Streets. 2 p.m. Trike-cathalon. same location as bed races :t p.m. Waiter Waitress com petition, same location as lied races. 4 p.m. Bucket Brigade same location as bed races. Shows and Demonstrations 10 a m -5 p.m. Albany Street Rods Show on Willamette Street between 10th and 1 1th Avenues 1 I .10 a.m.-5 p m So< lets for Creative Ana< hronism See S.it urii.i\ l-airs. Carnivals and Markets Ida m 5 p in Salimhn Mar ket and fanner's Markrl. 10 a in r» p in (aiuntry Knots 12 a p in. Youth Fair. 12-0 p m Midway Knlertainment 1 1 p in Dance Ahilitv Work shop for thn disabled and non disabled, in the Hull Center s Studio ()ne 1- 5 p in 'Celebrating Diver sitv" at the Downtown I'min tain Stage shows ases tolkt.des and innsu from mam i ultures 2- 5 p in (classic a I ( aimer I 10 p in Sandunga at the I lull Pla/.a Stage 5 p in The I lob Squad at the Kighth and Willamette Stage Wildlife Service decides whether to protei t the northern spotted owl .is .in endangered spei les Kep ( het Atkins. 1) Mass and \nk Ashmore an aide to House Speaker Tom I'olev. joined Du ks and Aut loin in the late night talks lawmakers refused to dis i uss specific s I hev said uu inerous people must lie i onsult ed I'riday morning liefore am agreement is as taken to .1 House Senate conference com mittee meeting si heduled later m the da\ f-'nley , Kep Sidney Yates I) III. who chairs the I louse iuteri or appropriations subenmmit lee. members of the ()regon and Washington congressional del • •gallons and critics of Senate passed legislation were among those u ho still must he i onsult ed Dicks and Autdoin said A floor tight is possible it no compromise can he presented to the i onferem e i ommittee and Northwest lawmakers tear they could lose stu h a light Autaiin said earlier that un solved issues uu luded the lev el ol timber sales in the North nest s federal forests ovei the nest 1^ months, the definition of old-growth forest and how mm h spotted ow I habitat should he preserved Probe, pressure grows in caucus leader fiasco S. \ I I \1 | A I’) Oregon House Democrats lat ed with a w 111<■ 11111wt probe ot their finant i.il rot ord keeping •mil tilt? res ignatinn nt then i aut us administrator, suit ml support I Inirs ilas night tor House Majority l.eatlei David I)i\ lor Ins part. l)i\ announced several steps the House Democrats would take in the wake ol continuing questions about reporting ol political contributions to House Demo crals lie saul a three memlier tommittee would pull together the various financial records of the t aut us and turn them over to the set retarv ol state's auditors by the end ol nevt vv eek Alter that a t ertified public accountant will he hired to handle the tmant ial matters ol the t aut us the hiigenc Demo t rat saul Div tailed Thursday night's meet mu to give t aut us members an update in the wake of this week s resignation ol cant us administrator ( .irI \\ lederaenders VViederaentlers tpnt alter it was (list losetl that he took a page from a t aut us finant ial report he \\ ,is examining m the set retarv ol states off it e Set retarv of State Barbara Roberts has asked the state po lit e to investigate whether anv laws were broken She said Tuesday it appeared the missing page hail been torn from the file !)l\ S«U86 433', I _—_1