' (\< >\ ' t; WANTED!! «<>-"» 1 1 C ontinucd from P ;«' 1 .» r ■ . / (Tilton iTolel (ill P Sixth A VC for i! low (lavs until they left lor (California 1)10 doctor. who tin Kugenc Police Department savs is an anesthesiologist from \ew York, is the woman's hnshanrl and was in charge of tape re cording and photographing the sexual encounters between the woman and the part it ipants Three University men who had liecit propositioned liv the woman took the letters and contacted the Kl’l) with the in formation, police- reports slat ed Two plainclothes officers went to the hotel room Sept 10 to investigate the set up One ol the offic ers posed as a I Silvers! tv student and entered the room to lend the woman and tin- doc tor vv ith a i anicia around Ins nec k After the police identified themselves lliev issued a c ita I ion nf promoting prostitution to Rod tun Thorp Wood. f>() and a i italion ot prostitution to \anc\ Steffen Wood 41 Hie ( ouple listed oil poll! e reports South Hampton N Y as their home During questioning, one ot tile offic ers asked the dot tor to explain the letters "Well. Cm a doctor and she (Nant.y) is my wife," lie said "She is assisting me in my ex periment Bv tape recording .mil photographing my wife while she is engaged in inter course with young, well-fit males, 1 can determine the in tensity of her orgasms." The oflu er told Mr Wood that the iik ident was prostitu time hut Wood said he had not realized that, say police re ports "It's for medical purposes." In told the olln ers In addition to .i tape measure C ontinued from Pasi- 1 am li'g.tl rights krimimt'l S.lltl l.a«r\ said he was unawarr lli.il .im li'itants were mi'll In i ng m tin* building Ii'ii.int.s ill tin' building .in VMinicd th.it the building lias btii'n si,iti'd fin di'stmi tiiin and u ill bi'i nmi' part of tin1 hospital's I'npansmn program lint Uiwr> said that tin- liospi tal has "no pri'di'li'imini'd plans fin thi' building tin usi In tin- hospital Although there lire no t it\ regulations protet tmg the huihiing. it has a 'definite Ins turn significant e to the i mn inunity." said Teresa Bishow senior pi.inner for the Kugene I’1.inning ami Development De partment The huihiing was built in IM2a to repl.il e an older wood en groi erv and apartment building that was built in l1) III and later moved to a different lot ation OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko’s Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Courmet Espresso • coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 .mil ( undoms. polic (■ ( nnfisc .il (*(t from the hotel mom tape re cordings film and papers lisl inn performance evaluations of two men from Hrilish Columbia and of a I ’Diversity student Polit e i ited the I 'niversitv student Sept 20 for prostitu tion. win' h Oregon law partial ly defines as engaging in sexual intercourse for the purpose of receiving or giving money Pro moling prostitution is defined partially as inducing someone to engage in prostitution. The Kmurald is withholding the student's name pending the filing of official charges by the distrii t attorney's office. The student said lie had met Nancy on the street and spoke with her She called him at his resi dent e later that evening When she i ailed me 1 was drunk She said she wanted to meet me so I did," he said I didn't think it was prostitu lion I'lie student said Nam v picked him up on c ampus and drove him to her hotel room Itelore the encounter, the doc tor asked him to sign papers stating that he did not have am ( omiminii able d i.senses "They looked offic ial," the student said "He said he was w citing a sc ientdic document Kodnev and Nancy Wood are sc hediiled to appear in court at 4 to a m Monday The student is to appear at 4 ill a m Tliurs dav Assistant Distent Attorney Sr,m Hour would not sa\ whether hr thought the i liarges would hr dropped It's inappropriate lor nir to ( t>1111ntmit at this time hr said Never had a pizza at Ambrosia? You should be ashamed of yourself. COMPACT DISC WORLD'S FALL BLOW-OUT SALE!! IMIS SAM is TOO HIM! DOS' I MISS <)l I EVERY DISC IN THE.STORE IS ON SALE!! i\|)S our u,o«o nuts TO ( HOOSf IRON! AT M (.IM S I ARC,IS! Mill 1IOS SALE : r ^ EUGENE S MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF COMPACT DISCS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2100 W. 11th (Ai ross from Wircmart) 683-6902 Mon-Sul. 10-8 Sun 12-5 EVERY COMPACT DISC ISON SAEE! ROC k, RAP. BIUIS, K)lk CLASSICAI NFW AGE, JAZZ COUNTRY, SOUNDTRACKS YOU NAME IT-IT'S ON SALE'. AMBROSIA 342-4141 SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield * MAINDOtUM) * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 'CVIDEO f GAMES ALl GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION M 50 STM STRUT RURIIC MARKST iUSf Hf • M3-I444