Student Senate seeks visibility By Andrew Nat hison Emerald Contributor The Stiidont Si>n,ill' met for the first tirin' tins term Thurs diiv ni^lil m the i:\ll . ri'sols mg nothing lint disi nssing se\ oral goals for the up< inning year. _Student Senate_ The ll> senators who attend ed the meeting agreed that 1 in proving the senate's visibility on campus has to be one of the major ohjei lives of the student representatives this fall "I think that more people need to recognize we re here Student Senator him tamper said "We're elected to serve the students and we can't if they don’t know what we're here to do. Although the Student Senate with representatives from all the departments and schools on campus, has no actual power, it makes up one-third of the Uni versitv Senate, faculty mem tiers make up the rest of the I bliversitv Senate University Senate resolutions i arry signdii ant weight in poll cv decisions on campus With greater visibility, members ot the Student Senate hope for more imp.n I as well Ulice people start coming 111 ns ,iihI realizing we re av ailable tor help. that's when we re go ing to have the biggest ini pact," Cooper said "Right now we can sit around here and generate a lot ot ideas with Hi people W ith lH.POO people we i an generate a lot more " I lie Student Senate is reallv the vnic e of the students " sen ator Kevin Ian I’edigo said "II there's disharmony, this is where the hall starts rolling This is \\ here it starts "I see the Student Senate at complishing wonderful things this year," I’edigo said I think vve i an ai i omptish what the student's want us to accomplish, and that's our mu jor object ive No motions were passed at Thursday s meeting, hut a van el\ ot ohjei t iv es were d Is cussed, hast year the Student Senate passed a resolution urg mg the new l'diversity I’resi dent to establish a permanent student position on the 1 list itu BMW PMLldft CHINESE RESTAURANT *4** itft f* Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th 11 00 7 00 F Sa I I 00 4 30 Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs MTh4J0 10 00 f Sa 5 00 10 30 Closrd Sundays l27SAM«rStr«*. .M3 «M6 Save some money!! Use ODE coupons. tional Animal (Ian* .ind Ise I'lmiimllrc (.'hairptTsun I'ilfa n\ Weed said she wanted Id press tills resolution The issue ol funding higher ediu.alion with lottery profits v\as brought up during the meeting and it was suggested that the Student Senate mvesti gate it further lake all sugges lions raised at the meeting this was met with informal approv al. hut no oftii nil dei isiun to proceed further The only dei ision made at the meeting was to t hange the Thursda\ meeting time of the Student Senate from t> III p m to (i Registration was another mu joi tope ot dis( ussion during the meeting Senator left John son said that when he went to register, half the courses he wanted to sign up tor were al ready i losed When he went to i hiss the first day. hall the stu dents were silling on the tlooi Weed said her main ohjei live is "to net something done to accomplish something I knocr that sounds reullv general List year we got t In* resolution passed about the animal care and use committee We want to multiply that so w hen a report er i nines to a meeting next year we i .in say we accomplished this this this and this II we had enough gnev am es on a i ertairi topic . it might go up to the top adminis trator so that they c mild do something alrout it senate sec rotary Litany I lay idson said "This isn't like high sc hool We pay to go here and should have power in c hanging it d yy e don’t like the yvay things are Davidson hopes the Student Senate will yyork yyith c ampus groups sin h as Oregon Student Public Interest Roseau h (iroup Students for the Rthical I real merit of Animals and Men Against Rape to achieve i hanges at tile t im ei sily OI9COUKT NKJHTS So-Mo 13 TW»- f*i V3 30 1 — >» ^ maPP> »■! 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