1 WEUHOMJUICEIt I Now C°M,C® 45 SILVER LANE EUGENE. OR 97404 (SOS) 6S9-2330 llvlllim .uni Kittr Knud Ilrhiml \rt>>'s OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon.-Sat. 10a.m.-6p.m. • Sun. NiHm-5p.m. The book that won all of the major Science Fiction awards is now a Marvel' Graphic Hovel I Culture < ontmurd from Pa^c 9 formers, .ill of whom r* < 11tn-r '! lingtl or iiaida Out? person is the narrator who is considered .1 very important figure in I lingit i ulture and the other three are at tors who assume different roles as the story un folds Although tin stories are told in luiglish. the perfor main e blends c hanting in I lingit along with imisit to t re ate a stirring pine e of theater The storv of the killer whale s origin is ai tualK the lah‘ of .in arrogant fisherman named Naatsilanei who is left to tin1 on some roi hs at sea b\ his relate es lie is soon resent'd bv sea lions and taken to their under water callage As he plots : e venge Naatsilanei carves a laeilllire (roll! a slab of wood and it -tilings to life as the world s first k 11 lei whale The Sea Monster tells the (ale ul ,i man lilac kmailed by Ins mother-in-law . and "Veil" is the* story uf Raven, ,i trie kster whose c.artial desires and urge's Died i su\s virtually everyone while he able to identify with in one wav or another The plavs. collectively known .is Tiros on the Wa ter is direi ted by Dave llunsaker an internationally known playwright and direc tor \\ ho found his uu he translat ing these and other Native Americ an legends lor the stage I lunsaker has a reputation lor i ollahorating i losely with Tlingil elders on lus work I ’n like most artists he is willing to relinquish creative control ol the finished product to those who are more familiar with the ■ abiei t matter than he is I ires .m the Uatet will be .. rented at it 1)0 p.m ()c t I Admission is tree Goldworks 1502 Willamette Mon Fri 10 am 0 pm Sat 10 am 4 pm 2298 All Work Done on Premises \\ iw H.iiuK in I 4K ( H»lil 1 Batons _ ( ontinued from Page 1 1 Del ,i/io. Kuphoria (Ihoco lilies Unb Burv. Shin Queen Kiilhv Gillespie. Fugene Mayor h'tl Miller. Fugene Planning Mill’s Sid Yoor hues. University professors Richard Hill and Gheyney Kvan and Joe Soderbug of (he Lumbermens Buying Ser\ |( e Gniv said the judges (or the i ompelition y\ dl he ele vated on a platform and will judge the pertorrnaiu e ol c,n h i ontestant mm It like ,m Olympic judge would, with numbered flash cards File benelit was the first ol ;!s kind to he done in tills nation, and has been adopt ed successfully by many oth er orchestras. ('.ray said Gray said students should lie informed that the Sym phony does offer special rates for tit kets on the day of the show "Students always get halt pm es tu kets anywhere in the Unit on the day of the slum" for any Symphony per formance." he said. Tickets are (urrently on sale For more information, call the Fugene Symphony Orchestra at (.87 >1487 UO-Bookstore SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY SALE! PINK PET i> ERASER REG 39‘ ARROWHEAD CAP ERASER 5 COUNT OOC REG 39' i-U LIQUID PAPER White REG 1.59 Colors REG. 1.69 88* 99* 3M MAGIC TAPE 1104 Vi" 1105-*V RETAIL 99 62° t»p* v \ CUT RITE 8 OFFICE SCISSORS RETAIL 3.25 1.97 BOSTITCH POCKET STAPLER STANDARD • 100CS RETAIL 2.95 2.09 3M POST-IT NOTES 65° 85° 2*3 REG 79‘ 3*3 REG 105 FABER CASTELL #2 PENCILS 10 PACK REG 1.29 47° BEROL * PENCIL SHARPENER \ 11004 VACU HOLD RETAIL 14.95 9.79 ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT OFFER ENOS 10/21/89 13th & Kincaid M P 7 30-6 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 RE 686 4331 Jl