Baton Battle benefit takes on the Hult this Saturday Bv Kelvin Wee Eruore Editor The Kugene Symphony Or i hestra will present it's third annual Hattie of the Batons this Saturday at the Unit Center's Silva (Concert 1 t.dl at H p m The annual fundraising Irene til lor the Symphony will tea Hire David Ogden Stiers as its musii al director this year Stiers is well known lor his role as I)r. Charles Kmerson Win < hester in the popular televi sion series. \1 * A * S *H I nurtr«> Photo Springfield Mayor Hill Morrisette anil trai k star Alberto Sala zar ret enth got some tips from < ondui tor Phillip lirunrll WELCOME BACK STUDENTS COTTON CLOTH INC, T•SHIRTS JEWELRY CARDS** UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS ********** lhe RANYANTREE 10% OFF EVERYTHING EXP 9/29/89 485 E. 13th • EUGENE, OR 97401 4850333 Master of (.eremomes this Year is kl !t;\ AM fill person.ill t\ Wnriilv Kii\ Michael (’.rav of the Sympho ny said audiences should ex peel a great performance from the competing guest condui tors this year The list includes Oregon At tornev (leneral David Frohn mayor. Thurston High School student Aaron T.ibui co, run uing star and i o-owner of the Oregon Klectrii Station Alberto Sala/.ar. KM I K news personali l\ Maureen Shine Kugene I es ti\ .1! of \1usii ,il Cheater 1 llli'i lor Id Ragozzino Springfield Mayor Hill Morrisette. I II) (ieneral Manager Phyllis l.oobey and !.('(’ \ i< e President |ui cpielvn Belcher (day said the contestants will he introduced and "roasted hy other local personalities lie said tins part also will prove to he just as much fun lor audi ences as the actual show prom ises to be I in luded in this year's list ol iiitrodui ers are Slate Rep I’eter Turn to Batons, Page 14 Zouch of Class Clothing Large selection of quality Resale in natural fibers for women and children New Fall Fashions from San Francisco at competitive prices Need Cash????? U r / ).iv more tor v our used t tothmi^ We also trade and consign. Mon f ri 10 (M» S: 10'Sjt 10:00-5:00 2650 Willameltf • 141-0095 RENTAL ‘Houses * Apartments * Duplexes CALL RENTAL CONSULTANTS —WE CAN HELP— 484-6011 1849 Willamette St., 20 VISA Mo»»**CaKi COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON I AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL STUDENTS: STUDENT DONORS: Welcome back! The help you gave the medical world through your plasma donations last year was desperately needed. This year the need is even greater To get you back as soon as possible, we are offering you a $$ TEN DOLLAR BONUS $$ on your first donation this Fall in addition to your regular donation fee. If you return by Oct. 10, bring this ad in with you on your first visit back and collect a bonus after donating. Your plasma donations are vital to us.We are very glad you are back Call for an appointment 683-3953 Hyland Plasma Center 40 East 10th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 o o c ■o o z o 0 c TJ o z o o c "0 o z n o c *0 o z COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON Whether you're back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O. give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We’ll come and read your meter. That way you'll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say. “Welcome!” 484-6016 Eugene Water & Electric Board Hnnpi^vnuourIvst. EWEB 500 East 4ln Avonue Office Hours ham until 5 p m M ■ t ly thi >ugh f rif;y