Affirmative action plans change By Peter ( ogsvvell Emerald Reporter The 1 hiiversity '■> new l\ ap pointed .iftiimative a< tion ill rei tor Diane Wong. said she helie\ es open partii ipation \\ ilh I 'im ersilx President Mvles lir.tnd is a i ritical ele ment to a sut i esslul program I have a i ertain \ ision lor affirmative a< lion." said Wong "I am verv impressed bv \f\les lirand. He is interested in im proving diversity not through words, but through action Wong also said that it is im portunt that the (lltii e of \l lirmative \i lion not to have an itdversarial relationship with the I Iniversity ''.\ffirinati\ e ai lion is the call li-all umbrella that deals with i nequity Wong said "I'm going to participate in stall meetings and heal what is going on around the school The role of affirmative at lion is to benefit the I bliversity Wong looks at the Office of Affirmative Action as being ill videil into three pails I’he first part is federal and stale coinpii am e. whit h means making sure the I 'diversity meets all of the state and federal require mnnts under the laws of affirm at ive ai I ion The second part is the pro i ess ol investigating affirmative ai lion t omplaints and it is in investigations that Wong plans on making the biggest changes "Last veal sexual harassment cases brought against the I ni versity were pan idled out h\ the president." Wong said "This year I am going to hire a neutral tact finder whose job it will be to investigate cases The University itself will handle the affirmative a< lion cases that are brought against it Another i hange Wong plans on making is not allowing af firmative at lion to fie involved with individual advocacy Wong feels that it is not the place of the office of affirmative action to decide whether a stu dent has a case against the Uni versify "It is misleading to indicate to an individual that affirma tive action will support them in their case and then, after at firmative action investigates ALASKA'S NO. 1 TEE SHIRT DESIGN EXXON CHANGING THE FACE OFAMERICA CJNtTX'MLY UTAH#*. A.. SHIRTS ARE TOO*. ! OTTC1N THE MAI.I S BiACK INK ON RED AMITE HOYA. Bull TURQUOISE OR GREY SHIRTS SIZES SM MEO l XL All HIGH QUALITY TEES $1? PLUS 1 50 SHIPP SEND CHECK OH MONEY ORDER TO ALASKAN DREAMS BOX 1212. DEPT E SITKA. ALASKA 99835 l-.Ult Allow IIOIHIH □ Recycle This Paper I 'hnlti In \l*t k 1 Dinin' H orn;, ilirrclor tit thv iiltiir til .iHirnuiti\»• .it tilln. hflit'tivs f/i.if f/ic I niirrsih uttris /icr f/ir tijifuirtumti In m.ikr .1 ihtlrn-nt r Ilic case .mil finds out u tin' person said happened u.isn't i‘\,u tlv true, have at finnative action turn around and tell the person that they do no! have a ( ase." Wong said This year, students who teid they have a i ase against the I'niversitv must no to the ()f fine of Student Advoc.n v or I lie Offic e of Multicultural affairs II these offices feed the student has a good case, then they will recommend that the student take the case to affirmative a< tion. The third part of the office is external Both the University and the state are involved in re cruiting to meet affirmative n< tion goals However, it is easy to re( ruit hut hard to get people to come to Oregon and stay. Wong said "Less than I percent of the faculty at the University is m,nil- up ul people ol editjr .mil it is one ol the goals <'t llie llmil p.n I ul this i it I n e to i hange this Wong Wong hails I rum (!le\ eland Ohio where alter taking time In starl a family she enrolled at Cleveland Stale I'niversilv m l‘)7ti at the age of to The critical thing about go mg hut k to school at an older age is that you really want to be there.'' Wong said I would go to class with a tape recorder and sit in the front row When I got a It in a class it really upset me While attending Cleveland State. Wong was involved in community service work in volving race relations and civil rights It was during this time that she became interested in affirmative action Turn to Wong, Page 11 UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th (OMI Shi IS \l <)l R \l \\ I ()( \ I IO\! • i owi si uki axi s wvvuii kl • 1*1 kSON \l I/l l) |-k()l I SS|<>\ \l SI k\ H I • INS I AM M k Ml I*ANSI S • SI 11)1 M AM) VOI I H I AIM S • INI I kS A I ION \! 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