|\Zpf Continued from P.tRe 4 At its Sept lt> meeting the Oregon Student I.obhv un.un mulish approved .1 resolution •igainst the waiver, saving the new requirement is a men nr measure ,\i < urdmg to the reso lution possible drug testing .mil the required i erlifu alum statement are an invasion ot a student's privacy and are a form ot harassment I he ()NI resolution said the waiver as sumes guilt before allow ing in nocenr.e, and it discriminates against students who rel\ on I’ell C.r.mls to supplement their linaiu ial aid According to Si oil Wvc holt ASl () Vice [’resident the waiver is a punitive method ol solving the problem ot drug abuse I he ASI '() and the t h egon Student l.obbv are strong lv opposed to this coercive measure of controlling the I’ell (Irani " said U vckoft "But b\ no means is our position a slip port ill drug uni* \\ Vi knit pointed nut the ■'ll perfir ialitv of the waiver We need In take .1 long-term look at the problem of drug use instead nl i real mu .1 short-term an su er,’" he said In regards to the A SI < ) s po sition nt the drug war W vr knfl emphasizes the need lor I'lllli .1 turn and rehabilitation "We believe in edm.ation .mil aware ness b\ providing positive rein tori eluent on 1 ampus Wvi k off said One suggested example might 1111 hide brow n bag to rums to edm ale students on the risks ot drug use Another pro gram 1 urrentlv provided is the ( Minpus (Irgamzatinn lor ,1 Substance \buse f ree I nviron inent 1 u ( t )SA I I Angela Muni/.. \Sl () State Minus Coordinator remlon es U \ 1 knit's opposition ot the waiver Muniz said drug test mt; iv .1 violation nt the Fourth Amendment Most students si*r tins .is .1 tiirc.it Mum/ v.ml rim Wiliver oltrrs no discussion ol imIik ation or rehabilitation rim \Sf() is i in til.ding |m litmus oii|t‘< lini; lo tlm i ertific .t lion and the rumored dim.; Inst ing Other si hoots in tin* slide s\vlniii such .iv Suullmrn Ore gon St.iln College and Western Oregon Slate College are |oin ing the effort We want to slimk legislators that students across the stale are opposing this violation Muni/ said S< > tat we'ke I e reived a positive response Irom students Although the primal y ion i ern of students is the possihil its of drug testing, the outline ol the ai t in the iriliT.il Afegis trr ol |an 11 does not spet ill i ally provide tor drug testing as ol enforcement Ihe a means (^hlld 0^3 rC ^ ontiniH'd from Page 4 !r,icliers Reynolds feels Ibis Is ,i t rucidl l.it tor in the pro gram s |ittlit v of sell awareness and i (immunity involveinent The < ( IM program empha sizes t leltl trips and mull i t ill turn I activities (children en rolled in the program v isit the museums and libraries of Ini gene and many t'niversitx at tractions Anotbei major i omponent ot the program is the developmen tal lot us ai t ordmg to Rev n olds Reynolds saitl bet ause an individual's value development is based on the e\pei iem es be tween birth and age five, a strong program of personal en t ouragement is important "Children are made to feel good about themselves said |en Dilniar. a lead leather with the program Ititmar i ited the open-door pole \ extended towards par enls as an "important compo nent of the program " Parents are encouraged to \ isit or help lead field trips, and the Parent Council is involved with policy det isions affet ting the pro gra m Initiated in 1070. the t hild care centers have a priority point system based on greatest need rather than chronologic al order Ditmar said the program em phasi/.es i hild development .is much as child care hducation is strn tls luiu tional. and mini eographed worksheets are non existent. No dittos, Ilitnuir said The program still has room for more i hildren. despite the new accreditation Reynolds al 1 Having a Partv Let us typeset your invitations in one of our\ JO typefaces. ' Call to find out about our loss prices! 686-5511 letter perfect \ Suite 300 • EMU • ODE OHices tributes tin' ntnph ( hili) (.in' sh11s to .i lung standing tradi linn nl wailing lists U i' haw ilt’V tdopi'd a ri'|iu lation u! lining an iinpossililn plai n In unroll a nnn i Inld so p«-i >plc don't nvon apply Kn\ nolds said Knvnnlds said spin n is avail .ihlr in Ihr tolloumg agr groups lot at inns I All silr | I . wars). Hast Campus (Irt’rn Housr |2 I 2 In 1 I 2 waisl and Ihu U I'stmori'laml Pro si hool pi li \isiis} l or linin' in formation, i ontai I Ihr ( ( I H of tin' .it f»Hh 1184 or stop I * \ tlir offii r al loll Moss St .ii I explains how .1 grant rc< ipi out torn Kli'il ill illegal drug usi' will in' i liargctl u ith tailing In i umpK In tin' i erlifii alinn I hi' signed waiver ul .i i iiiivii I imI ret ipu'iil wilt lie considered ,i fraudulent dm timi'iil Id Vignnui dirts Itir of Iin.nt i nil .mi said lie dors mil lore sci- the imposition of drug lest mg .is a rci|iiir«-m«‘nI lor roi ei\ mg I In' I 11 (Irani. Inti ho said students i annul roi eivu llioir I’i’ll {Irani d the w ai\or is no! signed It a student refuses In sign the waiver, the student u lit nut ri'c five Ihc grant vet that amount will lie i onsidrri'd part ot that stmlriil s 11‘stmn os u hi'ii di'ti'rminmn tin- Imam lal aid pai kagi' In spill- ol rumors of drug ti stim; \ ignoul slri'ssi'd tin important a ol thr IVII tIrani program to tin- I m\ i-rsit\ All u r am doing is I'lifori inn llm law passuil h\ tlm ( onirii'ss ol tin' t nilftl Stairs said Vignoul Ur do not want to H'opanli/i' a s I | million Im.m i ml aid program that alln Is I i pm m! ol studi'iils at tin- I ni vi'lsiU BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS!!! GREAT DEALS!!!! FREE LOCAL Lay a way DELIVERY USED FURNITURE Financing at prices you can afford!!! & NEW QUALITY FURNITURE at low prices!!!! 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