MW UH MW UH 4 35pm 4 35pm 6 35pm 6 35pm Aerobics GerX352 MW 7 35pm Ger 220 UH 7 35pm Ger 220 UH 8 35pm GerX 352 UH 8 36pm Ger 220 GerX 352 Ger 220 GerX 352 All classes lM-gin I he week of October continue for eight Meeks, and are non-credit, ( all (M-41 13 or Mth-4121 for details. i Unn MtjfixH «t»«* lon.ulmp uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS Making ntniss fun! I »i 0.1 2 4 I wt * top... \i: Mi-glsll 8<> 4131 for details. uo RECRE ATION & INTRAMURALS Making fitness fun! I 411* K< pMr4<»rt‘ i: Kit;i»I I all MM* < fc 1 < ♦» I U» * Vt|MK \ J * I ill M« i{iMr*lK»n (kt H *u Ham 4jmi. tl> .University 'Advance tuition deposits' are planned for freshmen in 1990 By Tim Neff Emerald Contributor Incoming freshmen and transfer students entering the University fall term 1390 can expect In pay a $200 advance tuition deposit soon after re ( eiving a letter of admission At the July meeting, the State Hoard of Higher Kducation ap proved the renaming of "ad vaiue registration deposits to "advam e tuition deposits" and increased the maximum amount to lie levied at $20(1 A polu v which would re quire new students to pay the maximum amount is now in the planning process for imple mentation .it the University "1'he purpose of the deposit is to help us understand how many mnv students actually in tend to attend the University." said lames Km h. diret tor of ad missions In a press release. Angela Muni/ ASUO state affairs coor dinator. Angela Muniz said she is concerned that the policy un der development is part of a larger trend to limit enrollment at the University Although current efforts to limit enrollment have resulted in the exclusion of many new students with unsatisfactory ac ademic performances. Muniz said the new advance tuition deposit could exclude low-in come students from the Univer sity Because $200 is a large amount to pay at one time. Mu niz is advocating a deferment KMU COL R I VARD 12:00 NOON (In case of ram .167 EMU) SHOW YOU R SUPPORT FOR GTFS EALTH CAES Sc LIVING WAGE: & NOT A PRIVILEGE of lilt' deposit for low income students. Much of the concern centers around the time line for p;w ment of the deposit. Because the deposit is required shorth after a student receives an ad mission letter, payment would he required long before a stu dent could apply for finam ial aid during fall registration. "We can’t revoke the state's decision on the tuition deposits and we can understand the rea sons for a more accurate way of determining the number of new admissions, but we don’t want them to forget the conse quences of their actions," Mu niz said. “They need a more accurate confirmation of admissions and they need a commitment, and $200 - that's a pretty heftv com mitment just for registration purposes," she said. Because the $200 advance deposit will he deducted from a student's tuition fee. however. Buch said he is skeptical about am adverse affet t the polii v would have on low income stu dents "Instead of having to pay all the tuition at one time, it en aides a person to spread out the payments." Buch said. "It could assist some families Moreover. Buch said he he Iie\ es finam iall\ needy stu dents could he provided for un iler the guidelines of the ad v alu e deposit policy "We aren't approaching this in a vacuum." Buch said "We have solicited information from other si hoots and some mech anism tor deferring payment of the deposit tied to financial aid nun be implemented Muniz said she has i ontai te> Buch in regards to a possib! deferment policy to provide to: low-iin ome students Muni also coniai ted I'niversity Brest dent Myles Brand who ex pressed Ins desire to keep tie I'niversitv open to all students regardless of their finam ial status COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL STUDENTS: STUDENT DONORS: ' Welcome back! The help you gave the medical world through your plasma donations last year was desperately needed. This year the need is even greater. To get you back as soon as possible, we are offering you a \ $$ TEN DOLLAR BONUS SS on your first donation this Fall in addition to your regular donation fee If you return by Oct 10. bring this ad in with you on your first visit back and collect a bonus after donating. Your plasma donations are vital to us We are very glad you are back Call for an appointment 683-3953 Hyland Plasma Center 40 East 10th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON