Truman meeting today Miiri\i;s \n meet inn mi tin* Truman Scholarship mli tin hold in I Ml Camturv Room I- foil.t\ at t rim award provuIns up to S7,()()() a soar to sophomores spoking puhlii service \pplt< ants must ho I ’ S citizens lo t]uulif\ \ nmoliin; ahout tho Intornational trade Xdministration in ternship program will ho hold today at i p in in KM l ( .ontury _Et als__ Room I 1 lm internships aro paid and roipiiro tho studont to tr.ivol to Washington I> (' The applicant must be a l S ( iti/oii to ipial it \ Studont Sonato moots tonight at i> til in 1 AH' ( oiiturv Room T I ho mooting is upon to anyone An Kduc a tin n/Sup port group for y u I inis ol Inn glary mil nmol tho soi ond Monday night ol oat li month from Haiti to fit. begin mug Oil '1 rho mootings will hr held at tho Tugene IVtlii o lie partinont City Hall. 777 I’oarl St t ho mootings aro sponsored by the Uistrii t Attorney s Vit lint Witness Son ii os Program Tor more information, i all Missy Sololf lloikkila al (>H t>7 t Mist I i.I.AM OUS Studying in (ioritiany next year is tin topn of a slidr orient.i tion ahout tiio University’s year or quarter in program I ho sessions will ho hold in Studio I ol tho Instructional Media ('enter at olio ol tho tolloyymg times Friday It Id a til It! id II MO. 17 to p m 1 Id and -t Id l or more information, contat I Ilolinut Plant at (iHti 405!) Campus Wide Peer Training tor lust and second term pons is Saturday from 8 a m lo 17 Id p m in ll>4 Oregon Hall ( all OHO 17 11 Welcome "Beach" Party yvill tie hold tonight at 7 in tho I All Cunnvood Room, sponsored by (ho Ministry ot Baptist Studont 1 tiion and tho University Christian I elloyvship Refreshmonts and prizes from tho tyvo groups will bo available l)ovs vour organization hau• a mooting. h'lturr or somrthing e/ve going on? It so. take ,nl\ antiigr ol the free Oregon I tally I'.mei aid lit als column _Correction In Wednesday's Emerald. an article ahout tho University speech department mistakenly quoted studont Susie Huersmeyer as say mg she would withdraw from si hool it she did not get the i lass she needed to graduate the Emerald to grots the error Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? (’all the Gars F. Lidav Corporation and find out how you can save hundreds of dollars. GARRY F. LIDAY President Insurance Broker Investment Broker 484-6885 (iAKKt K I.IPA^ CORPORATION pu ma 7wu KUiKSh uKtO"Ny74UJ VALUA iiMKiniiu: FABULOUS FUN FOR EVERYONE! • Indoor Miniature Golf • Video Games, Pinball • Pool Tables • Snack Bar • Group Rales, Parties • Quick Shot Basketball Try Us Today! FREE! One free game of miniature golf with the purchase of a regular game PirH Video Adult $1.75 Child $1.00 726 9664 Open 7 Days a Week vj ^ 1300 Mohawk Blvd. Mohawk Shopping Center I I I Expires 10/16/89 CDs and TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade Ulusic flevoluticr 1217 Alder ^ COUPON 1 3T Old: English FISHsGHIPS**' Regular Fish & Chips 2 for $5.00 Each order includes 2 fish fillets, deep fried chips (fries), tartar sauce & lemon wedge Offer -.rood thru 10 is Tuesday's All You Can Eat $4.95 per person 67 Oakway Center • 344-8244 COUPON ________————— — ART & ARCHITECTURE SUPPLY START OUT RIGHT: OPAL TABLE WITH 3I"x42" TOP, 42' PARA LINER, and VINYL BOARD COVER FOR THE TABLE... Buy the package—$ 169.95! A $286.00 value DRAWING TABLES...$84.95-$109.95 3 MODI l-S . 31x42 TOP 25