Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 28, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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IOOIUI \K • I K.UI \K • Hum \W \H
I «ti
I) \\( I IMI \ I KI \\l> KI ( KI \ I ins
Child centers receive recognition
B\ l At Hollander
I merald ( ontributor
The I imersitv s (diiId (.arc
and Development ( enters have
been at i refilled tiv tin National
\i adcim nt I arlv ( mldhmid
I lie a< i redjtatlfin prtii ess m
i llldeil all extensive sell stmt'
and assessment, parent review
and N'AKC I’ v alldatme
The ,u i reditatmn is a fain
tllliiatlOll nl a level nt quality
that uni programs have heen
providing lor a long time
said Dennis Reynolds t'hild
( are t oordinatoi
Reynolds listed high-quality
Intel.K turns with children. liel
ter stall i nmpeiisalmn and a
dedn aled and talented stall ,is
reasons lor the ai < leditatuiii
t tut side raters thud we are
running a good program loi
t hildren, said Rev Holds
The ( V! M prov ides its sei
v ii is to I HO children I'rom the
ages ot 1 i months to h years
The program maintains a stall
Phiitii I) \ Mrv r ( .11 '
She I nnrrsih •> nr\\l\ ,i< credited Child Cun• and Develop
ment ( entei feature's the skills of teat Hits such us \.ini \
to ( hilii nilio which is consi.s
tenlh lower Ih,nr the ratio m.m
'luted In si.ile re(|iinemen!s ,u
i urdmg lo Kevnolds
Kevnolds believes the small
groups nl supervised children
develop lamiliaritv between
bulb the i hildren and their
Turn to C hild C are, Page ~
Drug waiver spawns controversy
Kv Alic I hornton
l merald Reporter
During registration lust week the \M'() l,t
tile dlspl.n i*tI signs lh.il re,id. lust sav no tn Pull
(Irani referring In I lie Drug I ice Work 1 Ma« r Ai I
nl 1‘IHH
rhc Ail wlin li l>u(.nuc effective in Man li.
requires rue ipients of federal grants In sign a
waiver saving tllev will not use drugs
Prior in the award nl the grant recipients
must (ertdv thev will not engage in the unlaw
lul manufar hire, distribution, dispensation, pos
session or use of a controlled suhstain e" during
the period covered h\ the grant The waiver must
h\ signed h\ all students who receive Pell (Iranis.
Am Tim ipient found in v iolation of the vvaivei
mav he ineligible for additional grants for up to
five veers
Although the waiver mav appear to he a solti
lion lor drug abuse in the Nation's universities,
many students fear random drug testing could be
imposed as entorr ement
Turn to Waiver, Page 7
Yellow Light_
"Garrett kaoru Hongo has now made a place in
American poetic tot our own familiar neighhoi
hoods His is a sure eye. a sure voice as rhythmic
and strong .is an Hawaiian chant lo lead nis poems
is to know one's own ordinary secret world worthy
ol song Songs ol grid and songs ol praise He con
stand) grows, and is now at least one ot the best "
-Maxine Hong Kingston
(Garrett) Hongo ho|X‘s to steer students through
romantic illusions, social stereotypes and student an
xiety about writing to a point where they will begin
living with their art, in terms ot their art People
aren't used lo doing that I'd like to embolden them
Garrett Kaoru Hongo was born near Volcano,
Hawaii, on the island of Hawaii and was educated at
Pomona College <B A .) and the University of Cali
fornia at Irvine (MPA) He has received a Thomas
J Watson fellowship (to live in Japan for a year), the
Hopwood Prize for Poetry, the Discovery The Na
tion award, and a N T A Creative Writing Fellow
ship His poems have appeared in numerous journals
and magazines.
Mr. Hongo is the new director for the l O
Creatin' Writing Program.
^ M\Kt I ! k \Of\LI • K >NGO
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