_Forum_ GTFs can't live on eroding wages Ify Carol I aulknor Right now contract negoti ations betyveen graduate teat h mg fellows and the I'niversity have reached an impasse Here are the fat Is (,11 s make on the average. $4t>‘) per month In the last year, the tost of living has itit rea.sed percent; rents have itit reasetl pert enl anil AS! I) health insurant e rates have gone up a minimum of *>() pert.enl over 100 per cent for families The I'niversiH has its own set of hit ts I he\ sa\ tliev t an t afford the health care payroll deduction plan am more 1'hey _Commentary_ say they don't have the money to offer more than 11 and t per cent raises lor the next two years respet lively I could go on anil on w ith fat Is hut this is not a problem ol facts It's a problem ol peo pie It you are an undergraduate, this is about the (ITf in front ol your Knglish sot iology Span ish, I’K. history . phy sit s hioln gy and probably several other t lasses That person goes home every night anti busts his or her butt to he a good teachei ami worries about money l h.it per son sweats over every dollar she has to spend We don’t get a t het k from Mom or Dad eat h month Many ol us are moms and dads l.et me tell you lum most (i l l s started this yeni \Sl ( ) announced its mm insurant e rates on Aug It) I'rru weeks Ih'IoIV l lassos started llll‘ [MY roll office was still assuring (1Id's that thi' payroll dediu lion plan would !><• avail.ihle to tlii'iu Tim iiilmini.stratiou had not informed payroll of tin1 t hange in polu \ I had to per sonallv ( all tin- graduate si lioo! to h.ive the mis up straightened out Manx (i l l s did not know what was going to hit them un III they walked into registra tinn l or mam C. l l s these ex orbitant eosts are not optional foreign (ills are not even al lowed to register without proof that they are insured So what does this have to do w ilh you ' Well, the tpialitv ol a school is not contained hi its buildings, hut in its leai hers and rescan hers and (ills teai h JT> It) peri ent of all tin dergraduate classes Do you pav your high tuition so that you i all he taught in people who live at the poverty level vv ho liter, illy c an not go to a doctor w hen they are sic k' How long ( an this go on before the quality ol viiui edut alum suffers •’ Idle ('.radii.ite d’e.u hing l ei lows federation has been very reasonable m its demands from the vers beginning, we asked mils tor ’> pen ent in creases each year just enough to keep up with liilla tion It is not as it we believe the rniversitv has i ash sitting around that it pist refuses to give to (i l l s U e know that Is not true Hut we also know that the l adversity has an enor minis budget and we know that budgets i ail be juggled Just as you and I i an spend Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL & OPERATIC MUSIC ON COMPACT DISC AND LASER VIDEODISC | CDs from $6.95~j NOW OFFERING SELECT CLASSIC FILMS FROM THE CRITERION COLLECTION ON LASER VIDEODISC BRADFORD S ' 343-9000 I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "He was magnificent! Just magnificent! And I almost had him!... I can't talk about it right now." .i 11 of our mmu'v on .1 fa n< \ 1 ,11 .mil not have enough tor net es siti*‘s. tin' t'mversitv 1 .ill spend m I I S UIIMMIU of Its llionev roll nvalmg the new presulenl 's mansion S 1 I (it 10 on a stuiK ol the f’hvsu al Plant whit li didn’t tell us nn\ thin# new and not have ennuith to offer tillsa del rill livillK ( b\ en 1 111 rent ei onomit 1 011 rlitions, a 2 and I peri enl pav mi rease is not a raise it's a ti ll 111 tion People who live at the povertv levels cannot ahsorh even a small erosion in their ini nine Right now l i I I s are 1.000 strong t'ndei graduates could make us 10.000 strung Please support s our ('.TPs (imie to our rallies and show us and Muir administration that von 1 are about our t ause (.'.mil l.iulknri is thr inr jin‘sitlrnt ol (>ixU-»> Daily f 111 Publi University of Oregon Eugene O»o The Emerald in operated tmiep ... . . ... . , . ... .. t< i> rsdy wdh 1 the Asm>< Eme liable by E dttor Managing Editor E ddonal E ddor Graphic* Editor E ncore E dilor Now* f ditor Supplement* E dilor Night Editor Associate E dilors Community H W i ► Student Government-Activities • I Higher E duration Administration • r • , h features Reporters - A •.!• *• ?.• P. . i" ; : • »'••?••• ;*..*>■ A ■ .■, ► . ■ E i*. I Of Catherine HiiaIi'v Stephanie Holland Jams Joseph lay no Lake fish 4,»m Photographers d.-ve t ' I* H.n Advertising Sales i. I i ' , r . M.i B. • h.i.;." i •«. 1 H * • •!' M A , > Asm , Mifte '•.fiM** t V'»i)i i Pf.ift »• t .* Shu Kn-di StolhOf l drt.i'd Wnns h Production '• A- • . t < rW A: i m ! i; i*n l ' M If -j I • i1 •• k!i • Yv.'Mi' i.». ; Jennifer Mw, l • !.l Ki.i.l d « ' ■" M r- VVemty M mis A i M , I'M.'.,- I'.t ■.*•.«, A i Hc'i't'r ► i >-t ?. I'.'t'.T ! fj Shepier S. ott Smith Carthn Stark Jennifer Th.ana*. Jennifer V»ale Ingrid White Kelly Will'am-. General Stall Advertising Director • Assistant to the Publisher i '.%?■ Production Manager M •* R Advertising Coordinator i dm in >• Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 SS11 Classified Advertising 686 4 J4J Display Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services 686 4381 TELEPHONE T M I Ml AMI CUllURAt 0 H t* on T U N I T l | ' N 11 Ml M < Ml s A . l . T 1 N . • M W H N 0 I W AM o li N i' M | M I 1 AN tl I !0 I VI H » ON TH( M . MU f I I M NO ¥ Q U > N f V A 1 t 0 U Of O s ! u 0 INI I D i S * 0 • S II HM *. ‘ ■ I S T U 0 f NT iNCintNTAi t i » •, »*«ovideo *n tOOPI RATION WITH A S SOt I A I II) SluOf NIS UNIVf HSlTY Of ONI GON Laneiyarmit District nnry poop mm "Tight spates make me nervous Ms laMc leans more louard opera