CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ?)0 OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! Volunteer drivers needed Permanent 1' vers one 2 hr shift per week Alter r,,tte drivers arp on call as needed No spe ial license required These and ad qitmnal volunteer opportunities an i. i able for credit Drop by our ofi" * m the ASUO Women's Center Suite 3 EMU or call 6H6-4239 for more into ?15 HELP WANTED AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS Position-, available with Eugene Parks and Re< reation Submit applications to Human Resources and Risk Services 777 Pearl Street Room 101 Eugene On* gon 97401 Call 687 5061 for informs ANCHORAGE FAMILY needs nanny for 1 yr Musi be fun mature and love h.idren $175/wk plus airfare 144 1893 (ARM , i, . • • mateiy 9 hrs per week S 150/mo Non smoker must have car Bring resume and references to 463 Oregon Hall attn L J • . ■ | boys Mon Wed Fr. 7am 6 30pm 345 5329 COMPUTER SALES MS DOS experience required Bung or send resume 1o PC Express. 1011 Val ley R.ver Way 342 1296 CO DIRECTOR OF MARKETING RECREATION AND INTRAMURALS Promote an active lifestyle and in 'ease level of participation tor RIM events Call 686 4113 for information - slop by 103 Gerlinger for an apple ■ CULTURAL FORUM Events Crew Looking for volunteers to work at van ois events throughout the year Great Eienefits' Interested7 Contact Lynette at *'373 or stop by EMU Suite 2 and find ou' more See the shows tree Meet the bands and much more1 Contact Tasha *4373 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Needed tor temporary part time and tuii time positions both day and even g shifts These positions provide flexible hours excellent working con ditions and a wage of $6 00/HR Quah hed applicants will possess a typing i dov "■g fori'rij Apply afte* 4 pm at i ampuS store 1856 E tjth EMU BOARD . The EMU Board s I, f I o ■ • " > i ‘mj ; i' • (2) EMU Program Representatives nd (1) ASUO Pro gram Representative * 89-90 school year Appl »nts mwd ! have at least two term-, .• ,n EMU ASUO Prr m P i tion descriptions and applications ; i can he picked up in Suite 4 EMU j Deadline is October 6 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SPECIALIST 1/2 time develop and implement ■ rn puter information system m a mud project environment Contact Davis 686 3585 lor position i»*s- option and application GALA The Gay ,1 Lesbian Am r- >«'ek>ng a Co-Director tor the t989 90 sthi« >i year All applications an* due by *> pm Friday September 29 GAla c A1 firmative Action/EOE Sude 119 EMU 686 3360 LOOKING FOR SOME WRITING EXPERIENCE Freelance for the OREGON DAILY EMERALD Gam valuable experience while making inta* t\ and a lithe extra " u'v e Ah e Wheeler 686 651 1 or ome to 'he Freelancers information meeting on Thursday Oct 6 .it 2 P M m the EMU Board Room third floor EEOL Nannies Needed B Nca k New Jersey Washington D1 The Nanny Connection 344 4t56 TRACK TOWN PIZZA Kitchen help J4 25 per hour test paced work pert time llenble hours Apply in person 1809 Franklin BIVD TRACK TOWN PIZZA Plus d*liv*ry dn*#r aarn SS 6 00 par hcurt part lima flaiibla hour* No aiparianca nacaaaary Mu»l ha** own car# and inauranca Apply in paraon 1809 Franklin BLVD HELP WANTED and PRODUCT PRowrlFPS 'iMKled ’ ■ part itm# work 16 QOrhr ('.an Jat •-« at 4 G T F at the U ol O Counseling en ter most be vnroINKl in graduate pro gram n ; ounselmg or psychology n«wts bat kQfOuhd w g*ne»al ounsei •ng ans substance Abuse treatment SEND RESUME • 1 t.% letters of 'e<.ommeodatton to fdel Davenport University Counseling Center University of Oregon E ugene Oregon 97403 DEADLINE 00pm Wed • ’ r tw 4 Wrt9 NATIONAL COMPANY nee*1. . »-■’ 1 ■•••»• mereftar'diser 20-26 hours pe- *eek Must t>»- ible ! -M no ; M , .• pa---, drug roen ng and p-oi <• h*»< * M i po-Aiv Temporary Servn. **s 484 1666 LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC our telephone fundraising team Pa't time Me ..pie hours S6 00 per hour plus bonuses Call 686 .30*6 if interested or stop by Johnson Mall room 207 to p»< * up an application »o WORK STUDY POSmOWS~ ASSIST WITH i federally t . ded •# search project on tobacco reduction and cancer control f iling typing and some video work lasvstmg with scheduling and production i Wark with researc h sublets :>.*crudiny and scheduling sheering a video and administering a questionnaire) re quo**-. 40 WPM »•«;>»•- ..••• • i ! interest m video production orgam national skills ability to • elate to t u- onf.dentiaiity Wa tnt ■ * -i► for graphics a Dig plus Contact Don Mood Oregon Research Institute 484 2123 A A eOl ASU0 WOMEN'S CENTER Receptionists be t v *«■ come people 10 the center Women In Transition Co Coordinator Project Satende Dispatcher Secretary Ad Sale*. Women s Resource and Referral Program Assistants Appl • atu ■ > and job des npt - at Women •, Center (Pound Mo< • j MlJ Closing 5 pm 9*29 An affirmative Action. EOE CLERICAL ASSISTANT Typing nei ey ••ary computer eapenen. e helpful E d mg copying 10 20 hrs/week flexible -. hedulmg J4 60 16 (XVhr t>«r> 4941 MANAtitMtNI INFORMATION SPECIALIST 1/2 lime develop and implement om putlf information sy»1em m a multi project t-nviionmeni Contact Sandi Ort. ■% 606 JS0S »or position description and application utTratI business savvy • u WORK STUDY positions ar Northwest Mr.iew Business Manager !* w*-« ► Office Secretary S hr-. wee* • John 606 JSf6 7 afternoons Persist NOW HIRING work study qualified V. dents as office assistants lo type fib* .-'ill iffu ** Cjulinn $5 SO p«» hour Opportw" I learn puler word processing skills Cali Janii. e at r>06 ‘>414 NOW HIRING work study qualified deni 4'> computer hardwamiyotlware specialist Desire compufer mam ten am e skills n hardware arid software S6 SO per hour Call Jar-If e at *>414 Office AsvStAn! SE A^.,i ' Studies $S OOrhf Assisi Offi- e manager *ith campus errands photoc< >pymg filing data entry typing el Must be Work Study Contact Kathy Brewer 006 PLC 606 4016 SHOOT A LAWYER Law School need* video operator Work study eligible or for credit Leave message for Mike 344 0210 LAW SCHOOL seeks on.puler tec f><” . e *ork study < ertitied S6 0 00 per hour DOE Cali Marilyn Martm, . 1060) ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS !.'• i Ml f } M ? (jt )H NO .*** 4 i VVOHK STUDY T Yf’r.Y i . AVf Nt‘ Ss p«i fu>u» CofflRiuntcil* with lt»od» through ( ??b APTS -DUPLEXES APTS FOR RENT apertmenl* 4nN£ B( Ht >< >M 136% m<> I BEDROOM FURNlf.Mfe'O -I'pel 1 BR FURNISHED »;>t i». U F#rr> S WO* deposit <*u 34 I 4 t "» 1 1/2 BLOCKS from campus1 f urnished studios on ade i.u. 343*4914 2 BEDROOM apt S425 663 3606 i BUM KS If m U O ’ished, street perking no pels 4rt4 9922 no QUADS * AM PUS QUADS • ' ' » »• ,• • manage. U 1 2/38 15TH ST. QUADS Quad un:l in quiet area rear campus Starting a< $200 including all utilities m i 142 3015 Bennett Management 91$ Oak Suite 200 485 6991 t tJRNlSMED QUADS $’89' ?*•(. P erty Repossessions Call i 602 838 B8B5 t -1 GH12164 LOOKING I OR furnished house to rent Oct 89 thru Oct 90 tor a fmmsh family here on an e« hange program Cont.ii t Sara at Weyerhaeuser Paper Company 8 5 741 5717 Z40 ROOMS int t ROOM HOARD plus Stipend cichange tor child ' arc See ad under childcare 345 9287 2*5 REAL ESTATE - "HELP U BUY” Are your parent! culling to help you "ut *dh student housing7 Do you I need a realtor to represent you7 Cad rne at your convenience to schedule j an appointment Mark G Mtnnis M S ' U of O 1974 Broker 484 9441 ?80 ROOMMATES WANTED HOOMMATf *,v U' Doug 4tu 4tiO MA, f HOOMWATE * t-v • dpi 10 mm from ». arnpu* *.'pool ten m* .1 ;duna Idu'Ury S.KX1 v a" 14«*? i >NI HKX > *• .<»' • .MTipui tMrU" mi»i dpi a fu*’'. *»hc*tl Si.’*' ,t«*P<>nc*.vtgp .ii 14 i 6At>A MCm ’MM A T. vVAN T1 > to .<• , ■ iji'.j jwipi 2 bnhlroom apt l')lh . -*t•1 •* Mml neighbnrh -v! Hwi MS IttV St { KINC. NTUDf NT ■ w,n m- *t»■ ahaip harming homo clone lo *. am pun 1 ..u.'Mjry «l'4 1 f/.H I S04 \ 2..CHIID CARt - CHILDCARE c*rArlr/rr to* Hiatt 44.-#- * *” »*>•"* 345*5418 I AfU Y CHIl DHOOO Cf Nil H (IAD p»*tchOOI of !»■ »• hw mini -llntf.i ha*. opening* tor J S yr oicll CrOAhvt ly problem solving in »' edh highly P I-: •-J Mall Coh|«< * »>*> 4•>'■11 or «>/*> SS27 MATUfU .TABU »'M.u gei» ■ lo ,rr lor ! S S *K>rtu*(irne* J S y >id bOy* ha" day. ,tlenhim in o» hang® for roomboard plus sltpand Refer •nc«4 l» anspoMatiQn required us g?H7 NATIONALLY ACCREDITED EMU CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS We have apace* available in our ( MU pre ftchool program lor children 3 to S yra old Cell 4JA4 lor ep plication information Act rctlurtl h> if»c NjtHXui At oticmy of Early ( hikUtootl Pr« >graxm I RECYCLE THIS PAPER 2/0 MEETINGS BASEBALL PLAYERS information*! mooting to' 'mm and '© turning pl*yi*o» Meet nr* < >.n i' and find Out team ot)jt+f twos for 1989'1990 season Prar t :c *it.iri«> ne«t *«'► so this meeting m .1 must Call M.i" (486 2341) if you Cannot attend Thu'S day 928/89 8 JO f MU rm < .edar C ?7b EVENTS SOCCER TRYOUTS M • VV«- ) F m \ \Q *1 W) S F 'Bltl U Ot 0 Club Spo*!» »ii Club Spo*373 3 o» 1010 2«o ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT :31i3i: ■ ART CINEMAS ■ • 492 E 13th • 686-2458 • D«»COUKT %HQW% S,. M.. |) T„y*»ThV3 50 no JYVt.-W’N* 4*. »BtAl lf«^ ??E RIGHT THING" ' MCM MOHAMI I 4 i^mwuto U4« M HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS PLUS *»fW *iMMI ft laity mmtitt In nmmrrnoimLi mwmwwwwmwmwm % r4*m rmpAY mo** wk u am# * DEAD POETS SOCIETY .. . tin SNOW fOAet2*T 11 IP KJ ldo the right THING, Late NiQht »dm Fr Sa |3 So-Th %2 SO FlN4i SHOW TONIGHT 11 *'*« n HE'S GOTTA HAVE 17 ■■■■■■■■■a I rt!U & »r,*f3 3itfP4 r ' Has EXCELLENT ADVENTURE 1)1 Alt l*OKI'S S<>( II IV THURSDAY CARETAKERS HOPPERS 19TH & AGATE 295 MASSAGE & BODY WORK ~ NAILS BY MIMI A ;fylic Ndil) $.“> 00 ijeeri established I <>r billing p'menls please .ii 686 4343 slop r>, the Emerald Classified Office ion 1 mu MATES Three line minimum charge is $4 SO lot the first insertion end $3 00 lor consecutive insertions $1 SO per line for the first day and $1 00 per line for to nsec utive days the .*1 is rup without charge 9 POINT lU 40rtln#| 12 POINT ($3 XVhne) 18 POINT i$4 Wline) 24 POINT |J« 00/lmei BOX BORDER $1 50/DAY DARKROOM TECHS NEEDED The Oregon Daily Emerald is accepting applications lor the position ot darkroom tech. Darkroom techs are responsi ble tor all darkroom processes: photo screening (enlarger and copy camera), line shots, tones, reversals, film develop ment and processing. Experience is necessary tor this position. Applicants should have experience developing and printing 35mm tilm. or experience with copy camera and graphic arts photogra phy. Applicants must be available to work from 1:30 (or 2:00 p.m.) until 5 p.m (MWF or UH). Applicants must be available to work from noon until 4:00 p.m. processing film Sunday al ternoons. Applicants must be available to work two nights a week (Sunday through Thursday). The position pays S3.85 per hour. Starting January I. 1989 it increases to S8.25. Not only do you get paid to work, you get your very own stylish Oregon Daily Emerald t-shirt. Such a deal Applications are available at 300 emu. All applications must be in by 4:30 p.m. Friday. Calvin and Hobbes BOSAKN * 7 { tau doing \ out or bed » 1 THOUGHT I HEAUD SOMETHING OUTSIDE 1 OTONT WEAR AMTWING by Bill Watterson a wag kino a A THUMP WIU. tXJ GO lOOK, AND MAKE M«E ITS NOT Mt1 THING start ’ III CHECK But l twi HEAR ANT THUMP (IS US’ GO \ SEE' TUBES OUT THE DOOR ’ I NOTHING TWO MOKI MW, ’ | CWT WESV OH PHASE , CM PHASE 1ES IEASE ON y„ (5E< Its./ [ » '§