Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 28, 1989, Page 24, Image 24

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    Open Daily 11 am - Midnight
■ Fresh Salads
■ Hamburgers
■ Chicken Breast Sandwiches
■ Old-Fashioned Milkshakes
Fresh • Plentiful • Delicious • Fun
1249 Alder Street
Four blocks from Hayward Field.
Across from Sacred Heart Hospital.
Clip ODE coupons for GREAT savings!
Continued from Pane 1
experient i'il mi far are normal
construction problems > )>.irr.i
"|.u< k11\ the i rows on i <im
pus have broil rrallv Hood hr
()in r |In* s\ stem is in plai.i*
Ybarra said (hr I 'mvrrsitv will
hot onir its own phono i iiinpn
in pros iding sriv u r to campus
l,n ilitirs mi hiding thr dorms
Dorm residents who li.nr pri
valr phonos will hr hilled l)\
tin* I'lmorsiK for basil service
instrad of In I S \\ rst ( omimi
mi alions w tin h is Ihr loi al
phono i ompam Long distant r
servo r u ill i oillintit* to hr pro
\ nlrd In outside companies
I hilikr I'S West. himr\or
thr I 'nivrrsitv s "phone i inn
pain w ill not hr regulated In
am stair aw;«■ m \ bn ausr srr
vii r is onlv being provided to
tin* i ainpns communitv, N harra
In addition to laving Ihr new
phono i allies i row s air install
ing a lihrr optit lino that will
provide future service in video
communication, said Hod How
man. t.onstnii lion < oortlinalor
Although thr liber optit. lint*
will not hr used inimediateU
How man said it is loss ex pen
she in the long run to install
Ihr liber along w till the new
phone lines
The Dniversitv has hired a
trln nnnminit ations manager
to run the svstem. and \ hurra
said an additional 10 to 12 pro
pie will In' needed to staff the
Telet ommunii ations Services
offit e The offit e has an eslt
mated anmial budget of $1 ft
Ybarra said the svstem will
net the Universitv an estimated
I'hnln lh \ndre Kdint-ri
r'rciis working on installing thr I'niversit\'s now phono sys
tom are reported to bo on trai k lor the system's expected Feb
ruary dehut.
S2 ') million m revenues. most
Iv through students, within 12
\ ears
Moreover, rates lor basil ser
vires are expel .led to be c orn
pel it ive w ilh other phone i oin
panics, ho said
I'hc remainder of the props I
consists of installing the 111
miles of ( able that will conne< t
campus far ilities to the system
headquarters in Oregon Hall
Everything you need to make your temporary housing a
home! Show us a valid Student I.D. and receive 20% off
any regularly priced merchandise.
Offer good thru 9/30/89
345-1480 mon.-sot.
13th & Willamette IOom-6pm