Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 28, 1989, Page 22, Image 22

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    7 OPTIMAL '
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Foundation celebrates first decade
\l \\ YORK Alb Donn.i de Yamna mid
Hillic |c«n king shared .1 dri'.tfn I'en years ago.
l!ir\ srl al mi 11 m,iking il 1 mill’tr 1 u*
It lias, sort uf The Women's Sports Fnunda
lion has grown throughout tile 1 Wills and heads
into tliu next decade determined to vigorously
deal with the problems fated by accomplished
and aspiring female athletes
In .untiling like this d von just believe it
will happen go for it You will make ,1 differ
ente tie \'.iniuii .111 Olympic gold medalist in
1‘MiU anti ti l said
"The Women's Sports Foundation has made
.1 difference Hut theie is so moth more for us to
l lie foundation, whit li holds its annual
awards dilute! Tuesday where four women will
be inducted into the \\ SI II.ill of Fame, took .1
while to really do something lug and it was
si am lie Yanina said "We said we had to tin a
big dinner in New York anti st.ut .1 Mali of l ame
I went to the Plaza Hotel called everybody I
k new and said I bail been to their dinners and lie
lieveti in what they were doing anti I wanted
them to believe in this
"It's wonderful how people responded Hut
the 1 hallengc to be better and more fat tear lung
The I oundation has had 1 major impact hv
lobbying in Washington lot more equality lor
women's sports; in getting more women’s events
into the ( Mvnipii s in gathering together leatiing
women athletes in support of various sports •relat
ed 1 .ruses, and in prov iding 1 lilt it s as well as a
travel and training prngiam for athletes at tidier
I'lll lev els
One of those athletes 1'IBH Olympic speed
skating 1 hampioti Bonnie Ilian 1 redits the Imttt
<1.(1 ion lor 'making it .11 1 eptable for women to be
involved in sports I hey are a very big part ol
movement lot women's sports
HI,111 and Mary l ou Ketlon. the I'lHl Olym
pn gymnastics champ, emphasize the WSI 's fi
11,1111 1.1I aid to women athletes as its biggest con
tnhutiuii ol the (let ade
I bail .1 lot ol help (nun 111 y hometown pn
Ine departmenf." Blair said Hut I know other
Speed skaters who have gotten help troll! them A
lot of tunes, athletes don't find the support else
vv here and that's alway s a big struggle
The foundation donated money in Kettnn's
name to I’lioebe Mills the American gymnastics
> hiimpinn and a I'lHH ()lv mpi.lil
I lie Women's Sports I nundation has done
wonderful things lot women in sports " s.tvs
Helton "and. financially. whatever it does is
very important liecausc athletes m the t inted
States are not government funded So many atli
leles vv hn rant a I lord to compete who ( ait'l pay
loi proper coaching and eipiipiuelit have been
given .in opportunity to keep training and pursue
their goal, thanks to tile foundation
He \ arona ( laims the foundation lias had an
impar t m subtle w av s too
We want women to be proud of being fit
having the courage to go out and run a mar
athon she said "When I grew up if you were
not Twiggv and didn't weigh two pounds, you
were embarrassed to wear a skirl Hut the whole
boom with being an Olympii athlete has cleared
aw.tv stereolvpes And the foundation, as the
voiie for women's sports, has been a factor in
(hat boom "
So. of course, have been the stars, such as
( :hris fiver!. w hom de Varona called " The f irst
I .adv of Sport
(ihris l.vert reallv dealt with controversial
times with dignitv. as a leader with a fantastic
image, de Varona said "If there is any role
model vou would want vour daughter to have, it
is (:luis I lei hid ping the foundation, or an vone of
liei i alihre getting involved, is significant
"We have been able to highlight the out
standing ai hievements of women athletes and
also show another side, like w hen Martina Navr.i
tilova gave us a SlalMHlO check for travel and
11.11ning of aspiring athletes
\nd the athletes who don't have the money
give us their time That's just as valuable
I S lawmakers have found tile foundation a
valuable asset when seeking information about
women’s sports.
'Whenever Congress is interested in women
in spoils lliev tall us de Varona said We re
pioud of the wav we've worked in Washington
w llll I itle IX
"We represent about 1(H),000 individual
members but we also represent millions more
through multi sport organizations that have a
presence with us. such as the I'SOC and the
N't AA
What's ahead for the Women's Sports I cum
dat ion
I believe there is going to be more expan
sion of our programs and involvement " Nancy
I ieberinan (:lme, the Olvmpii basketball slai
said "We are just getting started, it's only been
last five veals we've been getting an abundaiue
of sponsors to bai k programs The more major the
companies. the more programs wecau do I can
onlv see a lot of growth in the future and more
younger athletes getting involved
Adds de Varona. "Most important as we look
to the 'Ills is to offer alternatives to early preg
nauiv and drugs and leaving school It's a pity
we respond always to a i risis and not before the
i risis arrives The foundation hsa been trying to
respond all along; our position is there are a lot of
healthv kids out there who aren't getting help
w hen fat ed w ilh i lion es
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Guatemala and E Salvador sponstved t>y
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Omra American People