_Sports Photo l»\ Martin I hi«*l Outside hitter Melissa Tertian contributed to the Dili k victor) in a hit; way by scoring seven kills and two service at os Ore gon's victory gave it a 7-0 record against Portland. Netters hammer Pilots decisively By Stew Smith I mer.ild ( ontribulor I'he Oregon volleyball tr.im continued 11> dunlin.line over the ('Diversity ul I'ortl.iml I’i lilts ss llll I 'i ti I ”1 ti .mil I i It \ II till ICS The victory r.iiscil (trefoils record to li t overall, and I t in the Par lln III ( onlereui e Oregon is now ' it against the I’ilots The Ducks jumped out to a quick si.ut .util si oil'll seven mil ot the first eight points I’i lot head i oai li l ail Nenheigei i ailed a ijini k tinieiml and the Dinks responded In scoring tile next seven points Portland put together three points towards the end. hut it was loo little too late as Denise Kuhn and Michele krehxhai h i omhined to stuff a Portland spike I he sci ond game saw a little hit ol fill- ear Is on Im the Portland squad Hut the I )m k dominance came through soon enough and the tin.il si me was a 1 eti mirror image ol game one. U hen the Iw o teams i .line mil alter intermission to plas tlie third game. Oregon found themselves l.n mg a rejuvenated Pilot squad ()regon co.n h (ler i s t iregors had i leared his hem h following tile set ond game and it het nine i leal in the thud game that the i heuiis try was not perfet t I'lle si oi mg w as streaky throughout the final li.uue. Or egon tumping to a . J lead mils to wati h the Pilots rally then was to a 11 n advantage In i ame senior Michele Krehshai h U itli her h.u k on llie floor the I Ini ks i allied to i lose the gap to I 1 o Hut on the strength id great serving by Krehshai h and Me lissa Terzi.m, excellent him k mg try Stephanie Drier and Molly Mctirath. and spikes Big bucks you may not earn (but, you will gain experience) Opportunities to write on higher education issues, community, arts and entertainment, student activities, politics, and many other topics are available. . r.lTI i Oregon Daily Emerald Freelancer’s Meeting 2 p.m. Thursday, October 3 in the EMU Board Room 3rd floor of the KMU or contact Alice Wheeler 686-5511 4(K off one Gyro* or Falafd a* WHIN 1219 Aldw 343 3062 exp 10 lb 80 * iMJNDBtUlND * GREAT f OR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 54tU|nFn All GAMES WORK y, IIUIU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M so STH STRUT PUBLIC MARKET EUGEHE •U3 MM i.iiiiiih: clown Irani all .iiv.is ol tile court (begun rattled oft six ol the iii'xt eight points to slain the door krebshac h sol the tone lor the name u itli II kills and 1 hloi ks I er/Mii contributed secen kill-. .’I du;''. and two serve e ai es ) 111 it* 11• 11ec e\ played an outstanding all around game ccilli lice kills lice blocks tom digs and a sei vie e .11 e I )acc tin ( h.irroin add ed a service at e of her own to go along with sic. kills and sec i'ii blot ks Indeed it ( lo gon i an repeat their performance in the tost two games and the tenac itc and determination of the latte! hall of the third game then two \ 11 tones ale not that unrealistii a goal I'he team mile had teco ball handling errors the entire • .line and one each ol lei eiv inv errors and bloc king errors The Ducks did commit tom ser \ ii e errors. c\ hit h should tie i ut down to zero (California and Stanford are similar teams in their makeup Moth finished the season no turn.die ranked ( Cal being ranked Mo IT and the (Cardinal ranked \o (California returns I I letterwinners from a team that 11inslied PI 1 "> (but milv 'll in the P.u let) Stanford boasts 1 returnees from ,i si|uad ih.it went tit t ,iiul 11, m I hr ( onferem e I hr k• *\ I,ii tui in llir n|x mil mg game with Stanford i mild hr ovrri miimg thr Cardinal aliitndant c lit height The I links should lie able to (mull ter this with their superioi ath let»< ability and power game Stanford holds an edge in the series b\ a ld-1 margin l or Oregon to beat (’alitor ilia all the starters must do then |obs widl Sellers Molly Mil,lath and Stephanie Slivdei will each have to get assists I la win i ( dlarroin will have to be ( (united mi tor him ks and Mi i liele hrrbsbarh will have to supply the firepower II all these (dements an* in plai e. there is no reason why the I hit ks won't dominate the smaller (lolden Hears and nar row the series gap \shnh cur rently stands at It, > t pi oming home games !m the lluiks will lie Wednesday I )i loher l against I'ortland Stale at 7 111 ()u ()i tobei I t ( Iregoil takes on t t I \ w ho i oillpleted last season with a it t record, and yy ill lie i on tending tor the national title I'St ' holds the series edge by a i mint ol .17 til I. and t ( I A has dominated the Dm ks in the past by *l I UO-Bookstore Screamin’ into Fall with TDK Audio Tapes and PEPSI Oiler valid thru October 7. 1989 Buy 10 TDK SA-90 Blank Audio Tapes for only 1.99 each, Get 2 liters of FREE PEPSI