' GASP/: THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE " C.D.s 258 Posters Records — Tapes HOUSE OF RECORDS : 13th • 342-7975 ...and to think we met through an ODE PERSONAL Senate approves 'war on drugs bill, calls for mandatory testing WASHIM '.T( )N | \l’| 111.' Senate (in Wednes (l,n nvervvhelminglv .i|)|»r(>\ctl a S‘* 1 billion plan Id pav l(ir I lie Wdr (in drugs .uni ( .illcd for m.md.i lory drug .did ill .( nationalK televised address I lies said 111** ad ministrations blueprint faded lo earniaik enough fin pn*\enlimi and treatment I lie ( oiiipromise i onlniiis the $~ 0 billion plus Stilt) million in anti < rime funds S.’oo million tor juvenile pistil e $1(01) million ill additional prevention and treatment money and $100 mil lion foi law enforcement grants The additional funds would lie gained through a 0 1 1 pen cut ( lit 111 federal spending before approving tlie transportation bill, the Senate attached on a voice vote a provision of fered bv Sen |ohn ( Danforth to require drug and .ili ohol tests in the industry It would require random, pre-employment post .hi ident and for-cause testing ot an estimat I'd I ai|a mm employees in safety-sensitive posi lions m the airline rail Inis and trui king indus tries I)aidortli and a number of lawmakers have been pushing for several years for testing of transport.! lion workers i iting repealed latnl ai i idents true ed to employees under the influent e of drugs and alcohol A measure applying only to rail workers is part of the House version of the trails portation hill The Transportation Department said Tuesday IT.r.a random drug tests of its own employees during !l> months in 1'lHH and 1‘IHII turned up ‘to indii ations of drug use. or 0 l>4 perr.ent of those tested Seventeen tests of suspected users turned up eight posit i\ e indii ations I he i enlraI transportation prov isions ol the lull tali tin SI 1 'I billion in new spending plus S1 a,‘t billion in alreadv collet ted fuel and passenger taxes The measure envisions $1J.2 billion for highways projects. S' t billion for aviation pro grams anti S I billion for mass transit assistance Smoking alreatK is banned on domestic airline flights of two hours or less The Senate measure wotiltl extend that to ail flights It was adopted last week ovei the objections of Inbat t o state senators Voting against the $(t 4 billion drug funding plan were Republicans lake (lam of I Mali and Stove Svniins of Idaho. Sen. Jim Sasser. D-Tenn.. did not vole \ot voting was Sen William Arm strong. K (Inin WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! Come enjoy breakfast at Rennie’s GOOD MORNING EGGS (all orders include home fries and your choice of toast or English muffin) 1 SO Two eggs, any style 2 . SO Bacon and eggs 2. SO Sausage and eggs 2. SO Ham and eggs VOO EggS McWilliams .i toasted I nglish Muffin egg turn uixl nxllcel cttcese on each lull OMELETTES (all orders incliule home fries a Englisl) muffin) I OS 1 OS 2 ^S 2 "S 2."S S 2S 2"S 2 "S 2 ”S ‘ ill l at II Il.l11 — V' BRH4KEAST SPECIALTIES 1 OS _C» ^mush®i (13? ^^OS Brt imn Cheese omelette lailor-made omelette Ham and cheese omelette Bacon and chcrse omelette Mushnxim and clxese omelette Ham, mushroom ami elteese omektte I XllVCr omelette J M«itliurs< b\Trm- M uh lull! I* II .mil onion \cggie omelette 4 sectarians delight tilled» u I mm urn ixil |X|ijxt mushnxims green onions 4ixl ilxxkUr cluesc Rennie-made omektte 4 Kc-nmcs .x-iguui »h CTV4IH llKIV tXlKKIs 41X1 llinulix-s Spanish omektte t Ikxx muons muslin h Hits chilio vilsj Btvakfast Sfxxials — please ask your teaitir /trice caries (Inti not natch) 1 OS ramble scrambled eggs with sauteed >ms, bell pepper, tomatoes. onions and cream cheese, with horqe tries, toast or English muffin m Scramble scrambled eggs with a generous portion diced ham, served with home fries, toast or English muffin Breakfast Burrito scrambled eggs with sour cream mushnxxns. onions and salsa in a flour tortilla, served with home fries French Ioast & Bacon four pieces of bread dipped in egg seasoned « uh cinnamon and nutmeg, plus three pieces of crisp bacon s\St I /k IN A HURRY. . . HS McSlamwich - 411 I nglish muffin sandssiching a Hat c-gg with (alapaio CJicesc I SS Served scull bacon li.mi or sausage PASTRY .~S ( innamon Roll scntxl hot .uxl buttered BEVERAGES ."’S Juice apple, orange, tomato and \'K SO Coffee (every cup) SO lea SO Hot chocolate Breakfast served ~ j() am to If):JO am M-F '):()() am to UAH) am Sat Rennie’s Landing • 1214 Kincaid Eugene, OR • 687-0600