Editorial War over old trees rages about special |usl ulx'ii you think you've got a handle on the whole enviromnentalist-limlrer intluslry loud, it i rops up again in till- most unexpected plat i* Last Sunday. Turner Broadcasting System aired a spei i.il entitled Anciont Torosts R.inr Over Trot's The show, produced hy the National Audubon Society, fo i used on the current turmoil over old growth forests Timber industry oifu ials got wind ot the program, and convinced sponsors to drop their advertisements from the show All nine advertisers dropped out. in • hiding Dean Witter and Ford Motor Co. TBS inported ly took a $1250.000 bath on the program The Audubon show had special implications for Oregon The documentary was filmed in Oregon and focused on the Opal (.‘reek forest, a drainage uliuli i onlams huge amounts ol old growth Fiiviroiimenlalisls and Audubon representatives sa\ the slum was a balanced, well made documentary about old growth lores!s and the ongoing spotted owl i lists Timber oltn nils claim it was a biased tilm ili rei led against the iudustrv I'lie tun sides are even arguing over who benefited more from the sponsot pullout Finironmeiilalists sav the industry's lieavv handedness was a blessing in dis guise giving theii cause more puiilii itv than it would have rei eived otherwise Iudustrv olfu ials disagree \\ e don ’t In the davs building up to the program, newspa pets and television shows covered the i onlroversv over the show This prohatilv polled in more viewers than would have wal< lied the show had their not been such a fuss There seems to lie no end to the furor over the old growth lorusls Sometime this week, a joint House-Sen ate committee mav lake action on an amendment that would lilt current bans on old growth logging, while keeping large amounts of old growth lores! land inlar t Kiivironmeiitalists oppose the bill, and are lobby nig Congress to block it The Audubon show, il noth ing else. nisi hi mgs the whole ( onlroversv to the politi i a I forefront once again I'lie iudustrv did ai liieve one small victor) in thi* tiasi o Because TBS lost a large amount ol monev on the show, other networks aren't going to be in a real burn to aii documentaries on the subjet t This will eliminate an important forum for the environmental ist's v iews But foi the most part, the show will prove to be an embarrassment to tilt1 timber officials In their haste to get rid of the rope around their legs, they shot them selves in the foot instead i * NOTTCl • 1 l aWHGWWED \ |lX>AESTK FUCfflS' "You'd like a ticket from New York to Los Angeles....around the world so you can smoke?!” Smoking ban amendment not worth fuss In tli*' past few years, we have seen a trend toward eliminating i igarette smoking from American society. Last Thursday, the 1 S Senate took another step in the process, voting to ban smoking on all domestic flights The House has already passed a similar bill, and both versions are mm headed for a bi< amoral i onlerem e i ommittee I'he I louse hill makes the current smoking ban perma nent but does not extend it to .ill domestii flights The i urrent ban. passed in l‘)H7. pre vents smoking on all domestic flights ol less than two hours Some individual airlines have taken it upon themselves to ban smok ing on their flights altogether. I'he Senate floor fight over the smoking hill captured the attention of the national media l or days, the American puhlk was deluged with the sight of various Senators posturing on the dangers or merits of the ban. (,ut through the rhetoric, and an inter esting point comes up. Most of the Senators opposed to the ban were not surprisingly from the tobacco growing states. Not in terested in health dangers, they were only trying to protect their state's cash crop. We support the smoking ban. We have nothing against smokers, in fact we came out against the Oregon ballot measure Iasi year which would have banned smoking in most public places. However, we do recog nize the health dangers of smoking, and the rights of non-smokers. Nobody should he subjected to hours of cigarette smoke in a c rowded airplane unless they want to. Besides, the now bill is really only an unneeded extension. The current ban keeps people from smoking on domestic flights ot less than two hours, hut when was the; last time you were on a non-stop domestic: flight longer than two hours? In reality, the* new ban does nothing radical, and will not c hange things as much as some Senators would lead you to believe. To spend days debating on what amounts to a clean-up-the-language bill is not only worthless, it's stupid. You would think the Senate has nothing better to do with its time. -Letters. Scared 1 hr front page of tin- Sept _(> (•itilion of lilt' ()rt‘Honian pic tim'd President George llusli proposing .in HO pen ent redut lion of chemical weapons for both tile 1 nited States and the Soviet I'nion Only davs earli er. Hush's comment on the spilling of Ainerii an blood bv a user of a semi automatic weap on was "it's hound to hap pen George Hush's contradictory statements and poor decisions have disappointed Democrats and Republicans ever sinc e he took offic e Ills response to gun control is one of the most sad dening Kic hard Wiener, vour letter entitled "Overkill" [ODE Sept J * > 1 vc as embarrassing and scaiv Surelv nobody wants to be armed, or to have others armed, with bazookas and shoulder-mounted tactic al nukes The National Rifle Asso nation s escape "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is very lame I am a conservative too but I am discouraged at the tac t that our partv doesn't seem to move ,md i hiing)' with the limes As s.llllt rifles are l>e< timing easier lo get like drugs Ynur letter protested the hail of dangerous weapons You might as well advocate the legalization ot to tame N’ohods can justify ail\ sort ol domestic assault rifle use Obviously an effort must be made to prevent all people from possessing these guns Assault rifles, Ceorge Hush and the NKA three irrational and dangerous ideas that i an not be tolerated Mark Salvo Political Science Stand up A message to freshmen (let up stand up stand up for your rights There are an itu onceivable number of pen pie and organizations at the I'niversitv that want something front you. Can you spare a min ute a quarter, an hour? W ould you like to ( ome to our meet ing? Mam of the organizations, such as Campus Crusade for Christ, target freshmen because most of you have left all your friends and family at home, making you an easy mark join a spet ial interest < Info and zap.' Instant group of friends I don't mean to knot k Campus (an sade; if you're interested, talk to them, hut don't join anytxidy Ihx a use they offer friendship If that's the reason, there are probably 111 other groups offer ing the same, only more suited to you. i e , (Cycling Club, fencing. Chess. OSf’IRC. etc. As for fraternities or sorori ties. keep your dignity just re member whenever you dress up m some stupid costume or go out at .< a m on finals week to sweep the lawn and mow the driveway, you are getting laughed .it by childish fools lust like the poor retuidod kid at junior high got laughed at h\ childish fools who hid his books Show some guts and taste It you think no. sav no Jeffrey A. Hawkins Student Health sting Most graduate teaching fel lows at this university are by now familiar w ith the problems < aused by the lack <>l adequate and affordable health care at the University Many have ap plied for .in alternative health care plan, some have struggled to find money to pay for the ASt'O health care plan, and some will unfortunately go without health insurance this year hut what many don't know is that international t,Tls cannot teat h here unless they have health insurance; they are not even allowed to register with out proof that they have, or will have, such insurance. They, then, have no choice They have to come up with the mon ev They, then, are the most hurt by the University's refusal to sponsor a deferred payment plan for insurance. But all of us have been hard pressed this last week to find .1 health plan. It isn't easy when we have to live on $4t>‘> a month. But our health and the work and teaching we do is too important to be thus tri fled with. It is important that all (ITFs realize the rights we deserve and to raise our voic es in demanding and defending these rights. Candy l.aUom Knglish C1TF -Letters Policy_-— The Emerald will attempt to print all letters con taining comments on topics of interest to the Univer sity community. Comments must be factually accu rate and refrain from personal attacks on the character of others. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is sub mitted. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style.