ZOT3CO BUY 1 get 1 FREE* • selected regular-priced posters only Lazar Bazar 16 y**r minimum 57 W. Broadway. Downtown Mall 687 0139 o ^ CL o Z DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS OCT. 22 HULT CENTER SILVA HALL B Av.jii. ■ RESERVED SEATS *15 00 & $16 50 .il .ill Hull Ceuti'i Outlets of cull (>8/ ‘>000 to charge by phone ^ap Into I hr Cold Pesticides examined as hazards to health of Oregon farmworkers FCCKNF (AIM An adviser to California farm labor leader ( osar Chavez will study the ef te( ts ot pestir ides on the health of Oregon farm workers during the next six months Northwest Treeplanlers and Farmworkers t luted, w Ini h represents about J,400 of the esti mated ri(),(MK) farmworkers in the state, plans to draw up a list of the pestir ides being used and to (Iik ument physical problems of workers who work around the i hemii als I suspei t well find the same pest it ides be ing used that we've found in California said l)r Marion Moses who was in the Fugene area on Monday and Tuesday meeting with union ofli i nils and farmworkers Moses was Chavez's physic ian when the la bur leader went on a Mi day fast in I'lHH to protest the use ot peslu ides on table grapes and to dram atize a union boycott started in 1'IH-t Oregon health offit nils and farmers have said pestir ides are applied under safe conditions and that risk to workers is generally minimal Hut those assertions .ire a matter of opinion. Moses said Tuesday noting the state's most re cent pest it ide use estimate is based on informa tion provided by -to pestir ide dealers not by con tar ling those who ar linilly applied the inset t and weird killers Farmworkers have a light to know ill detail the risk factors of the chemicals they work around said Moses a specialist in occupational medic me who has been working \y 11 h the lulled I aim Workers I 'nioii m central California since I‘IH t I aimwnrkers haven 1 yet made the runner tioil between illness and use of pestic ides " she said (then they are lust tedd that the c hemii als are medic ini* for the crops i toll them it's not medicine it's poison.'' Oregon union official l.arrv kleinman said Ins union wants to i reate the safest possible working conditions for Oregon farmworkers "It's in the best interest of the growers to have : l nisrrsils o( Oregon Student Affairs Diiisiun, AM O, Office of the President. Mm Against Rape, The Women's Center. OfTkr of Affirmative Action. Office of Business Affairs, Rape Crisis Network. \\omenspace. Panhellenic Council. Inlrrfratrrnitv Council. Office of Student Advorarv. Office of the Vice President fur Administration, Office of Public Safelv. Office of Multicultural Affairs. fniversitv Mousing. Office of thr Prososl. Crime Presention Association of Oregon. Kugene Police Henesolent Association. l-ane Counts Crime Prevention Council, Kugene Commission on the Rights of Women. Springfield Police Officers Association. Project Safe Run. The Athletic Department. Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs and Development, and The Center for the Studs of Women in Soviets.