WELCOME TO EUGENE 1 We Carry Quality • Patagonia • North Face • Royal Robbins • Woolrich • Sierra Designs • Vuarnet • Nike • Tiger • Reebok patagonia JVFKENZIE 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon Sal 9 30-6 Son 11 -S (Reg Center Hour*) Congress delays timber decision WASHINGTON lAP) A House* Small* con IrtriK t* < omtTiittrr on \\ «*tInusday c 1«*l«»\«•«I tor otu* (i,i\ consideration of legislation t<» ensure North west mills an adequate timber suppK over tin* next \» ,ir while providing some protec tion for the region’s old-growth forests I hr Northwest's old-grmvth forests provide .1 pi 1111,0\ luilol.it for tlie northern spotted owl Hie delay i .tine ,is Northwest l.nvrn.ikers sought .i ( ompfomise th.it would he,id oil .1 show dow n in the < onlereiu e r orninittee .Hid .1 possible I louse floor fight Mouse nieml'ers Iron) Oregon end Washing ton believe that while they mav have the votes to prevail m a confercni e 1 ommitlee. the\ must not offend Illinois Deinoi rate Kep Sidney 'r ates if they are to w in on the floor '1 .ites (hairs flu- Mouse interior appropria lions subcommittee and has played a pivotal ride in the negotiations Me said Wednesday he re mainrd hopeful of a ( ompromi.se We re potting the tough issues over until tomorrow said Yates, who chairs the confer eiu e ( ommitlee with West Virginia Sen Robert Byrd Yules said he received .1 telephone (.ill from Mouse Speaker Tom I oley on Wednesday during who h the Spokane Democrat explained the need lor a temporary tru( e in the battle over the North west s old growth forests loley would prefer to avoid a messy floor tight over .1 regional issue and has been support ive ol the compromise talks I feel we made .1 little progress, but there are no agreements said Rep Norm Milks. I) Wash "I hate to he vague hut it’s a vague situa Pull Among the ma|or sticking points were the level ot timber sales planned in the region over thr next veiir. proposed limits on fcuieral ( ourt appeals of those timber sales, language direi ting federal agent ies to start protecting spotted owl habitat and the definition of old growth forests I don't think there are any real hangups, but the problem is there is nothing firm on the ta hie. said Sen. Mark Hatfield. KOre Yates has been critical of severe restrictions on timber sales appeals and also wants to make sure that a federal court suit in Seattle, which challenges the l’ S Forest Service's spotted ow l habitat management plan, is allowed to prot eed Northwest lawmakers believe that if the for est Service management plan were to be over turned b\ Judge William Dwyer, virtually all log ging in the region’s national forests would he halted I'hey have proposed that Congress deem the f orest Survive plan "sufficient." but are also con sidering ordering the forest Service to t.ike an other look at its management plan. father way. lawmakers believe they could forestall a ruling in the case With a U S Fish and Wildlife decision on w hether to designate the spotted ow l as a threat ened spot ies roughly a year off. lawmakers have been searching for a way to ensure the region's mills of ,i steady supply of timber over the next 12 months Kiivironmentulists want to see the owl pro tected and logging in the old-growth forest halt ed I’hey have won a string of court victories that at one point halted roughly half the timber sales planned in the region's federal forests during the current f isc al year. Law makers insist that without restrictions on judicial rev lew the env imnmentalists i ould con linue to tie up timber sales and mills would start to(lose UO-Bookstore* FINE ART MEDIA SPECIALS WATERCOLOR BRUSHES GRUMBACHER *815 Red Sable Round Brush • Assorted sizes LIQUITEX Kolinsky Plus k Sable/Synthetic Blend \ OIL BRUSHES GRUMBACHER White Bristle > \ WINSOR & NEWTON University 30°/< O OFF Retail PRO ART ACRYLIC GESSO 32 OZ SIZE REG 10 69 7.99 PRO ART Acrylic GESSO Canvas Ground l No uoi-it>16 II or 1-473) LfBNOc6902 REG 6 20 7f STRETCHER BARJ 25% Off Retail A CANVAS 52' 7 0Z UNPRIMED REG 5 25 3.95 □ '^NEWVw CONTE PASTEL PENCILS REG 1 29 EACH Oi Jj, ^ LIQUITEX T*1 Vf* CONCENTRATED 1 ARTIST COLOR REG. 2 49 1.59 GRUMBACHER PRE-TESTED OILS 1 25 OZ TUBES 30% Sffi ART & ARCHITECTURE SUPPLY OFFER ENDS 10/21/89