Continued from Page t The ()Si. is grateful la si,Hi' legislators lor the monev alio ( aled to colleges and universi lies .mil tin hiring quality fai ul l\ members, said Angela Mu m/ ONI. member and l niversi t\ stale .ill,ms coordinator "But lottery funds are not the form ot i ommitment we can ai cept." she said Something as vital to the l 'niv ersity as its teai hers should not be paid yvnth the soft funds acquired from .1 tnrm of gambling " Uvckoff said the ONI. wants to work yvith legislators to find new methods of funding higher education, but the legislature must accept llie burden to find new funds Wvckoff said many residents from Oregon's counties and students from the universities have verbally expressed their opposition to using lottery money to fund higher educa tion. Multnomah and Yamhill counties have passed resolu tions opposing the Oregon Lot lory's video poker game said Steve (Inputo. deputy director for the Oregon Lottery lie said Portland is the only < ity in (Ire I'hoto ht \mlrr Kjnirn Angela Muni/ (right!, an Oregon Student l.obln member and the University's stale affairs loordmator. ami Siott Wyikufl. ASl () vice president. spoke against using lotterx funds tor ed ucation. gon in which .ill forms of video poker are illegal House Hill tUti'if was amend ed in )ime to expand file (ire gon l.olterv I’iin klie\ said The hill allows for the sports action game, which funds in tercollegiate athletics and silt dent sc holarslnps .mil loi the Vidro pokrr giliur Wvi'kofl said I In- OSI. ap prnvrs of thr sports aclion game Imh ansr it diH leases the burden students must pav to in i idental fees to support univrr sitv ath 1ft ii s l_6clS6 Continued from P.ik»‘ I I She also said Hyland Plasma agreed to the c hanges made three years ago. "Kvery thing was amicable," VValvvyn said News that the i enter would have to move or (dose stirred up controversy in the commu nity Some downtown mer chants said they yvore relieved the plasma center y\as leaving its present lo< ation because its clientele loitered on the mall and scared avvuv custom CIS (Ithers said moving or < lus mg tin* plasma i entei tlisi rimi nated against its predominantly loyy iin nine patrons "No one is beinn pushed out ' s.iul Walw vn "The\ ve had three years to relocate Walvwn also pointed out that another plasma donation < en ter, the lai^ene Plasma ( orpo ration, is lot aled nearby at 1071 Olive "They’ve been exi ellent ten ants " Walvwn said of Hyland Plasma I vv isb I i mild keep them Walw vn spei ulaled that the Plasma tlenter was unable to find