Pholn h» Martin I hirl \ possible strike ol the l 'niversity ‘s (i l hs is possible if a settlement 1 annul be reaiheil it ith l ni versity ofTti inis Pay ini reuses and health rare issues are amnnfi those hinny ilist ussed Tel IkS Continued from Page 1 d.t\ Under Oregon Stale l-iw employees cannot be penalized for taking part in union activities such .is strikes against an organi/a don Short of criminal activity, (il l s are at no risk of losing their job should they go on strike. Howard said The (.11 I has s< heduled a rally for noon Friday to let the I !ni versify know that t! is serious about going on strike. It IS important that we have a high turnout at the rails Howard said "Ue have to show the University that we have enough support on campus from all the (. I i s to conduct a strike Continued from Page 9 Wong planned on attending Cleveland Marshall Law S< hool alter receiving her bachelors degree but alter talking to .1 friend she' was persuaded not to limit herself I |usl assumed when I en tered Cleveland Slate that I would also be attending law school there1." Wong said "Them I notie ed a friend ol Their way FINISH You can save literally days of work between now and grad uation. Simply by using an HP calculator. Tb keep you from endlessly retracing your steps, ours have built-in shortcuts. Such as the unique HP Solve function for creating your own formulas. Menus, labels and prompts. Program libraries. Algebraic or KPN models. C HM9 Hewlett l*a*kanlCompany Bettor algorithms and chip design help you finish much faster and more accurately than their way. So, whether you're in engineering, busi ness, finance, life or social sciences, we’ve got the best calculator for you. For as little as $49.95. Cheek it out at your campus Ixxikstore or 111’ retailer. Our way f FINISH There is a bet ter way. HEWLETT PACKARD mine was applying to law s< hools all over the country When I asked her why she said it was because she didn't want to limit herself "I went home and chose the top schools in certain geo graphic areas and applied to them,” she said. "The first sc hool I heard back from and the school that I eventually de cided to attend was Harvard" While there Wong played a key role in forming a coalition aimed at getting more black faculty members hired .it liar vard “There are opportunities to form c oalitions on issues peo pie have in common,"Wong said “Race and gender issues have things in common with one another The area of rac e relations was one of my reasons for going to sc hool.” Upon graduating from Har vard w itli a juris Doc tor degree Wong eventually ended up working foi the Enforcement Ifivision of the State Ethic s ( uimmission in Huston. Masse chusetts It is fresh from the Massachusetts Ethics Uommis sum that Wong comes to Ore gon "I am pleased to he at the University of Oregon." Wong said “There is no place that I would rather fie I am sur rounded In committed people and feel I c an c nmc in and make a different e Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people 44 J‘>V, _ R INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS POST LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686-4381