_Community_ Hyland Plasma Center to close when lease expires end of year By Catherine Hawley Emerald Reporter The llvland Plasma Center. -40 K 10th Ave will close its doors permanentlv when its lease runs out Dec 11 "We will no longer he doing business in Kugene." said Pam Alexandria, assistant manager at 1 h hind Plasma The center, which has been at its c urrent location sine e 197(4. has about _’.tn c ustomers a da\ Alexandria i mild not es timate how mam I'niversitv students were llvland custom ers. although she said the i en ter welcomed students and that its advertising encouraged stu dents to c ome in I'he owner ol the building where the plasma center is In cated announced in August that Hyland's lease would not be renewed The announc e ment came shortly after a VI vear old man w.is fatally stabbed outside the i enter while waiting tor it to open A spokesman lor llvland Plasma said in August that the center would consider rcdocat ing it a good location could be found Daphne Walvvvn owner ot Photn bt \ndrr K Hyland Plasma Center. at 40 P tilth tic., will shut its doors tores er when the owner's lease runs out l)e< It tile S< haelers Huilding. said lltr stabbing mi ident did mil intlu cm c the dc< isit>11 lu not seek ,i renew.d of the lease According to Walwyn. the lease had hecn i hanged three Years ago alter the histnrii building mi loth .uni W ill.mi t'tlf v\ ns renovated A plasma (Imi.itimi center is not .1 permitted use of ,m Ins turn building. W'alwvn said turn to lease, Page I t Michael’s FUTONS & FRAMES r SEPTEMBER SALE! 10% off on all Fulons! 10% off on selected frames and accessories! Handcrafted Quality A Excellent Service At affordable prices' 345-7391 • 741 Lincoln St May At Saturday Markat Vt*a MasterCard • Delfverwr* Available S/4 >/ !/ S nigh I < lull Thursday night is COMEDY NIGHT!!! with comedian GREG MORELAND THE FUN STARTS AT 9:00 Students with U of O I.D. —half-price on cover co sponsored by SCANDALS 2222 Centennial Blvd UO-Bookstore Phones & Answering Machines BELL Phones BY NORTHWESTERN BEll PHONES FAVORITE PLUS • Tone/Pulse Switch • last Number Redial • 10 Number Memory DISCOUNTED 49 95 Panasonic KX-T2390 PHONE AND ANSWERING MACHINE 149.95 • 12* Aulo Redial • Beeperless Remote • Message Transfer RETAIL 169 95 BELL Phones BY NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONES TECHLINE 2000 • 27 Number Memory • On hook Dialing • Auto Redial DISCOUNTED 59 95 SoB* 54.95 PHONEMATE 5050 MINI MATE 99.95 PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE • 10* Aulo Redial • Beeperless Remote • Call Screening RETAIL 139 95 Panasonic KX-T1600 ANSWER } MACHINE f • Tone Remote • Room Monitor • Compact Design RETAIL 109.95 DISCOUNT 99.95 PHONEMATE 99.95 __^^ 6900 DIGITAL PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE • Call Screening • Beeperless Remote • Voice Activated RETAIL 119 96 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT 13lh & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00*00 STORE 6«« «331