—^.Oregon Daily_ ¥ Emerald _Inside_ ■ Now deposit examined. Page (> ■ Drug waiver attacked. Page 4 ■ Plasma center to close. Page 11 ■ Volleyball squad wins. Page 2\ Thursday. September 28. I'lH'i Kugene. ()regon \dlumc '11 \uml)e[ 11 Installation of phone system begins Line expected tor February B\ Chris Bnuneff Emerald Assot idle Editor I'he t niversil v moved one sle|) closer lo joining tile wot Id of modern i omnium c .it ions W ednesdav alter noon when crews installed four large concrete sections that will ser\ e as the pro marv distribution manhole for the school s new tele phone system " This is the single most important, it not the biggest, i onstriu turn part ol the pro ject," said Mark Ybarra, pro jei t coordinator tor the l no versilv "The rest of the con struction has been building up to this The sei lions, vseighing a total ot .14 a tons, were placed on the northwest side ot (Iregon I tall, which w ill serve as the headquarters for the new telecommunications system. The $4 ti million AT&T telephone system is pro gressing on si hedule. and the University is expected to switch over lo the new phones sometime in E’ebru arv Ybarra said The University system is part of a larger S1 million network being installed bv AT&T Informational Svs terns to link the campuses of the Oregon State System of I liglier Kducation "The problems we have Turn to Phones, Page 24 t’tmln to \ infer K .mini (.'runs are beginning work on the $4.ti million AT&T phone system, laying 10 miles of table underneath the University's streets and yards. The system will he operational by Tebruary. OSL fires against lottery fund plan Hv Stephanie Holland f mer.rld Reporter Members ut tin’ ()ri')tiin StmIt'llt I <>tiii\ annuimi cd \\cdnesdav afternoon (n I lieu opposition to the expun Mon of 1«it11• r\ hinds lo support higher rdui.ition m (begun five memfiers of ()NI representing Western Ore gnn SI.lit1 l ullege Orison Stale f'■ iiv<*rs11\ Southern Oregon St.itc (ullege .mil the l!nivi-rsit\ . rcml pre p.iicd statements .mil answered i|iicstions in the I Ml s I nrum Koom (luv (loli 1st hmidt .mil i ii n I eg i.s hit or s li.i\ e .irtii 111.lied til. duel t 1111111 e l)( e th.it the st.itc s i nlleges .mil imiversil les li.ive on ei imiiiiiii dev eli ipmeiil vv it h in I lie st.ite said Scott Wvckull chairman ol the Oregon Student lobby Hoard ol Ihrei tors and ASI ( ) vii e pres 111 eill llmvevei thev have heen unwilling to mail h the rhetoiii with stable support through the use ol general fund dollars." he said I lie Oregon Student l.obliv |()SI | lielieves lolterv funding is not stalde enough to support higher edm a t ion and col leges and universities will have dill it ullv iei noting <|tialitv lai ullv nieniliers based on an unsla hie mi nine source, said I v nil Him knev, e\e< utive di rei tor for ()SI I’ini kney said OSI. also is opposed to the lolterv funding hci arise it lielieves the lottery lures low hi i oine participants She said the student lobby would like lo see next year’s legislature lilt the st.ite spending cap and find other methods of tunding higher educ.i lion. "Higher education and ai i ess to film atinu are too important lo let it hei lime dependent oil lolterv games,’’ she said Stable funding ol higher edm alum should he a priority for Oregon bci arise ii) live lo 1(1 years (Ire gon’s system ol higher education will lose about one third ol its tear liing far ullv lo retirement said Anne Meredith. OSI. vice chairwoman and president ol As sol dated Students ol Southern ( begun Slate ( aillege Attracting quality personnel is of utmost impnr tame lo this state to compete nationally Meredith said "I’riorily funding fni higher education would make a strong statement that Oregonians are geared lo our future Turn to I ottory. Page I f Latest GTFF talks still deadlocked By Peter Cogswell Emerald Reporter The Graduate leaching Fellow Federation announced Wednesday a mediation session with University officials was unsuccessful in bringing an end to ongoing caller live bargaining talks "It was a satisfying session." said Jane How ard 41 field representative Iron) Oregon Federa tion ol Teachers, who has been representing the (i'l l I throughout the negotiations "Hut we did not get v\ li.it we wanted The CiTFF vy.iuts .> pay increase of r> percent this year, ris well ,is a pen ent r.iise next year The (JTFF also wants the University to p percent over the next two years and recommend ed the University provide loans for (i l l s not able to afford escalating health t .ire costs This proposal puts CJTFs in no better position then they w ere last year. Howard said. "It is my belief, .ind our lobbyists tell me this is true, that w hen the Legislature voted to give .i 5 percent raise this year and next year to faculty members at the University, this also included the CTFs." Howard said. "i don't think this is a settlement that the (’.TFs should lx; tolerant of." Howard said. "The mediator is saying this is the most I think the University will offer and is hoping the GTE'F will accept it.” The next step for the (.'ITT' is to t .ill in ,i st.itr tut t finder, who will i he« k slalislii s ranging from (I l f salaries .it other si hools to the i ost of living increase in Flugene After this evaluation, the fact finder will give his opinion to both the University and the (i'l l I on what he feels is the best solution Howard is optimistit. that this is in the best interest ol the CTFF "I am i onfident that a fai I finder will say ~i percent this vear and i percent the next," How aid said There is also a good chain e that he will rule in favor ol the University paying for health i are lor the (.11 s II the tact finder should propose a solution that is not favorable tor the (il l s, however, there is a possibility that the (i l l s could strike In ()re gun a fact finder is an advisory role; it is not man datory lor the (i l l s to ai i ept the fact finder's pro posai. Howard pointed to the results of a question naire sent out b\ the (ITT!-' on which, out of l td responses >)-t (il l s said they would strike or in formation picket for one ol the two CTFF de mands. Only J1 respondents said they do not condone any ai tion against the University "The questionnaires only went out Mon day." said Diane Kau, GTl-'F union representa tive. "The return rate has been good. We expect to have many more come in Thursday and Fri lurn fo Talks, Page 12 I'holo b\ Martin rhirl lane Howard. Held representative and chief negotiator ot the Oregon Federation of Teachers, argues in favor of increasing benefits to graduate teaching fellows at a Wednesday media tion session.