-Community Santa Clara/Kivtrr Road arva map. Town councilors against annex Bv Stott Wyland Emerald Contributor City count il members from Kugene Spring field. Santa (.’lara and Clemvood met Tuesday to liisi uss the possibility of merging then respective towns into a single i its None ot them found the idea agreeable or plausible If people wanted to live in Kugene. the\ would, said Lee Bever. president ot the Spring field Cits (km nr d. "lor some reason 01 other they’ve chosen to live in a smaller town." he added Kmilv St hue representative for the Kugene (' i t \ (loll IK il. s.iid she was there to discuss boss the Kane Council of governments could improve their relations but that am merger between the cities "won't happen am time soon.” To Tons Nichols, president of the Santa (Mara River Road t its count il consolidation ssns a more emotional issue The tits of Kugene has been taking serious steps to .limes Santa (Mara River Road for the last live years against most of the townspeople's svishes. he said "I didn't point a gun at ms wife's head and tell her to marry me." he said "I don't under stand sshs the < its ot Kugene is trying to fort e us into annexation Moth Srhue Bever supported the annex ation of Santa (!lara River Road however Moth agreed lh.il annexation ot the aiea was iiveniiie "Santa < lara Ihm Komi should liave nevei been allowed to develop the wav it h.is He\ei said "It should have been annexed veers a 140 It Kugene annexed Santa ('lara River Ko.id the residents would tall undei the jurisdiction ot Kugene Thus thev would |m\ Kugene s level ot taxes and ret five Kugene s ( itv serve es "Sevenlv percent ot the people in River Road Santa (ilara oppose annexation Nichols said "It we get annexed, our property taxes will go up Sti(M) .1 vear The i itv ot Kugene isn't offei ing million lederal grant to furnish sewage treat incut to Santa (Hera River Road alter .1 (onlami nated vv.iter supplv in tlit* area was discovered Now Kugene is ( (impelled hv the lederal govern ment to annex the land into whe h it invested the millions she said Nichols rehutted Schue saving th.it there is 110 teller,d or stale mandate ( (impelling the i itv ot Kugene to annex S.uit.i ( lara River Road Nichols lurn to Annex, P.ige 20 l.'mvcrsitv of Oregon Off tee of the Registrar NI \\ KI Cl IS I K \ I ION I’KOCI IH’Rl - ( I ASS ATI KNDANCK MAY UK KKQUIRKD! Vv iIk- I .ill 1‘J.S‘J Sv IkdiiIt1 ol ( I.ism-s tor information ahold tin 'admiimlrntivc drop LARGEST SELECTION OF IMPORT BEER IN OREGON I A N 1, \ t I ■ OPLNHAM V'PM iiAil.'i I 2489 WILLAMETTE. EUGENE 345-1014 cSr/cfeJ? Qorrnr hast Wing. Oakway Center. Coburg Rd (>«S() (>721 • 10 (» M I 10 :> S,ii Hundreds of Woman's Formats and Party Dresses. Most under $ 100.00. Brim] in this ad and receive $ 10.00 off on a dress! Over 100 wedding gowns in stock I ree head piece with most wedding gowns ($75.00 value) With Bride’s Corner complete wedding service, we can do everything for the bride but get her a groom! The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, offers an inten sive ABA Approved post graduate 14 week LAWYER S ASSISTANT PROGRAM This Program will enable you to put your education to work as a skilled member of the legal team. A representative will be on campus Wednesday, November 29, 1989 9:00 - 11:30 am Century D, EMU For more Information contact your career center at: (503) 686-3235 UO University of San Dtego Lawyers Assistant Program Room 318, Serra Hall San Otago, CA92110 (619) 260-4579 Name ---—— Current Address --—-— City___State__-Zip Current Phone • -_____ Permanent Phone * _--— .SUBWAY* WELCOME SACK STUDENTS... From Your Friends at rrr COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPOfv ANY SUB FOR 99* Huy any sub and receive second sub (of i qual or lesser value) for ‘t‘ic with purchase of a 22 oz. Pepsi. •SUBUJRV* ()iu; coupon per customer per visit 1 Not valid with any other offer Not valid for super subs 1 (ioupotl expires 10 11 H‘l CAMPUS LOCATION. ONLY tilth & Hilyard Open bate Seven Nights a Week 10:00am til 2:00am COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON