Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker AUTO BODY & FRAME ftfpairing and Painting QUALITY SERVICE W'l'iin W.H* -i ot Uo'O 411 E. 8th Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5501 Brakes • Tone Up • Muttler $19.05 Lube While U Wait Mika't Eastiide Auto Repair Franklin A Villard. 344 2523 * tMINDEFUND * CjHI AT »0« PARTIES ANO BlRTMOAVS 5^U|nCn ALL GAMES WORK £VIU£U WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M SO JTH STRUT fUllIC MMUI (UCfRl • MlMM > _Police Beat The following is a list of < ampus area (.rimes taken from Offic e of Public Safets and Hu gene Police Department reports between Sept 1 and Sept 22 • A wallet containing credit i ards and University student identification was reported sto len from the l-aw Library on Sept <1 The owner of the wallet said she studying in the librarv when she got up to use the rest room and was gone for approxi mately 111 minutes When she returned she until ed the wallet missing from her hat kpat k • A I'niverstlv woman reported an iin ident of sexual abuse on Sept 111 The woman was sun bathing in the area north of the S< hool of Music and did not hear the suspec t approac h As the suspec t began trying to re move her top the woman s< rram«* feet 111 and 1 !() 140 pounds with short hair He was wearing black cycling shorts and sun glasses The man had been observed wale lung the woman before the1 incident • A theft of $-!'>(! in i ash from a drawer at the KM I Main Desk was reported to Ol’S on Sept 12. Bee ause of exc ess c asli that began acc umulating in the two registers, an employee at the main desk removed it and plat ed it in a drawer, where it was later disc overed missing Our way Their way FINISH FINISH You can save literally days of work between now and grad nation. Simply by using an HP calculator. Tb keep you from endlessly retrac ing your steps, ours have built in shortcuts. Such as the unique HP Solve function for creating your own formulas. Menus, labels and prompts. Program libraries. Algebraic or KPN models. C 1IM8 HrwHl I** kanl ( Better algorithms and chip design help you finish much faster and more accurately than their way. So, whether you're in engineering, busi ness, finance, life or social sciences, we’ve got the !>est calculator for you. For as little as $49.95. Cheek it out at your campus bookstore or Ml* retailer. There is a better way. HEWLETT PACKARD KIM) is conducting a follow up investigation into the theft • OPS responded to a com plaint of public indecencv in the KMl.J on Sept 1H The sus poet mumbled to another man in the men's bathroom and then began masturbating OPS conducted a search for the sus pent on the premises but the suspect was not found The suspect is described as an Asian male in his late lid's lie is 5 feet 7. 150 pounds, and was reportedly wearing a blue shirt, blue pants, a blue base hall cap At the time of the ini i dent the suspect had a mils tache • A theft of a hackpai k from an unlocked dorm room in Adams Dorm was reported to OPS on Sept. Id. • A man was arrested on charges of i riminal trespass at ter he was observed coming out of the women’s lin ker room in (lerlinger on Sept 22. When a woman entering the locker room i unfronted the suspei t he became angr\ and left lie was later arrested at 15th Avenue and University Street • In addition. I)PS reports se\ on bikes stolen, and one ... erod PEDAL FOR PEACE 89 * BIKE-A-THON FOR PEACE IN CENTRAL AMERICA Skinner Butte Park to Arm it age Park and McKenzie View Drive (2b mites) SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th, 10 am T-SHIRTS & PRIZES FOR RIDERS! WIN A BIKE FROM PAUL S BIKESHOPI Register by October 7th at your local bike shop or call CISCAP at 485-8633 l Selected New Guitars Vi Price S. irr \ no trades .k copied on this otter C ase must he purchased with guitar at regular price coupon expires Oct. 20. I*WW Music city 380 East 40th • Euyene OR 97406 open evenings 'till 6 I imilrd In Mm k Locally owned for .12 years rw* tub u-aduotiw-T^ Ow>p»i;i mill nwi imil flu