University— Rape investigation nets suspect Bv Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter Alienations of a rape earlier this month at a I'niversiU fraternity prompted a Kugene I’olii.e Department investigation that has led to a suspei t in the ( use The name of the suspect is being w ithheld "At this point, (the investigation) will lake .it least another month." said Detective fitn Michaud of the Kugene I’olii e Department The rape allegetlK happened Sept ‘I at 1 beta Chi house. 1125 K l'lth Ave . and was reported the morning of Sept. 10 "It s probably one of those cases that will go to the grand jury.” said Captain Tim Hirr. public information officer for the Kugene Department of Public Safety The woman filing the report is IH years old and is not a member ol a sorority said ()ffi( er Su sie Hunter ol the University's Office of Publit Safety Michaud released minimal information about the case and refused to state the age of the SUspi'l I rile reported r.q>r incurred during .1 parts .tl Hid,1 Chi when tin' suspei t .uni woman who had pist met wont In a separate room in the house Birr said Act .ordinal to Birr, the woman ( laimed that after entering the room, the suspei t shut the door hanged her head several times against a wall and raped her The woman left the house and returned home A friend later took her to a hospital Theta ( hi President Neal Mt Ciughlin denied a partv took place the night of the alleged rape and said no one was authorized to he in the house Hunter and Mu hand both said the suspei t is a member of the fraternity, hut Mi l.aughlm said the suspei t is not and never was a Theta Chi me m fie r "(The suspect) is not affiliated with the house." Sti l.nughlin said "As far as we re con cerned (the ini blent) is distant from the house CARE week to focus on rape education Seminars target women, men both By Polly Campbell Emerald Reporter Rape awareness is the torus of a weeklong series ol events beginning ():0d p.m. start ing on Oct., 5. Charismatic Masson Friday, Oct 6 at 7: JO p.m. Members from W itness tor Peace will give a talk on Nitara gua on Mon., Oct 16 at 7:00 p.m. Parable Weekend Retreat open to all graduate and under graduate students on hri. Nov J to Sun., Nov 5 at MiKenrie Bridge. Note Student activities art planned tor every tidav evening. Chet k the Newman ('enter’s Sunday Bulletin tor what’s hap pening. SPECIAL WELCOMING EVENT FOR STUDENTS: A BARBEQUE IS PLANNED FOR FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 AT 6:00 P.M. SIGN UP IN THE OFFICE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND. MASS SCHEDULE: S;ilurdav: 8:00 p.m. Sunday: l>:00 0 p.m. CLASSES: /•>/., Sejnemher 29 at 12 noon A discussion with Or. Regina McGlothlin on the hook 1 he Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck, M.D. Wed.. Oct d at 8:00 p.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC \ FAITH AND CUSTOMS IN LIGHT OF VATICAN II (meets every Wednesday). ] Thurs., Oct 8 at 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY GROUP J (meets every Thursday). ( Sun., Oct O at 6:00 p.m. Orientation session for < those who plan to attend the Rite of Christian India- { tion of Adults, to become a catholic Christian. < I The Chapel and the Center are open for prayer, study and relaxation from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Please check the Sunday Bulletin and the Et al (Emerald) for what’s happening at the Center. For more information call the Newman Center at 343-7021. THE CATHOLIC PARISH SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SINCE CMS. « Newman Center Staff: lr All'ii Felue-l'.ue. OP.. Pastor I r Stephen Mil .the. OP Fr Paul R.ifnrv, O P Bt Daniel Rutland, O I' Sr Janet Rvan, SNJM • : Mint*! I \ m« v 1 Jaw Lins, S« erctat> , ■ House' Manage! i