COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPOr 2 CL 5 CJ 2 c a D O z w a D O z c a. AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL STUDENTS: STUDENT DONORS: Welcome back! The help you gave the medical world through your plasma donations last year was desperately needed This year the need is even greater. To get you back as soon as possible, we are offering you a $$ TEN DOLLAR BONUS $S on your first donation this Fall in addition to your regular donation fee If you return by Oct 10. bring this ad in with you on your first visit back and collect a bonus after donating. Your plasma donations are vital to us.We are very glad you are back Call for an appointment i 683 3953 Hyland Plasma Center 40 East 10th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON Microcomputer Classes Regularly-enrolled UO students are welcome to join the UO Continuation Center's Community Microcomputer Program! Enjoy all the benefits at a fraction of the cost! You'll receive . . . . Ten hours of hands-on instruction per class. ! =** Conveniently-scheduled afternoon classes. 11 Extensive classroom manual provided. I Data disk of example documents. '* Ten pages free laserpnnting. Open lab throughout the term. I °s* End-of-torm expanded evening hours. ==•* One credit special project option available. Cost: $48. Macintosh Classes; 124 CSC Introduction to the Macintosh 17111) class introduces the novice to the Macin tosh computer through the use of some of the most popular programs available. Topics in clude: basic word processing, graphics, spread sheets, desktop publishing, and the Macintosh system Offered Thursdays, Oct. 12 - Nov. 2, 1 30 - 4 00 p m Microsoft Word: Level I Fundamentals of Microsoft Word version 4 Oare taught, including: understanding the ruler, working with character and paragraph format ting, creating tables, using the glossary and style sheets, and creating custom menus Of fered Tuesdays, Oct. 10- Oct. 31, 1 30 4 00 p m Microsoft Excel: Level I Excel is the most comprehensive spreadsheet program available today, incorporating spread sheet, charting and database functions. Taught from an introductory level, this class explores the basics of Excel and introduces you to some of its common applications. Offered Mondays, Oct. 9 - Oct 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. PageMaker: Level 1 Learn PageMaker by constructing newsletters, catalogs, ads, and brochures. Topics include: text and graphics layering, combining text and graphics, using color, manipulating gruphic ob jects, specifying and placing body and display text, and working with multi-page documents. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. IBM-PC Classes; 127 CSC Introduction to the IHM-PC Tins class introduces the novice to basic ter minolagy and concepts of the IBM-PC, in cluding: the MS-DOS operating system, hardware and software basics, wordpro cessing, spreadsheet concepts, and database functions Offered Thursdays, Oct. 12-Nov. 2, 1:30-4:00 p.m. WordPerfect: Level I This course introduces the fundamentals of WordPerfect 5 0, including: creating, edit ing, saving, retrieving und printing docu ments, modifying formats, file management, using the search and replace feature, using the spelling nnd thesaurus programs, und tranferring files. Offered Tuesdays, Oct. 10 Ocl. 31, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Lotus 1-2-3: Level I This course, taught with the most popular spreadsheet software, introduces students to fundamental spreadsheet concepts and how they apply to u variety of business und per sonal applications for the IBM-PC. Offered Mondays, Oct. 9 - Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. dBase III Plus: Level I dills course introduces the user to basic data base development, including: creuting and organizing databases, designing custom screens, generating reports, and printing la bels. Course is taught using the dBase III Plus ussist menu. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. To register for these classes or obtain future schedules, call the University of Oregon Continuation Center. 686-3537 Continuation Center registration office at 1553 Moss Street. RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics. UK) EMU. 686-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri. _Community_ Lawmakers reject owl plan WASHINGTON (AIM Northwest lawmakers rejected .1 corn promise plan offered In a kev House snlx omndttee r liairman Tries day as a showdown loomed over legislation to proter t the northern spotted owl and allow r ontinued logging in the old-growth forests of U ashington and (Iregon Both sides agreed to meet again Wednesday morning in what could lie a final effort to break the impasse before a House Senate i onferein e committee meets later in the day Illinois Demur tain Kep. Sidnc\ Vales chairman ol the House interior appropriations snlx ommittee. said he was still optimislu that ,111 agreement 1 on Id he rear lied that would avoid a conferenr e committee confrontation Hut some Northwest lawmakers didn't sfiare his optimism. AVe may lust have to take .1 vote in cnnfereni e said Kep Ant loin. I)-()re I ndeterred In the prosper I ol a I louse floor battle. Sen Mark Hatfield, R-()re . said he was not about to support .1 compromise that wouldn't proter I the region's timber industry over the next 11! mouths I don't think ui' should go through an exert ise and charade it there is no meaningful and doable solution.'' Hatfield told le porters "l'il rather go dow n in flames." House Speaker 'Tom T'olev. w ho would prefer to avoir) a messy floor light over a regional issue just months after he assumed the top leadership post, has been keeping 1 lose vvatr h on the talks and was briefed Tuesday In Au( loin and Kep. Norm Dir ks. I) Wash During a meeting with AuGoin and Hit ks ’r ates unveiled % plan that would have cut the timber sales level in the federal frn ests of the Northwest over the next year by almost Mill million hoard feet from the level envisioned in a Senate-approved plan And w Idle 'i ales called for expedited judir ial ren ew ol timber sales appeals he would give the courts us long as >1(1 days to make .1 final der ision on an individual appeal rather than the to to 44 days Dir ks and A lit loin had < ailed tor The Senate plan would prohibit federal courts over the next year Irrini enjoining am timber sales planned in the region's loi ests that pirn ide habitat for the spotted owl Turn to Owls, Page 20 Dim Sum Lunch Special Gado *275 $350 AM) FOR DINNER Kuay-Teow $355 CHINA BLUE Restaurant MAN) ()1 HER CHOICES Upstairs, Next to U of () Bookstore 879 E. 13th • 343-2832 UTS • PERMS • COLOR CL < look y eel "tH- ^ W Salon V 1st Visit Va OFF All Services* Eugene’s Premier Hairstylists for over 15 Years. 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