-University, rn«>lu Nf \ ml i r Kjiiirn University students Molly Murphy and Susie Buersmeyer, who were turned flown from t lasses they need™! at registration, am preparer! to withdraw from the University if they are unable to enroll in their courses. KARATE 0 of O KARATE CLUB Instruction, Training, Competition Mew Students Welcome Mo experienc <■ required 1’i.n lu e I imi's I. H I sslinger km 4 / Sat l sslinger kM 4/ lOum 12pm SPONSOR! D BY Cl (IB SPORIS 686-3733 Fall courses overflow By Catherine Hawley Emerald Reporter Till! University is s( rambling to accommodate frustrated stu dents wtio are unable to sign up for < lasses they need to graduate Paul IIoIIh), vice provost for academii affairs, said Tuesday that the Knglish. speei h. psychology, so< lology and Komanie Ian guage departments all are trving to place additional students into classes that were full, in some cases. Indore registration llolho and other off it nils decided Tuesday afternoon to hire a visiting professor in the speech department for winter term to per mil more students to take required courses this year "The speech department will now have to find someone ipiali Tied who is willing to come to the University winter and possibly spring term, " llolho said Turn lo Fall, Page 15 DC) YOU, OR DOES SOMEONE YOU KNOW, NEED HELP? HHp and aopport for drag and alcohol conemu la a rail able on nopn: Counseling Center: 686 1227 Cnsis lane 686 4488 Student I lealth Center 686 4441 Public Safety: 686 5444 For mote information, call Joonie Kobensun, framing and Prevtnlnm Coordinator, at 686 3105 Cam pin Organization fur a Substance Abuse Free Fnvironment By GARY LARSON f =1 9 J7 "So, Billy! Seems your father and I can never leave without you getting yourself into some kind of trouble!" CDs and TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade music Revolution 1217 Alder Next to Sy's Pizza The Complete Campus Computer Support Center Introducing... \ COMPUTERS WordProcessing Class Papers, Projects, Theses, Dissertations, Resumes Desktop Publishing Brochures, Flyers, Newsletters, Posters, l Mg os Consulting; Hardware and Software featuring expert MicroSoft-trained Support Tutoring Macintosh and IBM Other Services PostScript and laserJet/IBM laser Printing, File Transfers/Conversion 492 E. 13th, Suite 202. Tel: 686-8708