CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 215 HELP WANTED PART TIME JOBS vVe re looking for a few amb'bous Mu dents and student organizations to work on an on-campus marketing pr.. gram for major companies One week commitment needed Excellent earn mgs Call now 683 2730 Samuel PRODUCT PROMOTERS Mended f • part time w rk $5 00/hr Call Ja« k «• at 683 8696 REFRESHMENT ENGINEERS An* you likely to laugh at almost any thing-' Do your friends always giv»* you ivish compliments9 A . , m processors ama/ed at you menial dexterity? If V' y i- have* what ' take to sell soda pretzels and pop corn at UO Duck Football games 26 vendor positions are available * >r the remaining home schedule Walk amount the fans arrymg trays f de licious snacks for sale Commission wage averages $9 OO/hr Th. •••_.*• mter ested should meet inside M>. Art*. , Court on Thursday 9/28 it 7 30pm RIM IS w hiring of tic ils '■ ' the 'ol lowing mlramu'ai sports activities Mag football volleyball and indoor soccer Paid training Pay scale $4 60 S6 00/hr Contact RIM office Gerlinge» 103 _ _ . | for 2 1/2 yr old girl and 6 month old boy m my Ferry St home MUST HAVE >wn transportation Positive energet ic non smoker l5hfs.WK 486 5236 THE OREGON Daily Emerald a taking applications for a janitorial po sition The position requires 2 hours m evening between 6 8 8.6 days per week wdh some weekend cleaning The ; ‘ sihon pays $4 00/hr Must b»j • liable Applications may be pit ked up at the ODE business office Suite 300 EMU from 8am 5pm and must be turner’ by Monday Oct 3. 1989 EEOC Women and minorities are encouraged to apply ASUO EXECUTIVE What is student government'* Here s a simple and easy way to find out Currently these positions .ire COMPTROLLER (3) PROGRAM TAG (3) Applications are now being accepted APPLICATION DEADLINE IS WEDNES DAY OCT 4 1989 AT 5 PM available in suite 4, EMU (686 3724) The ASUO is an Alternative A. tion EOF employer Women People of color Gays and lesbians and Stu dents with d'sabildies are encouraged to apply Stipend or work study avail able _ CHILD CARE housekeeping appron mately 9 hrs per week $150mno Non smoker must have car Bring resume and references to 463 Oregon Han atm l J __ CHILD CARE needed tor 2 year i i boys Mon . Wed Fn 7am 6 30pm 345 6329 DOMINOS PIZZA now hiring delivery drivers earn $6 (8 per hour with wages tips and mileage reimbursement Great part time |Ob fie*ible hours week days or weekends Employee discounts and a great work environment Must be at least 18 years old and have a sate driv mg ret ord Apply after 4 pm at our ampus store 1856 E 13th | 1 EMU BOARD The EMU Board is currently accept mg applications for (2) EMU Program Representatives and (1) ASUO Pro gram Representative to serve fm the 89/90 school year Applicants must ! have at least two terms experience I m an EMU Of ASUO Program Pos< | tion descriptions and applications can be picked up in Suite 4 EMU j Deadline is October 6 L____ * E MA( * TALENT varied studio & location work No e« penence necessary Great opportunity to develop portfolio learn as you work Call 687 2001 or 343 8363 FREE l a*. | n ii arguably the most important Emerald beat Higher Education Administration beat Contact Chris Bouneff at 686 5511 m HELP WANTED COACH FOR h-gh school downhill ji» COMPUTER SALES MS ; H »S i'i penen. .• required Bung - ’ send fcsunw to PC Express 1011 V.» fey River Way 142 12'I8 CO DIRECTOR OF MARKETING RECREATION AND INTRAMURAI S Promote an active lifestyle and Cr» .«•-.** ifyfi o* ; .iM" l at- •" * -r I' f M events Call 686 4113 lor '• rm.i1 ■ Of slop by 103 Gerlmger for .in appK a licjn Deadline to apply is 9/29 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Needed lor temporary p r* time »■• 1 full time positions both cJ.iy and even dittoes and a wage of $6 OO^HM Qua* speed o' ,il !»• rit 6‘ WPM i I a ’ r.•• bad at least one year of • •* r experience For immediate nsidera lion please send ver letter i <1 r»r sume to Human Resow Manager Aster Publishing Corp POBO* 10460 Eugene OR 97440 EOF LOOKING FOR SOMt WRITING EXPERIENCE OREGON DAILY EMERALD Gam valuable experience while making contacts and a idlie extra m.-rey Can Ain »• Wheeler t>H6 11 <.» ton e t Freelancers mfofmation meeting on Thursday Oct ‘ at 2 PM fn»* FMii Board Room third floor EEOC Nannies Needod H N-w • * New Jersey Washington C Nanny Conner b m .144 41‘9j NANNY NEEDED ff»? t 've New family Help with id# housekeeping plus child care $l75/week plus an I NATIONAL l t)MPANY .* , art bme merchandiser 20 25 hours p«r* week Must tie able t< ft 60 tbs Must [ as*, drug screening arid police nn n Man power Temporary Se'o es 484 tV>6 NIGHT MANAGER POSITIONS Two (iTF portions a»e >pe' EMU *or N-ghl Manager Appb at- md |Ob descriptions are available > MiOl £ MU Appia at- •' deadiir e >s 4 00 pn Wednesday October 4 '989 AA.'EEO NOW INTE RVIFWING1 Fun hard working and reliable people to work lull time or part lime .if one of Eugene t» busiest corners Times avail able for day or night shill-. P'eaw a; ply from 2 5 pm Campus Dairy Queen 11th S Mil yard PART TIME or full time p. s ’ .. . av i able at retail lumber yard Apply m pe s >n al Serve N Save Ply a • kJ Nwy 99 and Beltlme 4 QTF at the U of O Counseling Ce lei must be enrolled in graduate pn> gram in counseling or psychology needs background «n genera' nmsei mg ans substance abuse treatment SEND RESUME v#» •*' •• ■» ' ’ letlers ol recommendation t. Edel Davenport University Counseling Center University of Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 DEADLINE 00pm Wednesday be*4 1989 TRACK TOWN PIZZA Krtchen help *4 25 pet hour Ini paced *ork pari lima lla*ibla hour* Apply in peraon ISM Franklin BLVO ?15 HELP WANTED GALA Th* G«> 4 AH..V. o n 1 Friday September ?9 GALA ; firrTMf'.** A. !• ■' * OF Su-»f 31 HOUSl Kf EPER LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC ?*m« ne*.pie hours $6 00 P*< r TRACK TOWN PIZZA Pitia delivery driver earn S*> 8 00 per hours pari Inn# fl#«ibi* hours No eipenence n*t*s*n y Must have own care and insurance Apply in person 1809 Franklin BlVD ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS and . am *V \ onlfOl F iling lyptng with research subject-. trm anting • . • <■ r 1 . i l.i .nfidenbai'ty M,i-. infosh s* -s for graphics a b*g plus Con (act Don Hood Oregon Research Institute 484 ?!?1 A A eOE ASUO WOMEN'S CENTER Receptionists t*» part i tei wet >>n« ptN.pia to the . enter Women In Transihon Co Coordinator Project Satende Oispat her Set •etary Ad Sales Women's Resource and Referral Program Avnstants A; [ i jl n# and |Ot) desc r«pf ions at W■ ■■*.«•»> s Cu'iini Ground *l ' I MU Closing 5 pm 929 An affirmative A. non EOF CLERICAL ASSISTANT Typing owes sary computer experience helpful Ftl • ng copying 10 20 l>rs week fin • hie i (4 15 OCVt 686 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SPECIALIST 1/2 lime develop and implement corn pufer information system *n a multi project environment Contact Sand* Davis 686 3565 for position des ptlon and application EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES Reliable ndependent work study stu dent needed for general office worn m interesting academic dep! Knowledge of WordPerfect word processing pr grain required Dubes include recap turn office coverage filing listnbu lion of mail and lypoig MuSl be avan able during afternoon Fall term $5 00 per hour at least 8 10 hours per week Contact Risa 686 4005 WORK STUDY STUDENT needed for 1989 90 SCbOOl year Office Of Human Resources (Personnel! Vaned offi> e a •'k some computer IBM PC-Ma" Contact UO Job Service 1511 Agate 686 3253 REFER TO JOB NO 209 4 I WORK STUDY TYPIST for AVFNU $5 per hour call e* 5399 Mac Eip pref ??0 WORK STUDY POSITIONS LIKi WORKING a ” . «■ . .V Student S164 O»t»gon Halt i i T f RAT{' * Hu-.iNl SAVV> ' a • a Manager Office Secretary NOW HIRING woik Mudy qualified » • • . •• • v • SS SO per NOW HIRING work tludy qualified IS 00*11 A-. OrFlCE WORKER tor Recreation A In tramural* A**i»t clients in per ton and by phone data entry make flyer* run errand* Morning afternoon evening and weekend *hift* available Pay atari* al $4 SS hr Call Laurel tor appl al hS6 4113 RIM IS IM S4 SHOOT A LAWYER l d«> School need* video operator Work ‘.tudy eligible oi lo> credit l ».n« rnp%*.dgo for Mike 344 0210 l AW SCHOOL seeks onipuler !e< h ; ompaiibiH ornpuii- 'equ-u-d Min! hc-ir DOf all Men!, i> Men ■ -v Oi STUDENT OFFICE .issistanl ended the Qtfi *• uf R.-.-au h end Sponsored (" if dlil'R) I MM unpoler tm- r helpful Wd'k study eddied , 11y .til Ltn J.i >i M»ch6ll«t 686 6131 JOBS! Writers And off* e worker* needed ,ii med• I relations office Submit appit diio'1 ind resume t»> Mon 0< t !f *> pm it, UO Newt Bureau ?19 j Hall hhb i 1 34 225 APTS.-0UPLEXES APTS FOR RENT Close i cnmpuS i and 2 bedroom apartments and duplai* Cor more m formation ceil 741 2775 CAMPUS FURNISHED i.-irgr »• 5 ' s. bedroom no pelt 486 28? 1 ClEAN QUIET one bed'■ • ,m stud available Great location •• ampus Call Oorit at 886 61?/ 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED < arpel d*apes covered parking Walk to U of OSJSO/mo 3433318 • HR FURNISHED apt 1630 Ferry $ uo* dapostt call 343 4100 1 1/2 BLOCKS from campus! Furnished studios on site laundry fa • Idles S.’/0»m,,r th 14 t 4914 2 BEDROOM apt. S425. 1 «■ eptionally large unfurrushed id blocks to jmpus no pets laundry, parking Lease to June 30th F irst and last months rent /*U*) Willamette 683 3606 230 QUADS 15TH ST QUADS Quad unit m quiet area near campus starting at $200 including all utilities manage' u? 3015 Bennett Management 915 Oak Suite 200 485 8991 FURNISHED QUADS $189 deposit. * • 343 4109 230 QUADS H AMR!'■ QUAD*-. ‘ N*m» L «•-' • «•*!?• k)tt locwnpus mo utri* !-f» p*ij Call for ro.v'ag*' \4) 273H 225-tjgaSiS... ATM NTH N (i O'. • .'NMt NT He . ♦rum (U r#pa>r> D**lmqurm! !.i»; • ; *>r?y R#poim#4»»on» Cam 1 tvo; i \H £*t C»HI?t64 UMJhiNG FOR lur'i>iht<1 •> .v< .*• !>• nmt i 1 t‘. * thru Oc| 90 ».h .1 f —»h ♦ arri'M M**"’ 0« a»' «*»;t'AOQtt jv- ,jMm Comae! Sara it W»y«'f’.WHj»r>r Rat***' Company 7415717 210 ROOMS f «S I »* ' M H • A M i • child ar*> M5 92B? ROOM FOR RENT •,!•)« .» ■ .1 .■>, j» phone* if>t l Stft*i mo 245 REAL EST~ATE .. HASSLE•FREE TOWNHOUSE btW'ai'in t t hath hrepidt « *.»-.*• ... ijry.-.- -M Qu-fll dr,-., •* A.‘ I ug«"« Only JTC.OOO ownership ■ j LOW DOWN' STATE • HELP U BUY" Mark G Minin-. M S U Of 0 1974 Hr ok 6i 444 9441 260 ROOMMATES WANTED f fWAlt RO* >MM A ! ( a • '.* ! i > , . r . -.1! pre'm M j-.fpi ! s oiT' J.'/V 64H-504 » 1 Roommate wanted ' ■ Fall Tarm Only J13' ♦ M f ‘41!' i.» &~9 thru ft. 1 l 344 1/27 Chnnten 265 CHILD CARE - EUGENE INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN, INC. Offers high quality lull immtnvi.M pm grams in French & Spanish Ages 3 6 served Re i-non.ifiir? fee% & tinam i ml a> • able OPf N 1 JO AM 5 30 PM St PT JUNf Fpr more inf >rrn,*tiQn A registrjfi HI J4S 36 18 NATIONALLY ACCREDITED EMU CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS We have spaces available m our ( MU pre school program tor children 3 to 5 yrs old Call 666 4364 tor ap plication information ak At t mined h> iIk-1 National At at Jem)" c M Party ( hildhoud Pr« >gram» i ?6S CHILD CARE MATURf STABtt enargeibr St niff*! to cue lo» t S A som**bm«B .15 »r old boys half day*> im e»i nan^. for r .. vrn bOdfd plus *bp4»nd H«*tir uncos tr ansportabon requifed 270 MEETINGS BASEBALL PLAYERS informational mooting tor •,; , '.iv M*'»-1 •- .s a * i 1 firuj i>ut leaf' (>|Ot !>v«s * 1989-1'** no.»*. P .i ? nlaM*. met • n •• -• J 1 r» ’ , M.» i485 JUli d you cannot atfand Thur-. • •, » ;*L M'> r u l MU on i i EQUESTRIAN TEAM MTG II you d f»».W '»’•*«•! "vj S«*pt ."•* • i„T. VV.I-Ri n I MU ... ■ ball* ay from Po$| Off - o Sponsored by Club SpoMS SAILING CLUB V. ' J * 1.1, - .'*• • i '■ I Mi ANYONl INTI HI SHD WEICOMI uo RUGBY CLUB Pr.». ' •• ‘-opt -*«' >n upper ftiM l f.»*f ■ ■ 1 Ma< 1 . i.'t *•*•••. Tun-- \ Thurs from 3 V) 5 10 l *p#n©n< r«,l players A twtginne'n *«lci>mft 7/5 EVENTS SOCCER TRYOUTS M >n WmJ f • I »< ‘ VO Southbank f mid U >f O Club Sports III Clut) Spt'MS *1/11 Of 485 1010 2B0 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT It yuu arant n PARTY .ill Kfufwn Sound I>* .• . >. ‘'mat# Darn Oaf" ■ > lb i i Kruse b88 4.* 11 i»fe©k on. «s av ulabin ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 muf n MJ rn LBB » „ ?SE right thing ^«*05 MCK MO MAT as A 4 mlnit.uia klOa In HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS PLl/S No gar HabMI A Ba*>y Harman m riMwr rmoumla XKLCX 104.7 Hi W S*#> I»h*» 1 I 10 »K1KK L.T 1 S Ldo the right thing late Night adm Fr S» S3 / Su Th %2 50 knrt T tNO SOO* %.* Thu* n . . SHE'S GOTTA HAVE I Ml AVY Ml TAP BUJL A Tf PS XLMT fern jomtJ 305 SERVICES Episcopal Campus Ministries Wednesday tvemng tucnarist j 5 30 Servic es 1329 F. f9th Supper and dl!K uSVon group following f ve'yona w«i< ome 666 9972 DARKROOM TECHS NEEDED The Oregon Daily Emerald is accepting applications lor the position ot darkroom tech. Darkroom techs are responsi ble tor all darkroom processes: photo screening (enlarger and copy camera), line shots, tones, reversals, film develop ment and processing. Experience is necessary for this position. Applicants should have experience developing and printing 35mm lilm. or experience with copy camera and graphic arts photogra phy. Applicants must be available to work from 1:30 (or 2:00 p.m.) until 5 p.m (MWr or UH). Applicants must be available to work from noon until 4:00 p.m. processing film Sunday af ternoons. Applicants must be available to work two nighi'> a week (Sunday through Thursday). The position pays S3.85 per hour. Starling January 1939 it increases to S4.25. Not only do you get paid to work you get your very own stylish Oregon Daily Emerald t-shirt. Such a deal. Applications are available at 300 EMU. All applications must be in by 4:30 p.m. Friday. Calvin and Hobbes RHOOET MOM AND DAD LEFT NON HE R£ MOS ALONE VN\tW THE 8A8i sitter TRDM THE BUCK LA&CON £ \ tS, Utt WEE • DO **J THINK SUE REMENI8JSS HOW LAST TIME HE THREATENED TO TuJSW HEK SCIENCE NOTES Down n*. toilet > j~ 1 M VT HA HA HA ' OUR TINE ST HONDA by Bill Watterson SHE REMEMBERS AU, RIGHT T SUE CANT GET AWAI WITH THIS HE a. CAU the RETKUl 'WAD SOl '■-■'Hr I