CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 loo CONNECTIONS - PI NPAI.S FOH North Afm*ni ,vii ail arjes Send VX loi details Pen Pals Unlimited. Bo* 6?0l. Slahon [) Cal gary Alberta Canada T?P?08 105 PiRSONOLS ALD/PES Congratulations lo MmIpi A who one Alpha l amba Della and Phi I t.« *,ig mo v mlllo and thanks lo everyone nine who supported our efforts Meath nr a ill re acrid processing editing F ree pic kuL*delivecy Ronda 91*) 189? HPIC COMPl tl:rs Macintosh and IBM word procuring RESUMES $16 mm Highosl quahty laser printing Call 686-8708 49? E IJf> ?0? Hf>u theater BuUnq / i THI WORD SPECIALISTS ’ Graduate Sc hool Approved ’ f)i •. •.»* r t .it ion %/ T he\e%/P.t| w i ' IBM (,ornp 'Disk Convpr•non-. ' Resumes/! rilling CINDY 41W *»4S4 CAROLYN 144 S?87 A 144 7731 wnnn PROCENNiNa 3 413 — 0 ****** I S yule*/So ft ware Cunvwratcma APPLE CP/M IBM MAC IBTOSH ijuntm rmnrriMc 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 TEXT CONVERSION Convert printed text to Mac. IBM vrord processing .Mid page layout Mo* kkuB lor Vwws paper*. BQIODIBia I RANK! IN PARK l*\ A/A #3 1?0 I RANK l IN Ml VO f UGI Nf /47 4S89 B i?o tuT6rimg SPANISH AND ITAI IAN tutoring 1 «ikt »ncl 2nd year U 50
m 1 n * Membership Mpgislw today at Ihe I MU CraM Cw ter l oarer level rant wing I MIJ 666 4 Mi 1 no FOR SALE ARCMITf CTURAl STUOENTS /? desk and dratting/illuslration table 1?400 value lor 1HS0 or 1600 and 17V) for table or olleti 668 'jtfife ARCH STUOf NTS FOR SALE 11 4? MAYLINf NEVER USED 176 Call 666 6676 BIG l ITTl I SCHOOL Garage Sain Sal H4 Central F’resbyte nan Church 14/S ferry Furniture household good* BUY Srtl. trade I VI MY THING for i hitdrnn at FGdstult 6? A 13th 464 44M8 01 SK (this end up) Solid North Carolt na oak 1100 Olivetti offt< n ta* i aicula tor 1V> F red 4M4 7/73 DMA! TING TABU 16*. (WAITING CHAIM 17V) 34V3691 f OM SAl I beautiful brand new leath or hack pat k $90 Call 663 46/4 F Ft| I COUCH medium condition and very large computer desk You haul 34 i 36// FURNITURE AND household items a! budget pricon Thurs F n Sal only' Dtnlyt Trading Post 13S5 River Road 666 374? FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W. Broadway 343 3622 t ARCl DORM fridge lor sale 4 2 cu ft $135 00 or best Of lei 344 $037 OUI I N HI Of A HI l) $/5 and queen water twnl with frame 17$ twin bed $20 Merit 10 speed Shogun 190 teen gifts b s(M»e0 Raleigh Coffee ta ble 130 All negotiable 344 0162 SMAl l f RIDGI f*erfecl for dorm use $65GBO 3426443 SUPI M TWIN water bed sheets heat er |>erfect condition $50 Will deliver for $10 68b 96 f 6 (ELVIS WORE THESE GLASSES! VUARNET SUNGLASSES! I have two pan of these great glass ea (I just got prescription tenses so these don't help moth anymore1) and rveed the QUICK CASH1 Both are m eicellent condition (no scratches etc ) and are the cat eye type frame One is Blue and one is brown Nf W you will pay $80 00 but one call here and they re yours lor 14$ f ACM* WHAT A STEAL!ff Call now don't wait 343 4144 (Phone ma !ELVIS LOVED THESE GLASSES! 1 BICYCitS lust likft new1 At MAW 3 npd Schwinn (Collegiate $/9 f A trunk mounted carrier $20 4H4 /3QU 130 FOR SALE 19 COl OH TV 180 00 CASH 484 <»4 14 ns BUT OR TRADE THE BUY 8 SELL CENTf R Buy * Sell * Trod* Musical instrument* Stereo* Tools f’tiotogi aphir Equipment 361 W. 5th M5 CABS-CYCUS-SCOOTEBS GOOD STUDENT < at own«( ml 19/8 Ma/da GLC 3D hair hha« k I960 Armrllr* 686 3201 day* GOVE RNMI N? Sf l/f D vehicles from IKK) CoOrttllei Chrrvys Porches and other confiscated properties Selling this area for buyers guide 1{31?> 844 9009 oil *>096 Also open evenings GREAT DE Al 1 White Honda » Ittr- 80 New tires eicettent < ondilion' Great mileage ? of fun for every 11 00 of gas' Call Now' 688 0496 IS IT T HU I Jeeps for 144 through the Government? Call for fads' 1 31? /4? 114? i >1 6b 34 l IKf Nl W 198? Honda ?60 cuslorn 600 original miles great for getting around town Asking 1800 Jaw at 18/0 Main or call 728 b741 8 to 5 Mon thru E ri MOPED VflOSOlfX MODI l 4600 pedal or (x>wer ll?*> 34? *».38ft please no ( alls after 10 00 P M Nl W 198*. Honda f life 80 Just over S00 miles mint • ondrtion 1/S0 OBO Call Keith Home 74/ 4S?3 work 686 3119 SCOOTf R YAMAHA B0CC Only 700 miles an<) 1 owner 3 mos old. perler t i tmdihon IdOO. 143 l 1?6 l auren THE PORCH E of scooters 83 Honda Passport C/0. t*n .el lent condition Asking 1430 4B64694_ 8? YAMAHA SICA 400 Very low mill**, eicedent t ondition 11060 OBO Justin 344 1?S3 1967 FORD FALCON sports coupe solid ?89 engine needs battery 1200 Tun 342 7®99 197? VW BUG Great conditions, new paint new carpet new fires 11?00 484 6609 1983 HONDA Aero 80 6 bOO miles t ■ cedent condition 14?*) 683 3897 1983 TOYOTA Celtca SI AM I M air S speed good condition 747 7H26 1986 HONDA ELITE ISO 18 7b only 300 miles like new with ? matching h«l mets Call Chock (Portland) ?4b 9093 1987 YUGO, 17 000 mikes, stereo ei cedent condition new battery and tires S23S0 34V0219 1989 DODGE M.tubishi (>>41 (Plus) 8600 miles ox ellent Condition. warranty moving MUST SELL' 16 949 Fred 484 27?3 82 HONDA PASSPORT I ■cedent condition very reliable 1400 OBo 344 9126 8? SbO KAWA ITD Wed maintained 18.000 miles Close to carti(HJS asking SAOOOBO Cam M3 1628 Paul 83 SUZUKI scooter ret table runs gn at' Sieve 7?6 48?6 FVES/WKE NDS 6225 or best offer _ 83 WHITE GTI Nice car Immaculate in and out 139000 BO 344 1S51 83 YAMAHA scooter CV 80 l?9b Ml 191 t 84 CONVERT IB1E RABBIT b SPD Wolfsburg EDI Ad Wide 66 000 mis Great driving car IBOOtVOf I ER 687 1 ?6ft MltK A/UKI IMP! RIAI 33 lightweight tour mg 10 spd 119b 48*> 14 76 ABA MCXJNIAIN bike 18sp 117*. new tires rode twice 686 119b FOR ‘.Ai f NISHIKI 1? SPEED great bike 1100TO B O Call Mo 344 1 7b7 NEED A tMK fun ( ity t>ike’> I got it Shim 600 Grup aero levers eitras Christopher 343 1420 eves 80 BIKES f at tire. Cruisers and 10 speeds, clean rtdeahle bikes Starling at 120 ThufS.Fn A Sat only* Dintys Trading Posl 13SS River Road 688 3742 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS ANNIVERSARY SALE and Back to School Specials Software Discounts to 80% OFF RETAIL 3 1/2” DSDD disks 90* 5 1/4" DSDD disks 404 ?o p,ii*v $25/box of 2.50C Ribbons: $1.00 OFF ftSl Panasonic Printers KX-P1180 $193 KX-P1181 $289 KX-P1124 $389 1 or all ol youi computer needs Sales ends October 14, 1989 LEARNING SERVICES •(KJWNrOWN* 61 We si 8th Avenue 663 3827 (800)*>3?> 3278 Hours Ml 10-6 Sat 10 f> FREE DRAWING FOR PANASONIC KX P1180 PRINTER! WORD PROCESSING typewriter Mod el 380 Brother correct ron*c 1 112 yr old Asking 1300 Call 6811 1628 Paul iM SOUND SYSTEMS SONY STEREO SYSTt M Amp. tuner, cassette EQ, turntable shakers 14111 Mh J691. Judy. 155INSTRUMENTS CROSSROADS MUSIC :i/0W 6th phone 342 1 74/ (across from Casa To! Tec) Buy Sell T rade Consign Guitars Amps P A gear 1 fleets 1 un for you' Guitar Keyboard bass lessons with producer/pubhsher John Sharkey learn YOUR favorite songs All ages / all styles 344 f>S30 175 BOOKS EMERALD CITY COMICS Oldest comic book store in Oregon * New comic s * beck issues * discount subscriptions ' games * posters 770 E 13th Upstairs in Smith Family Building M S 114 mTMBl - MOUND TRIP d>i to Penn Statu Oct 12 16 message for F ran 686 .1639 36926/9 eves Brides* riders DRIVING TO Flagstaff A/. Oct 18 Need 2 small people ml minimal bag gage to drive and share expenses 4H4 *>494 F3SE students interested in loaning car pool to YflM or support group call 343 1336 SO Bt IT WANTFD RIDF from l ebanon to iu goo# AM and back in PM Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Any or all days moMMam BENO COUNTRY CABIN very nice 2 bedroom, kitchen futly fur MftfMd 136 one night. 126 two or more nights 382 3060 710 OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION EARN money reading books' 132 000/year income potential Details (1 j 602 838 8886 F *t Bk12164 EARN MONEY typing a! home 130.000/year income potential Details (1(80**687 6000 { «t B 9642 210 OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY reading books' *30.000 year income potential Details (1) 80f> 68/ 6000 I *t Y 954? ASUO GOVERNMENT Want to get involved with the Issues? The Associated Students of the Uni versity of Oregon (ASUO) will t»e mat* mg the following appointments (?) ERB MEMORIAL STUOENT UNION BOARO (EMUB) (t) INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE 1 YEAR (1) STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE COMMITTEE (1) RIVERFRONT RESEARCH LIAISON ASSOCIATED STUDENT S PRESIDEN TIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (1) GRADUATE STUDENT. ASUO PRO GRAM REPRESENTATIVES Applications toi appointment are avail able in Suite 4 of the l rb Memorial Student Union (686 3/24) Application deadline Is WED OCT 4. 1989 AT 5 PM The ASUO is an affirmative ac tion/EOE employer Women, People of color Gays and lesbians, and Slu dents with disabilities are encouraged toippty._ EXPERIENCED GOALKEEPER NEEDED U of 0 Women's Club Soccer Contact Suresh 485 9701. Pam 686 4128 or Julie 344 7601 HELP WANTED Portfolio enhancer Designerdllustrator for active eye wear (sunglasses) 344 1130 NATIONAL MARKETING firm seeks mature student to manage oncampus promotions for top companies this school year Flexible hours with earn mg potential to S2.fi00 per semester Musi be organized, hardworking and money motivated Call Corine or Myra at (800) b92 2121 RPCV NEEDED F or unpaid internship position as r am pus Peace Corps representative Sue cesstul completion of 20 hours in of lice practice qualities you tor the PAID POSITIONopening next year Please contact Jake Du Del I al Career Plan ning/Placement Service Room 224 Hendrtc ks Hall or < all t>86 i? i‘> SOCCER/FOOT BAIL REFS needed afternoon games earn 1SJ get Id' Call Bill Weeks 484 240b or leave message at KIDSPOR? 683 23/3 WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! Volunteer drivers neoded Permanent drivers one 2 hr shift (x*r week Alter nate drivers are on call as nemted No special license required These and ad dtlionai volunteer opportunities are available lor credit Drop by our office in the ASUO Women's Center. Suite 3. E MU or call 68b 4239 tor more into 2ii HELP WANTED - AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS Positions available with Eugene Parks and Mm real ion Submit applications to Human Resources and Risk Services. /// Pearl Street Room tOt, Eugene. Ore gon. 9/401 Call 68/6061 for intorma ANCHORAGE FAMILY needs nanny for 1 yr Must be fun. mature and love children St /S/wk plus airfare 344 1893 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The successful applicant will have good organizational and communica tu»n skills She/Me will be able to work well with program course instructors student University Administration, and program staff RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE fiookkeeptng. office reception, and processing forms S16 hours per w»*ek Work study ($6 00/hr ) or stipend ($/6 00/month) U of O students only Call 686430*) lor more information To apply Submit ASUO application form resume and cover letter to our office m f MU room M 110 by 6 00 p rn on October 3 1989 AA/f Of Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU iv uKt 10 union. mrvbopy ID 0€ ANNLAL DR MHOORtt RMONAl SAUfr (ONftRtnt< WM O O R: It S*Lf •'"7 jr ^'r I i 45 YOU CAN SEE, SALES FOR OUR PR MOORE CONTRACEP JM PKDVUP'j HAVE CON VNUtV IVGROUL MTU NO ENP IN SIGHT' THE APPE TfTE FOR OUR UNE SEEMS V’ g^^mATlABW STILL. THtRL ARE ENOTING NEW MARKE1S0UT THERE I OUR JOB IS TOHNP THE PON TE OF ENTRY, PENE TRATE THEM / ANP PERFORM! POES EVERT ONE IN TOUR BUSINESS TALK U RE THAT* \ NAH. MET THE GUYS IN SALEE. Advertise HERE FOR $1800 jh t issue Call 686-3712 For information