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(. till 345-9048 lot reservations !8X3 Garden Avenue, Eugene ■U /ovs/ runKlin lioulcwni Jrom U of O campus Owls Continued from Page f> "Tilt1 < hainnan made propos als that weren't acceptable to ns." said Auf.oin There is no give vet I )k ks said tin- two sides were "a limit wav apart There are a lot of problems \orthwest lawmaker. were sean lime bn a plan that would assure the region's mills of a steads su|ipls ol limber over the next \ ear while the I ' S Tish and Wildlife Servile de tides whether the owl should he prolix ted as a threatened spei les Without ri ' trii I urns or. jmii i nil review, lawmakers insist that environmentalists could continue tving up timber sales in the courts (is or the pas! s ear ens iron mentalists h.ivi' won a string ot injunctions vvhii h .it one point hailed roughly halt the limber sales planned in the federal tor esls ot tile \ortlm esl Vales has been an outspoken i iitii ot the Senate plan and has sought to ensure that the owl which nests primarily in the old growth forests ot Wash ington. Oregon and northern I ablornia. protected and to minimi/e restrii lions on pi du ial review Km imnrnentalists have launched an all-out lobbying campaign to deleat the Senate legislation and would prefer no restrictions on their access to the i ourls Yates also said he would op pose any legislative provision No one hits sports lottery I'OKTI.ANI) (AIM lor the SOI.011(1 Ut't k III .1 row, IU)I)(I(I\ |mi kcd I I mil ol 14 profession ,il loi it 11,11! games ( oriel llv 111 the weekly Oregon Spoils A< I ion game As ,i resnll $47,812 will colt r\ over in pri/e money in the 14 of 14 i ategorv in next yveek's game the Oregon l ot lery reported means il there is only one xvinning $1 ticket il should lie xvortli more than $t>(t.(H)(t Those who picked lour ol four games i orrectly won $ I a 10 down from $20 10 the prey unis week hut up i (insider ably from opening week total of $4 10 The Sports Action game the tirsl of Us kind in the countrv .illous people to waget .it least Si on four to 14 National Foot ball Teague games To win. all names saint led must be pit ked correctlv. based on point spreads developed bv a Ve gas oddsmaker In last weekend's game, those who selected five turret I Iv won $41 40 Siv i orret t pit ks won $80. seven Sllfi It), eight $270 'to and nine $r»t»7 40 Ihe big winners were the live tltkels that correctlv pie tin ted 10 of 10 games .toil earned Si .482 80 apiece I it ket sales totaled $4 12,000. up from $117,000 the previous week It you want to meet all your banking needs enroll at We serve I First Interstate Bank of (fregon. We have a special package designed to help students make it through (host' trying collegi years the Student I.ine Aivount. It has all the products and services you need: Checking .Account with no minimum balance. Write up to 12 checks a month for one low can better manage your expenses. Student Loans. If paying for school is a con cern. we can help you with a student loan. Student loans allow you to borrow money for college and not begin paying it back until after you graduate. So for all your hanking needs from a checking ac count tea student loan graduate to First Interstate Bank. monthly ter. .And east) your personal cheeks at over 1.1(H) First Interstate offices in Lfl states and the I )isti k t of Columbia. First Interstate Bancard. (let up to SlfOO cash ever\ dav at hay \iyht lellers" throughout First Interstate territory and at 2f>.lHH)C1RKI S' auto mated tellers across the l .S. and Canada. \ ISA eligibility. Keen it you have no credit his tor you may still qualify for a student VISA*, so you OFirst Interstate Bank We go the extra mile for you; Mmntt'r FDIC .limed id keeping ,i c ourt judge m SimIIIp from rid mg in .1 case brought In itivi ronniiTilalists That case' chill - lunges the I S f orest Servic e's management plan lor spotted owl habitat ''That’s one of the stu king point " said Yates Dicks and AuCoin have pro posed increasing the ai reage set aside lor owl habitat in the I oresl Ser\ ic es plan In about la percent and deeming it "suffii lent ' Such a meive would forestall am court rui i ng Northwest law make!s fear lodge William Ihvvoi could rule in such a way as to stop virtually all logging in the old grow lb lorests It is a cpiestion ol ensuring the industrx has enough timber to operate over the next 1 if months." said Die ks "\\ itliout that c ertainl\ we have done nothing Annex_ Turn to Annex, Page 20 contended that Santa Clara Kiver Road residents new or asked for Kiigene's sewage treatment in the first place and that nearly all the land that has been piped with the new sewer system is vac ant "They admitted to skipping am that had houses on it houses with voters in them." Nichols said. "And there's been a lot of contention as to how arc uratelv they tested the water supply." Nic hols and Sc hue .ire both expec ting a remonstrance a voter rebuttal in the spring, after the c i!\ of Kugene offic ial ly annexes Santa Clara Kiver Road 'copies' me copy shop 539 E. 13th 485-6253 MONEY TALKS Looking for energetic, pro fessional. hard working mdi viduals to join our tele phone fundraising team Part time flexible hours $6.00 per hour plus bo nus. Call 686 3016 if inter ested or stop by Johnson Hall Room 207 to pick up an application