_Sports_ Johnson finds new life A year later, track star is clean TORONTO (Al’| \ veai .tvti> hundreds of journalists wailed impatiently for the world s fastest human to arrive for his postrai e news i onfereni e at the ( )l \ in pit (.aloes Hen lohnson had |iisl lowered Ins world rei ord ol u Hi seconds to n 70 m winning the 100-meter gold medal \nd lie had Heaton his bitter rival Carl l ewis the detending Olvmpii i hampion lost like he had done a vear earlier m setting the world record at the World Championships in Rome ()l\ mpi( Stadium came alive I lundreds ol ( anadiaus in tile stands veiled and si reamed and i nod It was ( anada a lust gold medal ol the (lames "I did not expei t to go this fast lohnson said It was mi e." l.ew is. w ho finished a distant set olid in u UJ suggested lohnson was on steroids lie was n< t used ol sour grapes rlien lohnson was late lor Ills date with the media ()lti i nils explained, he apparently was having trouble produi ing a urine sample lor drug testers In a small room in the stadium, lohnson drank in beers and waited almost two Hours for ins uncooperative deliv dialed system to provide the urine sample When lohnson finally met with the media he said. ‘ The gold medal is the most important thing Anybody can break my world record but lire gold medal is mine It wasn't Ins for long Less than ti> hours later, there was trouble (lurnl Anne l.ctheren. head ol the ( anadian team rei eived a letter from the International Olvmpii Committee ..tying that lohnson had tested positive lor tile banned steroid Stanozolol She and other Canadian officials met with a stunned lohnson and coach Charlie I ram is at the Seoul Hilton John son and Kraut is denied any wrongdoing l.ater that day . a sei ond test ol Johnson's ill me was per formed The result again was positive Meetings were held between Canadian and It)( offii ials w ith the ( anadiaus suggesting lohnson was the victim of sabotage Hut the !()(! rejected the argument pointing out the test results indicated a pattern of long term steroid use burly on Sept. 27. at another meeting in the hotel lobnson's gold medal was taken bai k the medal he had detlii ated to nn Mom and all the people of ( anada At a news conference a few hours later Lutheren said lohnson was in a state of shot k He was not comprehend ing the information we were giving him she said Turn to Johnson, Page 11 THE BOOK FAIR All Kinds Of USED BOOK FARE PLUS vp r. : p. « a.-.:;, Si know it-.3 i' ■ u tie.: "-it t "Bro wser s r r Paradise" corner E 14th & Oak St 343 3033 Since 1966 Dpen Mon Thurs 10 00 5 30 * Fri eve until 8 00 * Sat 10 00 5 00 < BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS!!! GREAT DEALS!!!! FREE LOCAL Lay a way DELIVERY USED FURNITURE Financing at prices you can afford!!! & NEW QUALITY FURNITURE at low prices!!!! We re right on the LTD busline Just take »11 Thurston right from campus to our door step every 15 minutes GLENWOOD New & used FURNITURE 4245 Franklin Blwd., Eugene ■HP —747-6023 ODE Classifieds get RESULTS! Stanford's Hinckley a player of the week. \\ AI M r I K1 KK ( .(111 | AIM Soulht-rn ( iii k Imld M.iriniivic li Stanford lint'hni kri Kob tliniklr\ .mil \iiznii.i kli.krt I >"ilii 1’t.ill wen ii.mu'il Mi mil.i\ tlir I ’.ii ilu Id ( onfcrrni c plavi-rs of tin1 w t-ek M.trinnvn Ii .1 frrslim.m from H.illm.i, ( ,ilit i umpli'li'd ll til |).issi*s Im 1 10 \ .nils .mil lour touchdowns in thr fro i.iiis ii rmil ill Ohio Stuii (Ini' nt llii' 11) pusst-s went Ini Save $$$ ; Clip and use | ( rp.'MU! OU[H 1 I M yards thr lemurs! m I S( history ! lint k 1«*\ .1 sriiim from \\ al mi! ( ii-i'k ( till! m,iilr ! I l,n k Ins ,is Slanliml hrld I Jri'Kim In VI % arils nislimu ami J "~ lnt.il yards in an IH I ' upsrl nl thr I hit k^ Open 24 Hours kinko's Crejt COpitt Cffit PfOplf SftO l » It* 44 * «Oir^ 144 F894 144 JSSS r^re+f. • TV'iv Fmf'vl 6DC ’’rrfcj. .n Tl r**j n [‘Hi.y hm#*raivl ODC r»-j n h It) 143 3062 It. H't S C A N N I N G i iRAPHK S( ANNING AND Of R Tf * T Id , IGNITION FOR MA( INK )SH AND IBM PCS S'C'A'N'N'E'R'S fBANKUN PARK Pi A2A *3 5120 FRANKLIN it VO fUGINt 747*4569 Are You Looking for Good Health j Insurance that Won’t Strain Your Wallet? \ \ A INSGRE-G offers you Quality Major I Medical Coverage for as Little as j $3100 per month*! j A Insure-G a subsidiary of U-Lane-O Credit Union, offers a wide array of Health | and Dental Insurance Plans to fit j everyone’s needs. j Call A Insure-G at 687-2347 or stop by j our office located inside U-Lane-O Credit Union (E. 11th & Ferry) j * This premium based on a non-smoker under 30 yrs old. t 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. German 8 AUTO SERVICE Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto Specializing in VW • Mercedes • BMW • Audi Datsun & Toyota welcome EXPERT WORKMANSHIP & SAVINGS “Serving you for over 25 years”