Lobby fights gambling revenues By Brian Bloch Emerald Assot iate Editor Representatives from the Oregon Student Lobby (ONI.| will present statements to .1 host of media organizations today in the KNIl' Forum Room to show their discontent with the state's use of lottery money to fund Oregon's higher ed ucation system The statements from OSI. representatives of six Oregon universities and colleges will be read to television and print media representatives at 1 p m The lobbying organization hopes to draw al tention to problems the group antic ipates from the state's use of lottery revenues to fund protes sor salaries and student si holarships According to ASl'O Vice President and new ]y elei ted OSI. (ihairman Scott U'vi koll. the prob lems stem from the use of unpredii table, unreli able lottery revenues to fund higher education costs I feel we've created a state system addicted to gambling. ' VVyckoff said "It’s an easy wav out .mil v ery short sided He also said that the inherent instability of the lottery and other state-run gambling attempts will discourage top professors from coming to the University if they hav e to depend on the succ ess of those programs to fund their salaries “What happens if you don't get enough moil ey In cover those costs'." he said Wh.it it the revenues (all short of their expei lutions '" Wyckoff explaineil that ()S1 is tackling the issue early in the ott legislative vear so that the group can better lobby for more stable higher ed in ation funding when the Oregon l egislature re convenes in 1‘lfl I He s.iid that hei ause a flourishing higher ed ucation system benefits the entire stale the bur den for finant ing the system should instead he plai ed on the < iti/.ens through a more stable tax initiated by the Legislature "The lottery is an excuse for the legislators not to give the citizens a tair ami equal burden to support the sy stem he said " They need to hack up the services the system provides yyith stable money yve i an count on Although W yckoff said lie is not opposed to onetime lottery allocations lor t onstruc lion or expansion projei ts on the state's < ampuses he feels the lottery and gambling revenues are not stable enough to support the system's base hudg et The OSI. is a non partisan student lobbying group that at ts as a representative to the stale on issues atlei ting students and higher eilut ation in general I lie 1.’ member group consists of lyyo repre senlatives from six Oregon colleges and universi ties I'diversity representatives ale Wyikolt and senior Angela Muniz rona Corporation. 65 l.otuu Avenue. New l .anaan. C I OhQAO oi Smith C.iwona Canada 44* > Tap*