WELCOME BACK STUDENTS COTTON CLOTHING T-SHIRTS JEWELRY CARDSan UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS th* BANYAN TREE H 10% OFF EVERYTHING EXP 9/29/89 485 E. 13th • EUGENE, OR 97401 485-0333 ioutes \/um Kfsl.uir.uil and Loungf (,.»!»I ii c ftc nnb ORDERS TO C,C) 343-4480 M4~ 1 r.inUm Hki rn to 10: 10 p m. In. 11 00 a m. to MidniKht S.it Noon to Midnight Sun Ninon to 10 10 p.m Entertainment I'hulo b\ \mirt* Kamrri H\ performing; ltn.il itmtfrts, the Women''. Choral Sot iet\ raises money lor two musit. student st holarships per v ear Women sing for scholarship fund By Debbie Helm f merald C nntributnr It s tton p in on .1 Monday night and the voiles ol more than 40 women echo through Him 11 ( one or t II.dl Hnt it's not a university choir It's the Worn en’s ( hor.il Society ol Kugene Dijdii .ition has brought these women together this evening as it brings them together every Monday night when they hold rehearsals ( Ither than for the mere enjoy ment ol being part ol a i hoir the ladies of the Women's Choral Six;iety are together for a worthy cause slu dents at the I'nivorsitv I low are the two connected? All of the pro i eeds from their concerts and other appearanc es during the year go to a music sc holarship fund Along with the many associated members and businesses who make contributions, the money earned by the Soc iety c reates three sc hoi arships that are offered to l'diversity music ma jors eat h y ear While many c hoirs use their money to per form in costly concert halls the Women's Choral Soc iety spends only the- minimum amount to savi ns muc h .is possible lor these sc iioiarships We're very low budget and we give as mu( h to the students at I In- University of Oregon .is we i.m because that's the purpose of the group, said Sandy Kreiss. president of the So< i etv The \\ inners of the sc holarship are i hosen tiv auditions and In recoinniendation of a member ol the auditioning voice lac ult\ of the sc bool of mu sii In die tall two si holarships are awarded, one to a lieu student and one to a returning student Ibis fall's rec ipients are l.aura Kirk, an in coming freshman from (loos Bay, and I.isa Hoik, a returning senior who was also the recipient of one of last year's scholarships. Bork said sin- apprec iates the help she's re c eiveci from the Women's (Ihoral Soc iet\ and said she feels they are a worthwhile group bec ause they provide entertainment to the public as well as scholarships to University music majors "Their effort as an organization is to help other people and to help students out I think it's so beneficial." she said thankfully. The soc iel\ still has openings for this year's c lioir and enc mirages l 'Diversity students to c (in sider parlic ipeting Sue ict\ rehearsals are Mon day evenings at 7 it) in the music sc hool. Beall Hall. Room 1 ‘IK WATCH FOR OUR CHANGES LOWENBRAU COMPLETE HEALTH FOOD & NUTRITION DEPARTMENT 7-up & Squirt 8 PAK BOTTLES o $coo FOR * Dcp BULK GHIRARDELLI SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS 159 J_ij BULK JOLLY TIME POPCORN 3$ioo LB FOR I OROWEAT MUFFINS 6 pack SOUR DOUGH & EX CRISP EXPIRES 10-3-89 COUPON 17 Coburg Rd. 7 days a week ad effective Hours 7 a.m. . 11 p.m. 683-8670 THRU 10-3-89 WELCOME TO EUGENE We Carry Quality • Patagonia • North Face • Royal Robbins • Woolrich • Sierra Designs • Vuarnet • Nike • Tiger • Reebok patagonia Remember to ask for your 10% Student Discount M(KENZIE OUTFITTERS 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon Sat 9 30-6 Sun 11-5 (Reg Center Hours)