Continued from Page l spring term, ” Holbo said This comes as welcome news to two speech majors. Susie Ituersmeyer ami Mollv Murphy, who met witli Holbo and other University offi cials Monday and Tuesday to disi uss their frus (ration at being unable to register for required classes. Huersmeyer. a senior who plans to graduate in spring, went to registration at noon Thursday, only to find one speech class canceled and two others full Tong waiting lists offered little hope of adding the classes after the beginning of the term. One class was the first of a year long se ((lienee, and waiting to take it another term, .is some advisers suggested, would have meant wait ing another year to graduate Huersmeyer said that it would he financially impossible for her to do so. She met Murphy, who wants to graduate in the summer, in Villard Hail where the speech dc partment offices are located. The two discovered they had the same problem. “We needed to know right away if we could lake the courses we need," Murphy said Moth students said they would consider withdrawing from the university for a term or a year if they could not sign up for their required classes "I want to keep going forward with my edu cation." Murphy said. The two joined forces and together ap preached the associate dean at the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the provost and vice pro vost for academic affairs In addition. Huersmeyer called the Register (’.uard and talked to a reporter alxiul her plight "Kveryune we talked to was very svinpathet ic." said Huersmeyer "We're not angry and we re not blaming anyone There’s just .1 problem that needs to lx1 solved "We’ve been good 1 iti/.ens. we’ve pul in our time." Murphy said "It's the l'diversity 's re sponsihdilv to find a solution and implement it as soon as possible IIoIIh) said he had antii ipated problems at fall term registration for months and that he and others had linen working on it In-fore Huersmeyer and Murphy came to him "We've known for several years that the bulging freshman 1 lasses would eventually In come juniors and seniors," he said (leorge Rowe, associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, said that hiring .1 visiting professor in the speech department was part ot overall adjustments and not just .1 result of com plaints from Murphy and Huersmeyer "There's always a last minute shuffle." he said."I've spoken with many students from dil ferent departments who are going through the same thing Vice provost llolho said he felt had for the students who are struggling to gel into 1 lasses and he hoped the problem would not recur next term "It's most unfortunate." Ilollm said "I re gret it deeply " Hawaii Club has first meeting tonight MKKTINCS First meeting of the Hawai ian (iluli will !><• tonight at 7: 10 in lliti KM11 l-ir Room All inter ested students .ire welcome to attend. For more information i all )iin .it tiHti l>878 The Student Insurgent edito rial board will meet Thursday _Et als_ night .it 10 in KMIJ Suite 1 ('.all Robert keniietli at (>80 l> i 17 for more information University Democrats exei u live committee meets Thursday night at o in HMU Suite 1 They will be disr ussing open offii ers positions and their affiliation with the Democrat!! Part of Dine (anility V isitors an1 wel come MI SO-: I.LAN KOI S A slide presentation and dis ( ussinn by .i recently returned student from Kl Salvador will he held tonight in the KMII l.inder Room (formerly the KMII Forum Room). Kveryone is welcome Welcoming Mass for stu dents will lie lielil at the New man denier tonight at A soi nil will follow For more in torination. call Theresa joyi e at LI t Hll‘11 Does your organisation have a meeting, hi lure or some thing else going on? II mi, take advantage ol llw free (Jrtigon l)«iily Kmurald Et a Is column Deadline Ini submitting Et als to the lanrrald front desk EMI Suite Itttl is noon the d.i\ he lore publii atiou Et als are run the da\ ol the event unless the e\ ent 01 curs before noon / i rills u itli a donation 01 ail mission charge n ilI not he i on sidered ( ani[>us events and those si liediileil nearest the publication date Hill he given priorit\ The Emerald reserves the right to edit until es tor grammar and style Michael’s FUTONS & FRAMES f SEPTEMBER SALE! 10% off on till Futons! 10% off on selected frames and accessories! 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Kaininp Kepmi. i Iritrrm M rule ills vs hast, untie rNlaitdiny ol prope t pLuemenl .iikI (MVMtHMtS Inlenti nIu.I. h|n vs n..IhI pl.kerneMl ansi te.hntipie la// I lain e 1 Ml r. kills. Ik hi l«» m.iveiik-nlN ihslhim I iitphasts nn pn ijH i alignment V»