Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1989, Page 12 and 13, Image 12

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Peter MeyerfKrank (iosar
Hus workshop is everything you need for a thor
ough grounding in ceramics. Wheel throwing,
handbuilding, and gla/mg techniques will he cov
ered, with individualized instruction for beginners
and those with some previous experience. Cila/es
and 25 lbs. of da> included. IK hours of instate
'Hirer sessions offered:
I Wednesdays 3:00-6:00 pm Meyer
Oct. 4-Nov. 15 (except Oct. 25) *om *$36
2. Thursdays 6:10-9:30 pm Gosar
October 5-Novcmbcr 9 *or>2 *$36
3. Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm Gosar
October 8-Novembcr 12 *<*" *536
Peter Meyer
I or the adventurous spirit who has had some previ
ousclay experience, Fxpand your foundation skills
and personal expression with clay. Increase your
throwing and handbuilding skills, make specialized
lulls, and refine your glazing techniques. 25 Ihs. of
day and glazes pros ided. 15 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 pm
October 10-Novcmbcr 14 *$36
Frank (iosar
Fxplorc your own imaginative process through
playing w ith clay. Learn ancient methods of clay
construction - coil building, slab building, carving,
additive and subtractive techniques. Class provides
bo ill directed and self directed opportunities 25
Ihs. of clay and glazes provided. 12 hours of in
Mondays 6:30-9: 30 pm
October 9-30 «W5 *S28
Frank (iosar
Raku spans the centuries from 15th century tea
bow Is to 21st century metallic lusters. Fuelling
effects for sculptural and decorative pieces are
achieved in tins dramatic process in which pieces
are pulled red hot from the kiln and plunged into
barrels of combustibles. Instruction tm. hides tech
niques tor small pieces Beginning and continuing
students welcome Clay and glazes included. 16
hours of instruction.
Fridays 2:00-5:00 pm
September 29 ( A mber 20 #<»*' *$33
Saturday, October 21.1:30-5:30 pm (4 hour firing)
Frank (iosar
From llte prehistoric pueblo to modem-day craft
galleries, "primitive” smoke-tia’d ceramics enjoy a
colorful history. Learn the secrets of polished
blackware pottery ami apply them to your own
decorative or sculptural work. Clay, terra sigillata
and instructional handbook included. 12 hours
of instruction.
Fridays 2:00-5:00 pm
October 27-November 17 »oo7 *$28
Peter Meyer
Handbuild beautiful cups and bowls w ith colored
porcelain. We will use w hue, shades of grey and a
few accent colors. Colored slips will be available.
Porcelain, mason stains and glazes pros ided. 12
hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm
Oct 11 Nov 8 (except (At. 25)
#ons *$35
Ihc rmvmity of Oregon affirms the nghi of all individuals to c^ual oppor
turnty in education and employment, without regard to race, color, national
on gui. manul sutus. veteran's status. set. age. handicap, rciigum. or any
Other curinnui considerations not directly and substantially related to cf
fee'llve performance Thu policy implements all applicable federal, stale
and local laws, regulations and executive orders Direct rciated inquiries to
the Director. Affirmative Actum Office. Oregon flail. University of (he
g»m. Phone (503)686 3123
( harline Durchanek
I Vsign ami weave a Navajo mg. I sing a frame loom, students
with or without experience will design a small Navajo weav
ing. set a loom and complete a project. Advanced students w ill
leam more complicated techniques and designs. ( ost in
cludes frame loom which is yours to keep and first warp
\arns. IK hours ol instruction
Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm *009 $36 members
< ktober 9-November 13 *mo $39 non-members
( hrystal Mct.'uigan
Rags! Rags! Rags! Tum those old faded, ripped, useless rag
nothings into something uniquely hand woven Create a one of
a kind rug. rag a bag, or set of place mats Instruction in warp
preparation, loom dressing and beginning pattern weaving
will he given. Hmphasis on design with color and texture.
Warp varn provided. IK hours of instruction.
Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm
October 12-November 16 «>n *S32
( hrystal McOuigan
I xplore the possibilities of yam design while creating your
own handspun wool Start on the drop spindle and move
rapidly to the spinning w heel All phases of wool preparation
w ill he covered. Natural and chemical dyeing w ill tv introduced.
Cost includes fleece for you to dye your favorite color. 18
hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm
October 11-November 15 *$34
Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Knitting is a
perfect way to relax while creating beautiful garments. After
learning basic knitting techniques, each student will select a
simple project such as a hat. scarf, or afghan. This class is for
students with little or no experience. Needles and some yarn
provided. 10 hours of instruction
Tuesdays6:30 8:30pm non $19mcmbcrs
October 17-November 21 #om $22 non members
Itinkv Krown Takahashi
Classic quilt patterns and modular piecing techniques com
bine to produce a traditional quality quilt in a f raction of the
usual time. Select one of the follow mg patterns: Blazing Star.
Irish Chain, Around the World, or l og Cabin. The first class
meeting w ill mcluik' discussions of patterns, color and fabric
requirements and selections. All levels of experience wel
come. Out of class sew ing time may be necessary. 12-1/2
hours of instruction
Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 pm #ois $22 members
October 10-Novembcr 7 *otf> S25 non-members
Gary Dawson
An introduction to basic metalworking skills, including de
sign. culling, filing, piercing, soldering, sanding, finishing
and textures. One or more projects can be completed during
class time. Beginning materials provided. 12 hours of
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm
October 4-October 25 «023 *S25
Gary Dawson
An introduction to metal casting using the lost wax/centrifu
gal injection method. Includes design, wax model making
w ith a variety of waxes, mold preparation, casting and clean
up of cast items. Prerequisite: Beginning Jewelry & Metals
or similar experience. 9 hours of instruction.
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm
November 1-15 *<>24 *$19
Ardis I.etev
Make an egg or berry basket in the Appalachian
tradition rattan reed, branch handles, and any other
fibers, plant parts, feathers or whatever you might
want to add. Beginning and experienced students arc
welcome. All materials for one basket included. 4
hours of instruction.
Saturdays 1:00-3:00 pm #017 S12 members
October 14 & 21 #018 SI 5 non-members
Jane Reyer
Paint your own silk fashion accessories, art objects
and clothing using beautiful, high quality French silk
dyes. Students will learn the “Gutta Serti" resist
method and design their own projects. One-half yard
of silk and dyes pros ided. Bring water color brushes.
12 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm
October 17-Novcmbcr 7 #<>tl> *$29
Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and
stamping hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to
create unique and beautiful patterns and designs In
this class you will learn several batik techniques in
eluding resist dyeing techniques of West Africa Yoruba
peoples. Students will have the opportunity to work
on fabric and clothing of their own, in and out of class.
One-half yard of batik material, dyes and wax
provided. 12 hours of instruction.
Mondays 6:00-9:(X) pm
October 16-November 6 #Q20 *$29
Jane Reyer
Learn traditional and contemporary’ bead techniques.
Create jewelry, appliques, and beaded lace using the
Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, and chains. The em
phasis of thisdass will be on personal instruction and
creativity as you work on projects of your own choice.
Cost includes a bead loom for you to keep, warp
threads and needles. 12 hours of instruction.
Thursdays 7:00-9:00 pm #<>2i $27 members
October 12-Novcmbcr 16 #022 $30 non members
Tim kaiser
Is it Zen? Is it magic? Lcani to overhaul bearing
sets, adjust gears and brakes, and true your wheels.
Proper lit and efficient bike use w ill be discussed.
Allow $5 for replacement bearings. 15 hours ol
Wednesdays 7:00-9:30 pm #025 $24 members
Oct. 11-Nov. 15 #02ft $27 non-members
Keith Nelson
You know as well as anybody else that you can’t
go another season without fixing the bases ol your
skis. At the first session the good doctor will
demonstrate base repair, edge sharpening and hot
waxing. In the lab session, participants will work
on their own skis under the watchful eye ol the
gifted doctor of ski abase. Bring skis (alpine or
nordic) to the lab. 4 hours of instruction. Kach
student attends demonstration and one lab.
Demonstration: Monday, Nov. 6 7:00-9:00 pm
Two labs offered:
1. Thursday 7:00-9:00 pm
November 9 #027 $3
2. Monday 7:00-9:00 pm
November 13 #02s $3
Klaina Jamieson
Perhaps you have looked at Ixxiks such as "The Natural
Way to Draw," or “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,"
hut feel the need for additional structure and instruction. In
this class, we will explore various ways of seeing and
drawing. We will also l<x>k at and learn from the drawings
of master artists. All materials provided. 15 hours of
Wednesdays 6:00-8:30 pm #030 $27 members
October 11-November 15 #031 $30 non-members
Julia O’Reilly
Pastel doesn’t mean "pink!" laxiking for pi/zaz and
control in your pastel drawings? Want to explore this rich
medium? Our one day workshop will give you the percep
tual uxils to expand your awareness and understanding of
color, and the basics for using soft pastel stick.^ Cost
includes a set of pastels and paper. 7 hours of instruction.
Saturday 10:00-5:30pm (1/2 hr. lunch) #032 $23mcmbers
November 11 #033 $26 non members /
Li Shuang
Would you like to paint something in a very special way?
Sumi-c is a traditional Chinese painting technique you can
use to create a “color” world with Chinese brushes and
black ink. We will learn to paint mountains, flowers,
bamboo and more, step-by-step. Come join us — you will
gain lots of skill with fun. Cost includes three brushes
which are yours to keep, paper and ink. 18 hours of
Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm $39 members
October 12-Novcmbcr 16 #«35 $42 non-members
Aimee V'ogi
Turn your fall harvest into handmade papers. We’ll have
a short slide presentation on the history, process, and plants
used for papermaking. Then we’ll make papers using 4
methods: Tapa, Himalayan, European, and Japanese All
materials pros ided and a source list will be handed out. 6
hours of instruction.
Saturdays 10:30 am-12:30 pm $14 members
October 7-21 #037 $17 non-members
Aimee Yogi
We start cookin’ in this class! After an introductory walk
around campus to sec the different plants used for paper
making, students w ill cook and share pulps gathered from
the fields. All materials provided. 6 hours ol instruction. ;
Saturdays 10:30 am-12:30 pm #038 $14 members *
October 28-November 11 #039 $17 non-members
Marilyn Mohr <
Make your own hardbound journal or sketchbook. Basic
bookbinding techniques will be taught focusing on the ,
hardbound book. Smaller projects demonstrating Japanese
and pamphlet sewing will be included as time allows. The
first class will feature oil marbling on papers that can be
used for future projects. Cost includes most materials.
18 hours of instruction.
Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm #<>•«> $35 members ,
October 9-Novcmbcr 13 #<wi $38 non-members
Mark Kerfer
Create your own bcaulilul stained glass window! This
course will help you turn your ideas into a work of art.
Design principles and the foil wrap construction method
will he taught. Beginning as well as experienced students
arewclcomc. Toofsandsomematerials provided. Allow
a little extra money for glass. IS hours of instruction.
Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm
October 10-November 21 (except Oct. 31) *$3d
paper marri.im;
Marilyn Mohr
Lcam to make the decorated papers traditional I v used in
bookbinding. I Nine oil colors on a paste si/e. many inter
csting patterns can tv created. Marbled papers can tv used
lor many craft items or collages Paper and some paints
will be provided. 4 hours of instruction
Saturday 1:00-4:00 pm wm: $0 members
November 4 non $12 non-members
Peter Meyer
Want to print your own I shirt, poster, cards, etc ’ I earn
silkscrccn methods, including glue blockout and photo
emulsion. We’ll discuss various inks, stencil methods,
papers and fabrics. Allow $6 il you want your own screen
Ink and some stencil material provided. IS hours ol
Thursdays 6:40 0 40 pm
October 5-Novcmbcr 16 (except Oct. 26) #o4i *$48
Susie Morrill/Rebecca Thompson
Learn how to use your camera, develop B&W film, and
make B&W prints and enlargements. Photographic
composition, the camera, and darkrtxvm techniques will
be covered Film, chemicals and some paper will he
provided. IS hours of instruction.
Three sessions offered:
1. Tuesdays 2:(X)-5:(X) pm Thompson
October 17-Novcmher 21 *ots *S18
2. Wednesdays 6:30-9:10 pm Morrill
October4-Novcmber8 #oi6 *S38
3. Fridays 5:00-8:00 pm Thompson
October 13-November 17 #o»7 *S38
Susie Morrill
This course is designed for the photographer w ho o ac
quainted with general darkroom procedure and has an
interest in line tuning the process of exposure control
I .earn aspects of the /.one System and use a variety of
papers, developers, and enlargers to produce prints with
desired contrast and depth. Aesthetic considerations,
subject matter, composition, anil camera use will lx.*
included. Chemicals will he provided. IK hours ol
Thursdays 6:30-9: 30 pm
October 5-November 9 #<>.ts *S3K
Regina Ruhin
Add color to your B&W photographs in this two week
workshop. We will explore traditional and contempo
rary methods of handcoloring prints. The in-class studio
time will help you perfect your techniques. Previous
photographic experience not required. You will need
B&W photographs printed on matte surface paper (RC
paper will not work). Color pencils, oils and practice
prints will he available. 5 hours of instruction.
Mondays 6:00-8:30 pm «M9 SI3 members
October 16-23 #050 S16 non-members
Monday-Thursday 10:00 am-9:30 pm
Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:30 pm
Sunday 12:30-5:30 pm
Woodshop Hours: Schedules will be
available during the first week of the term. I
. »' "1 11.—■ . . Il—
— WOOD j—
bkcinmm; woodworking*
Man llallcck Joel Andersen
Materialize your ideas in the xwxxl shop (’reale a project
while learning power tool use and safety Inslnietion
will cover project design, wtxxl pro|ierttes, hand and
power tixil use. and joinery. You may want to allow a
little extra time and money for your project. 17-1/2
hours ol instrm lion.
Two sessions offered:
I Wednesdays 6:30-9 (X) pm
October4 November Is
2. l uesdavs V30-6:(X)pm
October 3 NovemlxT 14
#nsi *$J0
nos: *$30
(on uni in<; woodworking*
I om l rhan
Six evenings ol open shop with an experienced wtxxl
worker I xplorc new techniques, get help and advice on
your |X‘t project, or finish that project from a previous
class Includes demonstrations and discussions on tie
sign, router work, dovetails, anti mortise and tenons.
Pick up a demonstration schedule at the (‘rail Center.
The shop is still open during this time.
Tuesdays 6 30-9:00 pm * Free with
October 17 November 21 membership
John Jones
I his class is lor wtxxlworkers interested in hand tools
ami traditional woodworking techniques. I sing axils
such as hand saws, hand planes, scribers, brace and bits,
chisels, and moulding planes yields a level of detail anil
an experience of wtxxl not jxissible with machines.
Beginning knowledge of woodworking required 12 1/2
hours ol instruction
lliurstlays 6:30-9:00 pm
October 19-Novcmbcr 16 #<>si *$25
Scotty Sleeves
Ihts prtx'ess oriented class will cover design, wtxxls,
axils and finishes Whether beginner nr advanced, utili
tarian or sculptural, your ideas anil skills can lx' advanced
and problems tackled' Some tools and scrap wood
provided; other uxils anti carving wtxxls are available
for purchase. Nonetheless, bring your own il possible,
and come prepared to work! 4 1/2 hours of instruction.
Sunday 12:40-5:00 pm *034 $12 members
October 29 »055 $15 non-members
Alan llallcck
Architecture anti art majors spend three Sunday evenings
making the ultimate light table. A new' anti improved
design incorporates your May line and Borco into a shape
that fits studio desks in 1 awrencc. I.txkable, portable,
ami functional, this table is a must for your studio space.
Wtxxl and screws provided. 9 hours of instruction.
Two sessions offered:
1. Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
October 1-15 #056 *S24
2. Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
October 22-Novcmbcr 5 #057 *$24
. ■■■ j ■- ■ IB .e-7--—;—r .■ - -
* Starred Classes Require
Craft Center Membership.
Preregistration is necessary
to assure your space in a workshop!
OVER $20
* S2.50 Current University Community;
S().(K) UO Alumni & General Public