Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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Join us this tall to meet people, make triends, worship, eat, study the
Bible, discuss issues, sing, and have fun
Each Sunday, 5:00-6:00—Bible Study
6:00-7:00, Worship, prayer, & fellowship
Friday at 7pm Bible Study, Asian Ministry—Sam & Renetta Krauz
Special Events: Fall Retreat, October 13-15, Odell Lake
1236 Kincaid Street
exploring worsntp inrougn uance
Every Wednesday, Oct. 11-Nov. 15,
Fee—$ 12.00/person; $10.00 with this ad
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Finally. The golf course you’ve been waiting lor
Riveridge Golf Course has opened nine championship
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Two challenging par fives, five par fours, two ele
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It's one great. Fig. sweet spot of a place to play golf
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TIMES: 345-9160
Continued from Page 1
The ACM I .ilso is active in
resisting any forms of censor
ship attempts "Our work fo
coses on education outreach. to
alert tin1 puhlii to the danger of
censorship." lidampie sai<f
"We want to make sure hooks
aren't sanitized and that
i hoic.es aren't sanitized" in
puhlii libraries
However. lidampie did
stress that school officials
should decide curriculum con
tent according to material
whii h is appropriate for partic
ular age groups
Besides defending individual
Ixxik challenges, (he ACM)
i des political philosophy in fa
vor of preventing censorship at
"In a free society, the only
way we can assure that people
will have the information they
need to make dec isions on how
to lead their lives, is to have ac
cess to the information that's
out there." l-'idanque said
Censorship attempts in the
Kugenc Springfield area .ire un
( oinnion. Imt from time to time
objections to Ixioks at local
schools and libraries do sin
far e, especially vvilli children's
“We feel it is incumbent on
parents to determine for them
selves whether .1 book is appro
priate for their child." said
|udv Harold, children's librari
an at the Springfield I’ublir l.i
“To remove library material
to comply with the standards of
one person deprives the entire
community of their right to
make individual choices for
themselves and their families."
she said.
During the five years Harold
has worked at the Springfield
Public Library, she has not re
moved a book from circulation
The Kugene Public Library
similarly has been able to re
solve complaints without re
moving books.
“The Kugene public is a lib
eral community, and there are
not a lot of problems on that
line," said Sandy (’arrick. head
of the Kugene Public Library's
reference and periodical de
part meet
Continued from Page 7
sit mi* problems its every otliei
university; stolen bikes, stolen
property, and date rape."
Hunter said
There art! not as many reports
of people "jumping out of (lie
bushes" to commit a rape, but
date rape is an increasing con
i ern. Ilunler said
All fundraising lor next
week's (!AKK events lias been
done privately. Hunter said
I'lte lai I that people and organ
i/.ations lluoughnul the com
iminitv have been willing to
donate money is an indication
ol the importance ('ARK events
have on the community, she
"Wo would be idiots to say
that we didn't care altoul this
(tot alise we do. and it is intpor
taut "I luiiter said
It the events are successful.
Hunter anticipates that HARK
week will Itecome an annual
event, making it easier next
year to raise the money needed
to sponsor the speakers and
seminars that are lining offered
Next week's schedule in
i ludes demonstrations on using
dogs as running partners and
protection so licit women c.m
feel safe running alone, .1
brown bag forum on self lie
fense. sessions on sexual abuse
within families and relation
ships and people speaking on .1
v.iriety of issues
Andrea Parrot, a sexuality
educator from (Cornell l Iniversi
ty, will give the keynote speci h
on Thursday Oi I !» in the KMI
Ballroom The speech is titled
"Sex and Power: The Halani
mg Act of the 'Ills
A Take Back the Night man li
is scheduled for Saturday at
(>:.<() p.m .it the KMI I. Worn
en's Task Korce Coordinator
Teresa Reeves said it will be a
time for women to get togethei
in the darkness at night and
speak out against violence
against women.
"The importance of CART
week is to break the silence
There is a lot ol sexual violent e
that is not talked alMiut; it s
buried," Reeves said
"There shouldn't even lie a
need for CART! week Irecause
things should be done all the
time to stop this violence
against women,” she said
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