Lottery director set to pursue video poker game SA1.1 M | Al’) (Jiiigon's lot terv dire< tor said Morulas hi- to forge rihi'iitl on (ic veloping .1 video poker game despite some obsta i les |im Daves s t omments lol low ed .1 1 .i literA (Commission meeting .it which Attornes General Dave Irohnmaser ad vised the panel ol requirements it must meet to legalls oiler video poker "We think we (.an design a game that w ill salistv the attor nev general s criteria." Daves said I le said a spec il ii proposal could he presented to the ( om mission as earlv as its next meeting in ()< foher lie acknowledged lie ma\ have a tough job ol selling the idea around the state in the ta< e ol politii al opposition to it The ('.itv of Portland and three counties so far have Inrmalls gone on ret ord against having state operated video poker in their areas I'rohmmaver said the loiters could override am loi al ordi nam es to the ( ontrars and set up video poker anvwhere Hut (Ins Ned ('.oldsc hnndt s\ ho appoints the l.otters ( ommis sum. has said the state won't impose the game on areas that don't want it The 1‘IH‘I l egislature author i/.erl the loiters to establish a video game Plans ssere to pro dure an estimated $.ia million a scar in net resetltie. ss ilh SJ . million for ( ollege lac nils sala PEDAL FOR A 89 Jk BIKE-A-THON FOR PEACE IN CENTRAL AMERICA Skinner Butte Park to Armitage Park and McKenzie View Drive (2b miles) SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th. 10 am T-SHIRTS & PRIZES FOR RIDERS' WIN A BIKE FROM PAUL'S BIKESHOP! Register by October 7th at your local bike shop or call CISCAP at 485-8633 A t*.-' «-M La tn** pie ‘ N Gurflen a'4 \ I louse Maturity l.e.uler l)a\ ul I )i\. who said \\ iederaenders had inadvertently walked a wav w ill) a page from a i .1111 us Imam lal report that was on file with the state The lugeue Democrat said although Wiederaenders had done so bv mistake the i am us i hief del iiled to ipiil he< atise Ins ai lion created a perception problem tin Mouse I )emoi rats (aimpaign finance dot urnents on file with tin' secretary of state can be viewed Iw mem tiers of llie pufilii . but it is illegal to remove them trom tlie offii e w ithout authorization l)is said he returned the page from the can i us ( ampainn report to the mm rotary ot state's offii e initni'ill.itrK .liter lie discovered that \\ iederaenders had walked aua\ with It Iasi lliesdax l or his part Wiederaenders, Ill said he didn't purposely remove the doc ument "ll w.isn I intended hut I d rather not dis i iiss it said Wiederaenders who's been le sponsible loi ihi' da\ to da\ operations ot the I louse Democrat u c.auc us since mid t'lfto I he i am ns has mini' runlet scrntim he cause, .iniiiiiu other llimRs, it tailed to report a S I(I IHIIi contribution it rei eiveil in I'tHH troni stale Rep Metis Ri|ken. I) Newport I )i\ earlier had said I hat the i am tis had f tills reported all i oiilribulions it ret eived I'lie pane that Wiederaenders look trom the set rotary ot stale’s oflit e showed that in !a< I the $ ll).(M)t) contribution had not been listed ill lire earn us financial report (aunmoii I atise t lied discrepant ies in con tribiitiou and expenditure reports ot die three i anipainu funds Their way FINISH You can save literally days of work between now and grad uation. Simply by using an HP calculator. To keep you from endlessly retracing your steps, ours have built-in shortcuts. Such as the unique HP Solve function for creating your own formulas. Menus, labels and prompts. Program libraries. Algebraic or RPN models. ! IHk't HrwMl flukanl < om|wn> Better algorithms and chip design help you finish much faster and more accurately than their way. So, whether you’re in engineering, busi ness, finance, life or social sciences, we’ve got tin* best calculator for you. For as little as $49.95. Check it out at your campus bookstore or 111* retailer. ■ Our way r 1 fLLct FINISH There is a better way.